Dr. Giacomo Mariani
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Dr. Giacomo Mariani
Käte Hamburger Kolleg "Einheit und Vielfalt im Recht"
Raum 6014
Servatiiplatz 9
48143 Münster
T: +49 251 83-22607

Giacomo Mariani war von April 2024 bis September 2024 Fellow des Kollegs.

  • Vita

    Following undergraduate and postgraduate studies at the University of Bologna in literary studies, I have earned a PhD in co-tutelle at the Scuola di Alti Studi of the Fondazione Collegio San Carlo in Modena and at the Medieval Studies Department of the Central European University in Budapest (2019). I have worked for the Diocesan historical archive of Imola and as a freelance archivist and researcher. I have held post-doctoral positions at the University of Modena for two years (2020-2022) and I have received a one-year bursary from the Fondazione Michele Pellegrino in Turin (2022-2023). My studies focus on the religious, social and intellectual history of early modern Italy (XVth-XVIth centuries), with special interest in popular preaching, the Holy Office, religious dissent, juridical sources and early modern juridical archives.

  • Forschungsprojekt

    Legal plurality in sixteenth-century Papal State. A case-study on the Inquisition trial against the Portuguese Jews of Ancona (1555-1556)

    I am currently working on a research project on the case of the Portuguese Jews of Ancona, persecuted, dispersed and – in some cases – burnt at the stake by the Inquisition between 1555 and 1556. A dossier of hitherto unknown documents allows a new reading of this juridical affair. During my research stay in Münster, I will focus on studying the simultaneity of plurality and singularity in the legal system of the sixteenth-century Papal State. I will focus on the analysis of the legal stratification implied in the persecution of the Sephardi Jewish community of Ancona, concentrating especially on the overlapping of competences between the newly founded supreme religious court of the Holy Office and the civil legal system of the Papal State, the interrelations and the contradictions this produced. Moreover, I will research into the relationship between the peripheral and central legal actors, both of the religious and the civil courts, as well as the role played by the fiscal authority of the Reverenda Camera Apostolica, which controlled the goods and assets confiscated to the tried Portuguese Jews. Finally, I will take into account the violent effect brought onto the legal system, its interpretation and especially its actors by the transformations caused by successions on the papal see.

  • Einschlägige Veröffentlichungen

    Mariani, Giacomo: Roberto Caracciolo da Lecce (1425-1495). Life, Works, and Fame of a Renaissance Preacher, Leiden/Boston 2022.

    Mariani, Giacomo: L’Inquisizione romana a Imola. Processi, Vols. I–II: (1551–1592), Imola 2021.

    Mariani, Giacomo: Il nonconformismo religioso quattrocentesco al vaglio dei predicatori, in Prima di Lutero. Nonconformismi religiosi nel Quattrocento italiano, in: Rivista storica italiana 129 (2017), 962-983.

    Mariani, Giacomo: "Origenistas, qui dicunt in fine omnes diabolos ac homines fore salvandos": Considerazioni sull’origenismo quattrocentesco dai sermoni di Roberto Caracciolo da Lecce e di altri predicatori del XV secolo, in: Adamantius 21 (2015), 353-372.