Code𝛘 Summer School: Katharina Eickelpasch joined the “Light and Electron Microscopy” Summer School at TU Dresden
Our doctoral candidate Katharina Eickelpasch visited the first Code𝛘 Summer School on “Light and Electron Microscopy” supervised by Dr. Luca Bertinetti from the Center for Molecular Bioengineering at TU Dresden. Ten Code𝛘 doctoral and one post-doctoral researcher from nine different universities and research institutions had the unique opportunity to not only be introduced to the theoretical background of basic and advanced microscopy, but also to deepen their knowledge in three different practical sessions. A variety of different microscopy techniques were discussed, ranging from Light Microscopy and Correlative Light and Transmission Electron Microscopy to Volume Electron Microscopy and the preparation of biological samples. The program was led by six renowned lecturers from the TU Dresden, Leipzig University, the Max Planck Institute for Cell Biology and Genomics in Dresden, the Max Planck Institute for Biology in Tübingen, and the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces in Potsdam. However, it was not only the scientific expertise of the young scientists in terms of microscopy techniques that was promoted, but the networking among the participants and lecturers from diverse fields of research was equally important and valuable. There was a lively exchange of ideas on scientific topics and methods also beyond microscopy over a joined dinner at the “Elbufer”. All in all, the summer school in beautiful Dresden was a huge success, with all participants certainly gaining a lot of valuable knowledge and precious new contacts, thanks to the excellent coordination by Dr. Luca Bertinetti and his organization team working together with the Code𝛘 coordination office in Siegen.