Laufende Dissertationsprojekte

  • Fatmas Altuntas-Ates

    Verstehenstheorie im islamischen geistigen Erbe. Eine usulitische Studie im Lichte der allgemeinen Hermeneutik

    Betreuer: Prof. Dr. Marco Schöller

  • Alsayed Said Alrahmany

    Vertrauenstheorie im islamischen Denken, eine usulitische Studie im Lichte der allgemeinen Hermeneutik

    Betreuer: Prof. Dr. Thomas Bauer

  • Noureddine Boulouh

    Faḍāʾil al-Qurʾān (Die Vorzüge des Korans)

    Betreuer: Prof. Dr. Thomas Bauer

  • Kevser Erol

    Die Beziehung zwischen den Staaten des Arabischen Frühlings und der Europäischen Union, im Besonderen Deutschland

    Betreuer: Prof. Dr. Marco Schöller

  • Lamis Fayed

    Endzeitfiguren: Der Zusammenhang der apokalyptischen Texte der abbrahamitischen Religionen

    Betreuer: Prof. Dr. Marco Schöller, Co-Tutelle mit Prof. Giuseppe Veltri, Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies, Uni Hamburg 

  • Nevine Fayek

    Arabic Prose Poetry – a Path of its Own. A Revision of the Genre’s History. Reviewing Early Approaches to Prose Poetry from the Egyptian Press Archive of the 1930ies and 1940ies 

    Betreuerin: AOR Dr. Barbara Winckler

  • Jens G. Fischer

    Poesie und Politik. Arabische Herrscherlobdichtung als Medium politischer Kommunikation im postseldschukischen Nahen Osten.

    Betreuer: Prof. Dr. Thomas Bauer

  • Falk Griemert

    Kohäsion und Macht. Herrschaftsverständnis und politische Praxis in der islamischen Geschichte.

    Betreuer: Prof. Dr. Marco Schöller

  • Rokhshana Khorosh

    Deobandi-Schulen in Indien 

    Betreuer: Prof. Dr. Marco Schöller

  • Natalie Kraneiß


    Prophetische Abstammung zwischen Evidenz, Glaubwürdigkeit und Zweifel: Die Nachfahren von ʿAbd al-Qādir al-Ǧīlānī in Marokko und Syrien im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert

    Prof. Dr. Syrinx von Hees
    Arabistik und Islamwissenschaft
    Angestrebter Abschlussgrad
    Dr. phil.
    Verleihender Fachbereich
    Fachbereich 09 – Philologie
  • Samir Mubayd

    Šihāb ad-Dīn Ibn Faḍlallāh und seine literarischen Briefe 

    Betreuer: Prof. Dr. Thomas Bauer

  • Kamil Öktem

    Diskurs und Diskursanalyse in der sunnitischen Koranexegese (tafsīr) – Faḫr ad-Dīn ar-Rāzī (gest. 1210) im Spannungsfeld exegetischer Polemiken. Übersetzung und Analyse des sprachbezogenen ersten Kapitels der Einführung des Tafsīr al-kabīr

    Betreuer: Prof. Dr. Thomas Bauer

  • Yvonne Prief

    Institutionen des islamischen Rechts in Europa. Islamische Mediation und Schiedsgerichtbarkeit in Großbritannien

    Betreuer: Prof. Dr. Norbert Oberauer

  • Tobias Sick

    DFG-Teilprojekt: Innerislamischer Wissenstransfer im Osmanischen Reich: Zu Übersetzungen islamischer Mystik im Rahmen transregionaler Sufinetzwerke in den anatolischen und osmanischen Provinzen

    Betreuer: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Philip Bockholt


  • Thomas Thiemann

    Kranksein in der arabisch-islamischen Kultur

    Betreuerin: Prof. Dr. Syrinx von Hees

  • Stephan Tölke

    Ibn Nubāta's Fürstenspiegel Sulūk duwal al-mulūk: How secular could political thought be in the Mamluk period

    Betreuer: Prof. Dr. Thomas Bauer, Prof. Dr. Marco Schöller


    Toelke Handschrift

    Ibn Nubāta al-Miṣrī's (1287-1366) Fürstenspiegel Sulūk duwal al-mulūk bears witness to an aspect of his literary legacy which to this day has been largely neglected by scholars studying political thought in the Islamic world. This comes as a surprise, since he was one of the first Islamic political theorists who, in his conceptions of 'ideal rule', shifted from a theocentric to an anthropocentric model. Ibn Nubāta's treatise is part of a long tradition of mirrors for princes, but breaks with the basic motif of the moral and pious ruler. This is done so overtly that one would expect his contemporaries and later generations to have refuted, or at least criticised, his political views, but nothing of the sort is known. This leads us to the central question of this paper: How secular could political thought be in the Mamluk period?

    By exploring the treatise's general conception of 'ideal rule', I will attempt to answer the following questions: How is an 'ideal ruler' described and legitimized? What role does religion play in this conception? Is it appropriate to speak of a secular approach towards politics in the case of Ibn Nubāta?


  • Camilla Zeidan

    Deutsche Zugänge zum Islam. Textuelle Rezeption und Islamverständnis von Konvertitinnen

    Betreuer: Prof. Dr. Marco Schöller

Abgeschlossene Dissertationsprojekte

  • Mohammed Al-Hroot

    Die Bedeutung der populären isomorphen Vokabeln für den Arabischunterricht als Fremdsprache 

  • Katharina Müller

    Die jungen Kosmopoliten. Eine Analyse zeitgenössischer türkischer Literatur von Esmahan Aykul, Asli Erdoğan und Elif Şafak unter dem Aspekt der kulturellen Globalisierung 

  • Raid Al-Daghistani

    Die Epistemologie des Herzens. Erkenntnisaspekte der islamischen Mystik

  • Suayip Seven

    Die traditionelle Hadith-Hermeneutik im Angesicht der modernen Ansätze der Ankaraner Schule

  • Sami Al-Daghistani

    The Concept of Maslaha and economic justice in Islam 

  • Ursula Paszehr

    Die Totenklage in Jordanien. Dimensionen und Funktionen 

  • Svantje Bartschat

    Islamische Tradition und Dschihad, dargestellt anhand der arabischen Textgattung von Hadîth-Anthologien

  • Cüneyd Yıldırım

    Sufismus und Modernität - Muḥammad Nūr al-ʿArabī in seiner Zeit

  • Lars Marcus Petrisson

    Writing as Re-enchantment - Mystical Currents in the Contemporary Arabic and Turkish Novel

    Against the backdrop of the political unrest and rapid societal cataclysm that currently occur in the Arab world and Turkey, the multifaceted regional discourses on Identity gain contemporary relevance. Ever since the outbreak of Arab Spring in 2011 the oppressive, authoritarian political models, omnipresent in Near Eastern societies, are increasingly suffering difficulties to legitimate their power. Violation of democracy and human rights in the name of political stability appears to be a no longer valid argument. Furthermore, cultural, societal and even religious dogmas are being questioned at a progressive rate. For a more profound understanding of the mechanisms fostering present-day developments, a closer look at the vivid literary debates on Identity in the Arab world and Turkey are beneficial and eligible. A recurring theme in these debates has been the contrasting juxtaposition between European modernity and local cultural tradition. Is total rejection of the own past necessary to become true modernists? If not, how can one relate to tradition, avoiding taking a forfeited, reactionary position?

    This thesis will examine the revival of Islamic mysticism, a significant cornerstone to both cultural traditions, in the contemporary Arabic and Turkish novel. To what extend could the turn to Islamic mysticism in both Near Eastern literatures be seen as a process of critical Self-examination? Is the appropriation of mystical language, tropes and philosophy by contemporary Arabic and Turkish literati an attempt to reconcile with the past and overcome cultural paradoxes? Or is this phenomenon rather to be seen as a regional manifestation of a postmodern “Re-enchantment” that, aligned with critics of modernity such as Weber, Heidegger and T.S Eliot, seek to heal a disenchanted world and provide endowment with meaning to the present?

    These questions will be examined on the basis of a selected number of contemporary Arabic and Turkish novels. Departing from the chosen examples, a picture is drawn where mysticism forms a main source of literary inspiration and becomes a mode to establish continuity with the past. Islamic mysticism is in this context not solely a passively transmitted cultural artifact; it quite the contrary becomes a mayor instrument to construct Identity and meaning to a post-industrial society. In this respect the act of writing becomes prayer of a sort; storytelling enables the Self to rest from the dreary political realities of authoritarian modernist ideologies. Thus, writing, in contrast to reason-driven, materialist, modernity becomes meaningful, enables the Self to connect with something beyond immanent reality; in one word, writing becomes “re-enchantment”. In this context, the turn to mysticism paradoxically enables the contemporary Arabic and Turkish novel to merge with universalism and world literature.

    Keywords: Islamic Mysticism, Arabic-Turkish, Contemporary Novel, Re-enchantment, Identity, Endowment with meaning, Universalism

    Lars Marcus Petrisson M.A.
    © Lars Marcus Petrisson
  • Ulrike Qubaja

    Conflict resolution in Palestinian societies – Empirical study on the institution of Ṣulḥ in the context of legal pluralism

  • Iyad Shraim

    Klon-Mensch in der Literatur. Ein literarischer Interdiskurs im deutschen und arabischen Raum

  • Rana Siblini

    The Psychology of Estrangement and Nostalgia in Classical Arabic Literature