Paper accepted: Dietary protein levels in isoenergetic diets affect the performance, nutrient utilization and retention of nitrogen and amino acids of Hermetia illucens larvae (Diptera: Stratiomyidae)
Today, a manuscript has been accepted for publication in the journal Insects to which we contributed our expertise in chitin and chitosan biology and chemistry, in particular our post-doc Dr. Stefan Cord-Landwehr’s analytical expertise.

Review accepted: A Bioactivity Matrix for Antimicrobial Activities of Chitosans: A review

Last but not last Christmas party – there is always a next…
Paper accepted: Plant nano-immunoengineering and biostimulant applications of Ti3C2Tx MXene colloids for enhanced systemic defense against phytopathogens and stress resistance mechanisms
Today, Dr. Soofia Khanahmadi’s manuscript on the induction of disease resistance in plants by mixed-low-dimensional MXene, the latest class of carbon-based nanomaterials, has been accepted in the top-ranked journal Advanced Functional Materials.
Review accepted: Chitins and Chitosans - A Tale of Discovery and Disguise, of Attachment and Attainment
Today, the review on chitosans in the cell walls of phytopathogenic fungi written by Mounashree Student, Margareta Hellmann, Dr. Stefan Cord-Landwehr and Prof. Bruno Moerschbacher was accepted for publication.

Enschede Slush’D: The founders of our coming start-up AgriBluBio visited the Start-up Fair Slush’D in Enschede
Paper accepted: “Transcriptomics reveal a mechanism of niche defense: two beneficial root endophytes deploy a host-protective antimicrobial GH18-CBM5 chitinase”
Today, Ruben Eichfeld’s paper describing how a fungal endophyte of plant roots influences the interaction of the roots with the rhizosphere microbiome as well as with a fungal pathogen, was accepted for publication in the renowned journal “New Phytologist”.
AbDü project: a visit at Behr AG in Seevetal to plan this year’s field trials
Today, Anika Jürß and Prof. Bruno Moerschbacher visited Alexandra Schulz and Dr. Georg Mevenkamp at the premises of Behr AG in Seevetal, South of Hamburg.

December 6, 2023: Nikolaus visited us!

Summer Party of Schlossplatz 8: Super Heroes on the move

17th Summer Course Glycosciences, Wageningen, the Netherlands
farewell party for Martin Bonin and Christin Meier
Today, after the successful defence of his doctoral thesis, Martin Bonin invited the whole group to his farewell party, jointly with Christin Meier who has worked with us as an excellent and steadily increasingly precious research technician.
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Welcome Carlos Alberto Chaves Girao Neto, our latest sandwich doctoral candidate from Brazil
Today, Carlos Girao, a doctoral researcher in Chemical Engineering supervised by Prof. Dr. Maria Valderez Ponte Rocha from the Chemical Engineering Department of the Federal University of Ceará in Brazil, has joined our group for a six months sandwich research stay.
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Composition and charge compensation in chitosan/gum arabic complex coacervates in dependence on pH and salt concentration
Today, Philipp Schröder’s second publication in collaboration with Dr. Stefan Cord-Landwehr has been published in the renowned journal Biomacromolecules.
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Paper accepted: Chitosan as enabling polymeric binder material for silicon-graphite based anodes in lithium ion batteries
Today, the third paper [B1] on using chitosans as a material in ‘green’ batteries in which our doctoral candidate Max Linhorst was involved has been accepted for publication in the journal Energy Technology.
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