Clockwise: Eva Mayerhöffer, Seth Lewis, Steve Reese, Mark Deuze, Helle Sjovaag, Barbie Zerlizer
Clockwise: Eva Mayerhöffer, Seth Lewis, Steve Reese, Mark Deuze, Helle Sjovaag, Barbie Zerlizer
© Roskilde University, University of Oregon, The University of Texas at Austin, University of Amsterdam, Jan Kåre Wilhelmsen, Penn Today

Post-Journalism: Six international journalism researchers as guests in the master's seminar

(28.04.2022) For the guest lectures in his master's seminar "Post-journalism: The reconstruction and deconstruction of journalism" Thorsten Quandt could recruit six international journalism researchers in the 2022 summer semester to discuss the current transformation processes in journalism.

Journalism is in crisis – this assessment is not new, but quite persistent. Especially the advent of online and mobile communication is changing the work of many journalists around the world. Many researchers claim that social media, for example, are causing transformation processes in this area, since the public no longer relies exclusively on professionalized news organizations due to lowered access barriers to information production and distribution.

This leads to de- and reconstruction processes, as well as conflicts between media and society, as new actors (like so called 'alternative media') and intermediaries (like online platform providers) gain further relevance while traditional journalistic outlets suffer. So, does this mean the decline of "mainstream journalism"?

Due to its international orientation, the seminar deals with the de- and reconstruction processes of journalism from different perspectives of literature and practice.

In a series of interactive zoom and live meetings, invited specialized international reseachers will also provide insights into these journalism systems and their research, as well as offer the opportunity for discussion with the students.

  • 02.05.2022 Mark Deuze, University of Amsterdam (Netherlands), 12 p.m. – Zoom
  • 16.05.2022 Helle Sjovaag, Stavanger University (Norway), 12 p.m. – Zoom
  • 23.05.2022 Eva Mayerhöffer, Roskilde University (Denmark), 12 p.m. – Live
  • 13.06.2022 Seth Lewis, University of Oregon (USA), 12 p.m. – Zoom
  • 22.06.2022 Steve Reese, University of Texas at Austin (USA), 6 p.m. – Zoom
  • 07.07.2022 Barbie Zelizer, Annenberg School of Communication University of Pennsylvania (USA), 6 p.m. – Zoom

Interested scientists and students of the IfK can send an E-Mail to Prof. Quandt ( to participate in the guest lectures. The number of spaces is limited.

The access data for the respective zoom meetings will be communicated individually.

Contact person public relations:
Dr. Stephan Völlmicke
Telefon: +49 251 83-23006
Telefax: +49 251 83-21310 (Geschäftszimmer IfK)