Open Science and career success

© CERes

Target group: doctoral and postdoctoral researchers 

Open science (OS) embodies scientists’ responsibility towards society by encompassing transparency and robustness of the entire research cycle. Thus, OS consists not only of open access and research data management but also transparent acknowledgment of contributions, reproducible code, usage of pre-prints, innovative publication formats and free journals, citizen science, overhauled research assessment, big team science, open source software, and much more. In this workshop, we will discuss several aspects of open science / open scholarship and why and how researchers should adopt them.

  • What is open science and open scholarship?
  • Why is openness better?
  • How can OS be a career asset?
  • How to use existing OS tools?


  • Learn about the numerous facets of OS and the open science reform

  • Discuss past and future developments in your own field of research

  • Integrate OS into your research workflow

Facilitator: Dr. Lukas Röseler (MüCOS)

Diese Veranstaltung findet in englischer Sprache statt. // This event will be held in English.


If you would like to participate in this event and it is already marked as fully booked, you are welcome to join the waiting list. It often happens that registered participants cancel their attendance, which creates available spots. Free spots are allocated in the order of waiting list registrations. If spots become available within 72 hours before the event starts, we will notify several registrants simultaneously. These spots will then be allocated on a 'first come, first served' basis.