Governance, Networks and Practices pursuing Sustainability at Universities – A Comparative Analysis

Duration: 01.01.2024 - 31.10.2025

Conductor:  Prof. Dr. Sigrid Kannengießer

Assistance: Monika Dzialas

Funding: Federal Ministry of Education and Research

Keywords: Sustainability practices at universities, university communication, network analysis, transformative research


The aim of the project is to analyze current governance processes, networks and practices at universities that pursue the goal of sustainability. A qualitative empirical study is conducted on the theoretical basis of sociological practice theory, governance concepts for universities, network theory, sustainability concepts and existing research on sustainability practices at universities. In this study, the research question is posed: Which governance processes, network structures and sustainability practices do actors from different university status groups (Whole Institutional Approach) use to make universities more sustainable and what specific goals are they pursuing? This question is answered through an empirical study that triangulates qualitative interviews, non-participant observations and focus groups. Problems and ambivalences in the practices and goals of the actors are reconstructed. As part of the collaborative research project "Bremen Goes Sustainable. A university region on the way to sustainability", the project focuses the university landscape in Bremen, Germany, as an example, but draws transferable findings from the results for other universities.