• Vita

    seit 2018 Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
    Professor (W3) für Ethnologie am Institut für Ethnologie
    2008 - 2018 Universität zu Köln
    Professor (W2) für Ethnologie an der Philosophischen Fakultät
    2005 - 2008 Indiana University, Bloomington (USA)
    Assistenzprofessur am Department of Religious Studies
    2005 Freie Universität Berlin
    Habilitation am Institut für Ethnologie (venia legendi für Ethnologie)
    1997 - 2004 Freie Universität Berlin
    Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Institut für Ethnologie
    1996 Frobenius-Institut, Frankfurt am Main
    Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
    1993 - 1996 Yale University, New Haven (USA)
    M. Phil. und Ph.D., Department of Social & Cultural Anthropology
    1990 Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
    Magistra Artium in Ethnologie, Soziologie und Biologie


  • Forschungsprojekt

    Living Religious Plurality in Uganda

    My book project, tentatively entitled “Living Religious Plurality in Uganda”, explores possibilities for, and forms of, religious plurality and coexistence in present-day Uganda, with particular attention to how the legal -institutional parameters of the post-colonial state and authoritarian forms of governance have been affecting inter-religious relations “on the ground”. I explore these questions by privileging the perspective of Muslims who, as members of a religious minority, look back at a longer history of stigmatization and systemic marginalization on the part of Christian-dominated governments. By asking how Muslims relate to and push against the legal-bureaucratic boundaries set by the postcolonial regime of religious regulation, the book seeks to fill a lacuna in anthropological scholarship on religious diversity in Africa that, so far, has tended to focus mostly on the interpersonal level of identity constructions and daily interactions with religious “others”.

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