August 30, 2023: pitch on Demo Day: Dr. Sruthi Sreekumar and Dr. Carolin Richter successfully presented their start-up idea greEnCAP at this year’s RootCamp Accelerator Demo Day

Today, this year's RootCamp Accelerator programme ended with a demo day where our alumnae Dr. Sruthi Sreekumar and Dr. Carolin Richter had the opportunity to pitch the idea for their start-up greEnCAP to industry giants, initiating potential collaborations with enthusiastic stakeholders. They are in the process of preparing the start-up foundation of greEnCAP, developing bio-plant-protection products based on novel mixtures of natural ingredients combined using their patented chitosan-based encapsulation technology. They had been selected to participate at this prestigious and highly competitive program among just seven Ag and Food tech start-ups selected from all over the world. In the 12-week-long program that started in April, they had access to coaches, mentors and experts from the AgTech world to help them gain deeper insights into the industry. The RootCamp Accelerator program has been an excellent learning opportunity for the founders and a robust platform to exhibit their innovative concepts.