Entrance to the IfK
Department of Communication (IfK)

Welcome to the Department of Communication (IfK) at the University of Münster.

Here you will find current news and all relevant information about studying at the IfK, get to know lecturers and learn more about our scientific research projects. We appreciate your interest.

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New edition of the renowned public relations handbook published

The newly designed and fundamentally revised fourth edition of the Handbook of Public Relations was published at the beginning of the year. Edited by Peter Szyszka, Romy Fröhlich and Ulrike Röttger, the handbook offers a comprehensive overview of the research and action field of public relations on around 1,100 pages.

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New ERASMUS partnership between the IfK and Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest

The IfK Münster has a new partnership with the Department of Media and Communication at Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest. Starting in the coming winter semester 2025/26, bachelor's and master's students at the IfK will have the opportunity to study in the Hungarian capital for a semester as part of the ERASMUS programme.

© IfK

New version of the volkeR package released

Jakob Jünger and Henrieke Kotthoff have released version 3.0 of the volkeR package on CRAN. The new version now includes cluster analyses and principal component analyses. This allows groups to be identified in data sets and variables to be summarised into dimensions in order to clearly present complex relationships.

© IfK | Lars-Ole Wehden

Call for the annual conference of the journalism studies/journalism research group published

In autumn 2025, the IfK will host the annual conference of the Journalism Studies/Journalism Research Group in Münster on the topic of ‘Journalism and Borders’. The conference will take place from 24 to 26 September as a face-to-face event in the rooms of the Language Centre at Bispinghof. A doctoral colloquium will also open the conference on 24 September.