Writing gurus

With Department for PhD Candidates & English Support Service
© CERes

Target group: doctoral researchers

These three sessions are designed to help you get into the habit of writing regularly and productively. Inspired by the Pomodoro technique, each session is split into intervals with clear goals. The first session focuses on prewriting strategies. The second session, which is run jointly with our Department for PhD Candidates, is a freestyle session dedicated to writing. The third session focuses on time and task management. All sessions provide a structured space for hands-on writing, allowing some time for mutual peer support and the discussion of your personal writing challenges. Four participants who complete their drafts during the workshop can attend a 45-minute writing consultation with Dr. Julie Davies from our University’s Academic Editing Service on Tuesday, February 18. Improve your writing skills – don’t miss out!


Session 1: Tuesday, February 4, 09:00–11:30 (Zoom)
Session 2: Wednesday, February 5, 18:00–20:00 (Schlossplatz 6, room 001)
Session 3: Tuesday, February 11, 09:00–11:30 (Zoom)
Four writing consultations: Tuesday, February 18 (Zoom)


  • Use a prewriting technique to find the focus of the section

  • Apply time and task management strategies to establish a more productive and enjoyable writing routine

  • Complete the first draft of one section of a paper or dissertation

Requirement: You will be registering once to attend three sessions (4, 5 & 11 Feb 2025). Please register only if you can commit to attending all sessions!

Facilitator: Dr. Iva Ognjanovic (CERes), with Department for PhD Candidates and Dr. Julie Davies (University’s Academic Editing Service)

Diese Veranstaltung findet in englischer Sprache statt. // This event will be held in English.
