„Just do it!“?

Anti-procrastination training for researchers
© CERes

Target group: doctoral and postdoctoral researchers

Do you often find yourself answering emails or tackling small administrative tasks instead of working on your current research project? Tim Urban, in his 2016 TED Talk, attributes this to an inner “instant gratification monkey” that hijacks self-regulation, prioritising quick and enjoyable tasks over large, complex projects. This workshop explores the cognitive and emotional processes behind procrastination, helping you recognise your own behavioural patterns and develop strategies to regain control. However, you won’t be free from procrastination by the end of this workshop!


  • Understand the cognitive and emotional processes of procrastination and its facilitating conditions

  •  Recognise personal behavioural patterns using self-selected examples

  • Develop individual prevention and response strategies using the ZRM®

Method: We will partly work with the Zurich Resource Model (ZRM®), an evidence-based approach that considers both conscious desires and unconscious needs. Through this model, you will examine your cognitive, emotional, and physiological patterns related to procrastination.

Requirements: Participants will keep a procrastination diary and complete a procrastination test (only available in German language) prior to the workshop.

Facilitator: Rebecca Meier (CERes)

Diese Veranstaltung findet in englischer Sprache statt. // This event will be held in English.


If you would like to participate in this event and it is already marked as fully booked, you are welcome to join the waiting list. It often happens that registered participants cancel their attendance, which creates available spots. Free spots are allocated in the order of waiting list registrations. If spots become available within 72 hours before the event starts, we will notify several registrants simultaneously. These spots will then be allocated on a 'first come, first served' basis.