Academic Education
- Doctoral studies in Mathematics Education, University of Münster
- Teacher in training in Mathematics & Physics, ZfSL Rheine
- Masters' program (Master of Education) in Mathematics & Physics, University of Münster
- Masters' program (Master of Science) in Physics, University of Münster
- Bachelors' program in Physics (Bachelor of Science) and in Mathematics & Physics (Zweifach Bachelor), University of Münster
- Abitur (A-levels) Annette-von-Droste-Hülshoff Gymnasium in Münster
- Doctoral studies in Mathematics Education, University of Münster
- Referent at Jugendbildungsstätte Gilwell Sankt Ludger in Haltern
- Student assistant at the Institute of Applied Physics (MExLab Physik), University of Münster
- Student assistant at Physical Institute (Supervision of the experimental exercises in physics for minor students), University of Münster
- Seminar: Seminar Diversity in Mathematics: Mathematics in real applications [106592]
(in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Gilbert Greefrath) - Praxisbezogene Studien: Studies accompanying the Practical Semester (concurrent) in Mathematics [104176]
- Seminar: Seminar Diversity in Mathematics: Mathematics in real applications [104173]
- Praxisbezogene Studien: Studies accompanying the Practical Semester (preparatory) in Mathematics [104176]
- Praxisbezogene Studien: Studies accompanying the Practical Semester (concurrent) in Mathematics [100677]
- Praxisbezogene Studien: Studies accompanying the Practical Semester (concurrent) in Mathematics [100676]
- Praxisbezogene Studien: Project Seminar "Practical Semester" in Mathematics [100677]
- Praxisbezogene Studien: Project Seminar "Practical Semester" in Mathematics [100676]
- Seminar: Mathematics in real applications [108671]
- Praxisbezogene Studien: Project Seminar "Practical Semester" in Mathematics [106682]
- Seminar: Mathematics in real applications [106677]
- Praxisbezogene Studien: Project Seminar "Practical Semester" in Mathematics [106682]
- Blockseminar: Preparatory Course [100707]
- Seminar: Mathematics in real applications [102667]
(in cooperation with Maxim Brnic) - Praxisbezogene Studien: Project Seminar "Practical Semester" in Mathematics [102671]
- Tutorial Mathematics Education [102665]
(in cooperation with Friederike Ostkirchen, Laura Wirth)
- Seminar: Special issues of mathematics education: Children with dyscalculia - Diagnosis and encouragement [100697]
(in cooperation with Dr. Sabrina Heiderich)
- Seminar: Seminar Diversity in Mathematics: Mathematics in real applications [106592]
- PiMo – Personal interest and modelling ( – )
Own Resources Project - Learning Center – Unterstützungsangebote zum Lehren und Lernen von Mathematik ( – )
Own Resources Project
- PiMo – Personal interest and modelling ( – )
- Kämmerer, Melanie. . “Working on modelling tasks with much or little interest in the real-world context of the task—A comparison.” in Researching Mathematical Modelling Education in Disruptive Times , edited by H.-S. Siller, V. Geiger and G. Kaiser. Berlin: Springer Nature. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-53322-8.
- Kämmerer, Melanie. . “Bearbeitung von Modellierungsaufgaben mit viel/wenig persönlichem Interesse am real-weltlichen Aufgabenkontext.” in Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht 2022, edited by IDMI-Primar Goethe-Universität Frankfurt. Münster: Verlag für wissenschaftliche Texte und Medien. doi: 10.17877/DE290R-23657.
- Kämmerer, Melanie. . “Students’ use of assumptions to solve a modelling task with much or little personal interest in the real-world context of the task.” in Proceedings of the Thirteenth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME13), edited by P. Drijvers, H. Palmér and K. Gosztonyi. Budapest: Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics and ERME.
- Kämmerer, M. . “Comparison of the working on modelling tasks when students have or do not have personal interest in the real-world context of the task.” in Proceedings of the Twelfth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME12), Vol. 12 of CERME Proceedings Series, edited by J. Hodgen, E. Geraniou, G. Bolondi and F. Ferretti. N/A: Selbstverlag / Eigenverlag.
Scientific Talks
- Kämmerer, M. : “Working on modelling tasks with much or little interest in the real-world context of the task – a comparison. How are assumptions justified?” 20th International Conference on the Teaching of Mathematical Modelling and Applications, Würzburg (online), .
- Kämmerer, M. : “Personal interest and modelling tasks (PiMo). Comparison of the work on modelling tasks with much or little interest in the real-world context of the task”. 12th YERME Summer School, Linz, .
Melanie Charlotte Claudia Kämmerer, MSc, MEd