Prof. Dr. Heike Trautmann

Prof. Dr. Heike Trautmann

Leonardo Campus 3
48149 Münster


nach Vereinbarung

  • Forschungsschwerpunkte

    • Mehrkriterielle Optimierung
    • Evolutionäre Optimierung
    • Automatisierte Algorithmenselektion und -konfiguration
    • Data Stream Mining
    • Data Science
    • Künstliche Intelligenz
  • Vita

    Akademische Ausbildung

    Habilitation im Fach Statistik: ”Statistical and Experimental Methods in Single- and Multi- Objective (Evolutionary) Optimization”, TU Dortmund, Deutschland
    Promotion im Fach Statistik: „Qualitätskontrolle in der Industrie anhand von Kontrollkarten für Wünschbarkeitsindizes - Anwendungsfeld Lagerverwaltung“, Graduate School of Production Engineering and Logistics, Universität Dortmund, Deutschland
    Studium der Statistik, Universität Dortmund, Deutschland
    Studium der Wirtschaftsmathematik, Universität Dortmund, Deutschland

    Beruflicher Werdegang

    Professor of Data Science: Statistics and Optimization, University of Twente, NL
    Pascal Professorin, LIACS, Universität Leiden, Niederlande
    Prodekanin für Internationales, Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät
    Professorin für Wirtschaftsinformatik und Statistik, WWU Münster, Deutschland
    Postdoktorandin, Lehrstuhl für Computergestützte Statistik, TU Dortmund, Deutschland
    DFG Forschungsstipendium: „Der Einfluss von Modellunsicherheiten bei Wünschbarkeitsindizes und Pareto-Optimierung“, TU Dortmund, Deutschland
    Graduiertenkolleg Statistische Modellbildung, Universität Dortmund. Deutschland, Postdoktorandenstipendium
    Graduate School of Production Engineering and Logistics, Universität Dortmund, Deutschland, Doktorandenstipendium
    Roland Berger Strategy Consultants, München, Deutschland, Business Analytics Consultant
    Marketing Systems GmbH, Essen, Germany, Consultant

    Mitgliedschaften und Aktivitäten in Gremien

    Confederation of Laboratories for Artificial Intelligence Research in Europe (CLAIRE), Key supporter
    Wissenschaftliche Beirätin, Westphalia Data Lab (WDL), Münster
    ACM full member, ACM Sigevo
    Foundations of Genetic Algorithms (FOGA), Mitglied im Programmkomittee
    EVOLVE - A bridge between Probability, Set Oriented Numerics and Evolutionary Computation, Mitglied im Programmkomitee
    ACM-SIGEVO, Special Interest Group for Genetic and Evolutionary Computation, Association for Computing Machinery
    Global Young Faculty, Stiftung Mercator
    Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) , Mitglied im Programmkomitee
    International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving From Nature (PPSN), Mitglied im Programmkomitee
    IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), Mitglied im Programmkomitee
  • Publikationen

    • , , , und . . „Peak-A-Boo! Generating Multi-Objective Multiple Peaks Benchmark Problems with Precise Pareto Sets.“ In Proceedings of the International Conference Series on Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization, Bd.13970 aus Lecture Notes in Computer Science, herausgegeben von Ke Li und Hao Wang. Heidelberg: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-27250-9_21.
    • , und . . „Nullifying the Inherent Bias of Non-invariant Exploratory Landscape Analysis Features.“ In Applications of Evolutionary Computation, herausgegeben von J Correia, S Smith und R Qaddoura. Berlin: Springer Nature. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-30229-9_27.
    • , und . im Druck. „Pflacco: Feature-Based Landscape Analysis of Continuous and Constrained Optimization Problems in Python.Evolutionary Computation
    • , , , und . . „A Collection of Deep Learning-based Feature-Free Approaches for Characterizing Single-Objective Continuous Fitness Landscapes.“ In Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, herausgegeben von -. New York, NY: ACM Press. doi: 10.1145/3512290.3528834.
    • , , , , und . . „Artificial Social Media Campaign Creation for Benchmarking and Challenging Detection Approaches.“ In Workshop Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM), herausgegeben von Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI). Palo Alto, CA: AAAI Press. doi: 10.36190/2022.91.
    • , , , und . . „Automated Algorithm Selection in Single-Objective Continuous Optimization: A Comparative Study of Deep Learning and Landscape Analysis Methods.“ In Parallel Problem Solving from Nature -- PPSN XVII, herausgegeben von Günter Rudolph, Anna V. Kononova, Hernán Aguirre, Pascal Kerschke, Gabriela Ochoa und Tea Tušar. Basel: Springer International Publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-14714-2_1.
    • , , , , , und . . „HPO x ELA: Investigating Hyperparameter Optimization Landscapes by Means of Exploratory Landscape Analysis.“ In Parallel Problem Solving from Nature -- PPSN XVII, herausgegeben von Günter Rudolph, Anna V. Kononova, Hernán Aguirre, Pascal Kerschke, Gabriela Ochoa und Tea Tušar. Basel: Springer International Publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-14714-2_40.
    • , , , , , und . . „(Semi-)Automatische Kommentarmoderation zur Erhaltung Konstruktiver Diskurse.“ In Hate Speech - Definitionen, Ausprägungen, Lösungen, herausgegeben von Gerrit Weitzel und Stephan Mündges. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-35658-3_13.
    • , , , , und . . „Process-Oriented Stream Classification Pipeline: A Literature Review.Applied Sciences, Nr. 12 (8): 144. doi: 10.3390/app12189094.
    • , , , , , , , , , , , , , , und . . „Social Influence Analysis (SIA) in Online Social Networks.“ In Proceedings of the 4th Multidisciplinary International Symposium on Disinformation in Open Online Media (MISDOOM), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, herausgegeben von F Spezzano, A Amaral, D Ceolin, L Fazio und E Serra. Heidelberg: Springer.
    • , , , , , und . . „The objective that freed me: a multi-objective local search approach for continuous single-objective optimization.Natural Computing, Nr. 22 (2): 271285. doi: 10.1007/s11047-022-09919-w.
    • , , , , , und . . „BBE: Basin-Based Evaluation of Multimodal Multi-objective Optimization Problems.“ In Parallel Problem Solving from Nature -- PPSN XVII, herausgegeben von G Rudolph, AV Kononova, H Aguirre, P Kerschke, G Ochoa und T Tu{š}ar. Basel: Springer International Publishing.
    • , und . . „Textual One-Pass Stream Clustering with Automated Distance Threshold Adaption.“ In Intelligent Information and Database Systems, herausgegeben von Tet al. Tran. Basel: Springer International Publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-21743-2_1.
    • , , , und . . „On the Potential of Automated Algorithm Configuration on Multi-Modal Multi-Objective Optimization Problems.“ In Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion, GECCO '22, herausgegeben von J Fieldsend und M. Wagner. New York, NY: ACM Press. doi: 10.1145/3520304.3528998.
    • , , , , , und . . „A Study on the Effects of Normalized TSP Features for Automated Algorithm Selection.Theoretical Computer Science, Nr. 940 doi: 10.1016/j.tcs.2022.10.019.
    • , , , , und . . „Multi^3: Optimizing Multimodal Single-Objective Continuous Problems in the Multi-Objective Space by Means of Multiobjectivization.“ In Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization: 11th International Conference, EMO 2021, Shenzhen, China, March 28–31, 2021, Proceedings, herausgegeben von al. Ishibuchi. Heidelberg: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-72062-9_25.
    • , , , , und . . „Towards Feature-Free Automated Algorithm Selection for Single-Objective Continuous Black-Box Optimization.“ Beitrag präsentiert auf der IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, Orlando, Florida, USA
    • , , , , , und . . „RP-Mod & RP-Crowd: Moderator- and Crowd-Annotated German News Comment Datasets.“ Beitrag präsentiert auf der Proceedings of the Neural Information Processing Systems Track on Datasets and Benchmarks 1 (NeurIPS Datasets and Benchmarks 2021), Virtual Event
    • , , , , , , , und . . „Peeking beyond peaks: Challenges and research potentials of continuous multimodal multi-objective optimization.Computers and Operations Research, Nr. 136: 105489. doi: 10.1016/j.cor.2021.105489.
    • , , und . . „On the Potential of Normalized TSP Features for Automated Algorithm Selection.“ In Proceedings of the 16th ACM/SIGEVO Conference on Foundations of genetic Algorithms (FOGA XVI), herausgegeben von Association for Computing Machinery. New York, NY: ACM Press. doi: 10.1145/3450218.3477308.
    • , , , , , , und . . „Estimation of component reliability from superposed renewal processes by means of latent variables.Computational Statistics, Nr. 2021 doi: 10.1007/s00180-021-01124-0.
    • , , , , und . . „Benchmarking Crisis in Social Media Analytics: A Solution for the Data-Sharing Problem.Social Science Computer Review, Nr. online first doi: 10.1177/08944393211012268.
    • , , , , , , , , , , , und . . „What Is It About Humanity That We Can’t Give Away To Intelligent Machines? A European Perspective.International Journal of Information Management, Nr. 58 doi: 10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2021.102311.
    • , , , und . . „Towards Decision Support in Dynamic Bi-Objective Vehicle Routing.“ In Proceedings of the IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC) doi: 10.1109/CEC48606.2020.9185778.
    • , , und . . „Dynamic Bi-Objective Routing of Multiple Vehicles.“ In Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO '20) New York, NY: ACM Press.
    • , , und . . „Enhancing Resilience of Deep Learning Networks By Means of Transferable Adversaries.“ Beitrag präsentiert auf der International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Glasgow, UK doi: 10.1109/IJCNN48605.2020.9207338.
    • , , und . . „Anytime Behavior of Inexact TSP Solvers and Perspectives for Automated Algorithm Selection.“ Beitrag präsentiert auf der IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), Glasgow, UK New York City: Wiley-IEEE Press.
    • , , und . . „Building an Integrated Comment Moderation System - Towards a Semi-Automatic Moderation tool.“ Beitrag präsentiert auf der HCI International 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-49576-3_6.
    • , und . . „confStream: Automated Algorithm Selection and Configuration of Stream Clustering Algorithms.“ Beitrag präsentiert auf der 14th Learning and Intelligent Optimization Conference (LION 2020), Athens, Greece doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-53552-0_10.
    • , , , , und . . „Inside the tool set of automation: Free social bot code revisited.“ In Disinformation in open online media, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, herausgegeben von Preuß Mike Grimme Christian und Waldherr Annie Takes Frank. Heidelberg: Springer.
    • , und . . „Automated detection of nostalgic text in the context of societal pessimism.“ In Disinformation in open online media, herausgegeben von Preuß Mike Grimme Christian und Waldherr Annie Takes Frank.
    • , , und . . „A Multi-Objective Perspective on Performance Assessment and Automated Selection of Single-Objective Optimization Algorithms.Applied Soft Computing Journal, Nr. 2020 (88): 105901. doi: 10.1016/j.asoc.2019.105901.
    • , und . . „Towards Automated Configuration of Stream Clustering Algorithms.“ Beitrag präsentiert auf der European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECMLPKDD '19), Würzburg, Germany doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-43823-4_12.
    • , , , , und . . „A Two-Phase Framework for Detecting Manipulation Campaigns in Social Media.“ In Proceedings of the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII 2020): Social Computing and Social Media. Design, Ethics, User Behavior, and Social Network Analysis, herausgegeben von G Meiselwitz. Berlin: Springer Nature. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-49570-1_14.
    • , , , , und . . „Multiobjectivization of Local Search: Single-Objective Optimization Benefits From Multi-Objective Gradient Descent.“ Beitrag präsentiert auf der Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), Canberra, Australia doi: 10.1109/SSCI47803.2020.9308259.
    • , , , , und . . „Per-Instance Configuration of the Modularized CMA-ES by Means of Classifier Chains and Exploratory Landscape Analysis.“ Beitrag präsentiert auf der Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), Canberra, Australia doi: 10.1109/SSCI47803.2020.9308510.
    • , , , , , , und . . „Demystifying social bots: On the intelligence of automated social media actors.Social Media + Society, Nr. 00
    • , , , und . . „Towards Real-Time and Unsupervised Campaign Detection in Social Media.“ Beitrag präsentiert auf der Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference, Florida, USA
    • , , , , und . . „Deep Learning as a Competitive Feature-Free Approach for Automated Algorithm Selection on the Traveling Salesperson Problem.“ Beitrag präsentiert auf der Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN XVI), Leiden, The Netherlands , herausgegeben von Thomas Bäck, Mike Preuss, André Deutz, Hao Wang, Carola Doerr, Michael Emmerich und Heike Trautmann. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-58112-1_4.
    • , , , , , und . . „Sliding to the Global Optimum: How to Benefit from Non-Global Optima in Multimodal Multi-Objective Optimization.“ In AIP Conference Proceedings Melville, New York: American Institute of Physics. doi: 10.1063/1.5090019.
    • , und . . „Automated Algorithm Selection on Continuous Black-Box Problems By Combining Exploratory Landscape Analysis and Machine Learning.Evolutionary Computation, Nr. 27 (1): 99127. doi: 10.1162/evco_a_00236.
    • , , , , , , und . . „Search Dynamics on Multimodal Multi-Objective Problems.Evolutionary Computation, Nr. 27 (4): 577609. doi: 10.1162/evco_a_00234.
    • , und . . „Multi-Objective Performance Measurement: Alternatives to PAR10 and Expected Running Time.“ In Learning and Intelligent Optimization, Bd.11353 aus Lecture Notes in Computer Science, herausgegeben von R Battiti, M Brunato, I Kotsireas und P Pardalos. Heidelberg: Springer.
    • Bauer, N., Ickstadt, K., Lübke, K., Szepannek, G., Trautmann, H., und Vichi, M., Hrsg. . Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization, Applications in Statistical Computing - From Music Data Analysis to Industrial Quality Improvement, Basel: Springer International Publishing.
    • , und . . „Comprehensive Feature-Based Landscape Analysis of Continuous and Constrained Optimization Problems Using the R-package flacco.“ In Applications in Statistical Computing, herausgegeben von Ickstadt Katja Bauer Nadja, Szepannek Gero Lübke Karsten und Vichi Maurizio Trautmann Heike. Düsseldorf: Springer VDI Verlag. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-25147-5_7.
    • , , , , , und . . „Evolving Diverse TSP Instances by Means of Novel and Creative Mutation Operators.“ Beitrag präsentiert auf der 15th ACM/SIGEVO Workshop on Foundations of Genetic Algorithms (FOGA XV), Potsdam, Germany , herausgegeben von Friedrich Tobias, Doerr Carola und Arnold Dirk. doi: 10.1145/3299904.3340307.
    • , und . . „A Recommender System Based on Omni-Channel Customer Data.“ Beitrag präsentiert auf der 21st IEEE Conference on Business Informatics (CBI' 19), Moscow, Russia
    • , und . . „Customer Segmentation Based on Transactional Data Using Stream Clustering.“ Beitrag präsentiert auf der 23rd Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD '19), Macau, China
    • , , und . . „Multimodality in Multi-Objective Optimization -- More Boon than Bane?“ In Bd.11411 aus Lecture Notes in Computer Science, herausgegeben von Deb Kalyanmoy, Goodman Erik, Coello Coello Carlos A., Klamroth Kathrin, Miettinen Kaisa, Mostaghim Sanaz und Reed Patrick. Heidelberg: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-12598-1_11.
    • , , , , und . . „Bi-Objective Orienteering: Towards a Dynamic Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm.“ In Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization (EMO), Bd.11411 aus Lecture Notes in Computer Science, herausgegeben von Deb Kalyanmoy, Goodman Erik, Coello Coello Carlos A., Klamroth Kathrin, Miettinen Kaisa, Mostaghim Sanaz und Reed Patrick. Basel: Springer International Publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-12598-1_41.
    • , und . . „Automated Algorithm Selection: Survey and Perspectives.Evolutionary Computation, Nr. 27 (1): 345. doi: 10.1162/evco_a_00242.
    • , und . . „Optimizing Data Stream Representation: An Extensive Survey on Stream Clustering Algorithms.Business and Information Systems Engineering (BISE), Nr. 61 (3): 277297.
    • , und . . „evoStream - Evolutionary Stream Clustering Utilizing Idle Times.Big Data Research, Nr. 14: 101111. doi: 10.1016/j.bdr.2018.05.005.
    • , , und . . „Parameterization of State-of-the-Art Performance Indicators: A Robustness Study Based on Inexact TSP Solvers.“ In Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO '18) Companion doi: 10.1145/3205651.3208233.
    • , , , , und . . „Local Search Effects in Bi-Objective Orienteering.“ In Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO '18 New York, NY: ACM Press. doi: 10.1145/3205455.3205548.
    • , , , , und . . „Multiobjective evolutionary algorithms based on target region preferences.Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, Nr. 40: 196215. doi: 10.1016/j.swevo.2018.02.006.
    • , , , und . . „Accurate WiFi based indoor positioning with continuous location sampling.“ Beitrag präsentiert auf der Proceedings of the European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Database (ECML/PKDD), Dublin, Ireland Heidelberg: Springer.
    • , , , , und . . „Leveraging TSP Solver Complementarity through Machine Learning.Evolutionary Computation, Nr. 26 (4): 597620. doi: 10.1162/evco_a_00215.
    • , , , , und . . „Customer Service in Social Media - An Empirical Study of the Airline Industry.“ In Proceedings of the 17th Conference on Database Systems for Business, Technology, and Web (BTW '17), Bd.P-266 aus Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), herausgegeben von Bernhard Mitschang and Norbert Ritter and Holger Schwarz and Meike Klettke and Andreas Thor and Oliver Kopp and Matthias Wieland. Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik.
    • , , und . . „Stream Clustering of Chat Messages with Applications to Twitch Streams.“ In Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER'17), herausgegeben von Ulrich Frank de Cesare Sergio. Basel: Springer International Publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-70625-2_8.
    • , , , , , , und . . „Towards Efficient and Informative Omni-Channel Customer Relationship Management.“ In Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER'17), Bd.10651 aus Lecture Notes in Computer Science, herausgegeben von Ulrich Frank de Cesare Sergio. Basel: Springer International Publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-70625-2_7.
    • , , , und . . „Multi-objective Optimization for Liner Shipping Fleet Repositioning.“ In Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization: 9th International Conference, EMO 2017, Münster, Germany, March 19-22, 2017, Proceedings, herausgegeben von H Trautmann, G Rudolph, K Klamroth, O Schütze, M Wiecek, Y Jin und C Grimme. Basel: Springer International Publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-54157-0_42.
    • , , , , , und . . „Building and Using an Ontology of Preference-Based Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms.“ In Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization: 9th International Conference, EMO 2017, Münster, Germany, March 19-22, 2017, Proceedings, herausgegeben von H Trautmann, G Rudolph, K Klamroth, O Schütze, M Wiecek, Y Jin und C Grimme. Basel: Springer International Publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-54157-0_28.
    • , , und . . „An Empirical Comparison of Stream Clustering Algorithms.“ In Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers (CF '17) doi: 10.1145/3075564.3078887.
    • , , , , und . . „The Directed Search Method for Unconstrained Parameter Dependent Multi-objective Optimization Problems.“ In NEO 15, herausgegeben von O Schütze, L Trujillo, P Legrand und Y Maldonado. Basel: Springer International Publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-44003-3_12.
    • , , , und . . „Social Bots: Human-Like by Means of Human Control?Big Data, Nr. 5 (4): 279293. doi: 10.1089/big.2017.0044.
    • , , , , und . . „Challenges of Data Management and Analytics in Omni-Channel CRM.ERCIS Working Papers Nr. 28. N/A: Selbstverlag / Eigenverlag.
    • , und . . „Understanding Characteristics of Evolved Instances for State-of-the-Art Inexact TSP Solvers with Maximum Performance Difference.“ In AI*IA 2016 Advances in Artificial Intelligence, Bd.10037 aus Lecture Notes in Computer Science, herausgegeben von G Adorni, S Cagnoni, M Gori und M Maratea. Heidelberg: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-49130-11.
    • , , , , , , und . . „Towards Analyzing Multimodality of Multiobjective Landscapes.“ In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN XIV), Lecture Notes in Computer Science Heidelberg: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-45823-6_90.
    • , , und . . „On the Closest Averaged Hausdorff Archive for a Circularly Convex Pareto Front.“ In Applications of Evolutionary Computation: 19th European Conference, EvoApplications 2016, Porto, Portugal, March 30 -- April 1, 2016, Proceedings, Part II, herausgegeben von G Squillero und P Burelli. Basel: Springer International Publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-31153-1_4.
    • , , , und . . „The Hypervolume based Directed Search Method for Multi-Objective Optimization Problems.Journal of Heuristics, Nr. 22 (3): 273300. doi: 10.1007/s10732-016-9310-0.
    • , , , , und . . „MO-ParamILS: A Multi-objective Automatic Algorithm Configuration Framework.“ In LION 2016: Learning and Intelligent Optimization, Bd.10079 aus LNTCS, herausgegeben von Joaquin Vanschooren et al.. Basel: Springer International Publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-50349-3_3.
    • , und . . „Evolving Instances for Maximizing Performance Differences of State-of-The-Art Inexact TSP Solvers.“ In Learning and Intelligent Optimization, Bd.10079 aus Lecture Notes in Computer Science, herausgegeben von P Festa, M Sellmann und J Vanschoren. Basel: Springer International Publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-50349-3_4.
    • , , , und . . „Low-Budget Exploratory Landscape Analysis on Multiple Peaks Models.“ In Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation doi: 10.1145/2908812.2908845.
    • , und . . „The R-Package FLACCO for Exploratory Landscape Analysis with Applications to Multi-Objective Optimization Problems.“ Beitrag präsentiert auf der IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), Vancouver, BC, Kanada doi: 10.1109/CEC.2016.7748359.
    • , und . . „Working Group Report: Bridging the Gap Between Experiments and Theory Using Feature-Based Run-Time Analysis; Theory of Evolutionary Algorithms (Dagstuhl Seminar 15211).Dagstuhl Reports, Nr. 5 (5): 7879. doi: 10.4230/DagRep.5.5.57.
    • , , , , und . . „Optimal averaged Hausdorff archives for bi-objective problems: theoretical and numerical results.Computational Optimization and Applications, Nr. 64 (2): 589618. doi: 10.1007/s10589-015-9815-8.
    • , , , , und . . „Analyzing the BBOB Results by Means of Benchmarking Concepts.Evolutionary Computation Journal, Nr. 23 (1): 161185.
    • , , , , und . . „Averaged Hausdorff Approximations of Pareto Fronts Based on Multiobjective Estimation of Distribution Algorithms.“ Beitrag präsentiert auf der Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO '15), Madrid, Spain New York, NY, USA: ACM. doi: 10.1145/2739482.2764631.
    • , , , , und . . „An Overview of Topic Discovery in Twitter Communication through Social Media Analytics.“ Beitrag präsentiert auf der 20th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS '15), Puerto Rico
    • , , , , und . . „Averaged Hausdorff Approximations of Pareto Fronts based on Multiobjective Estimation of Distribution doi: 10.48550/arXiv.1503.07845.
    • , , , und . . „Detecting Funnel Structures by Means of Exploratory Landscape Analysis.“ Beitrag präsentiert auf der Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO '15), Madrid, Spain , herausgegeben von Sara Silva. New York, NY: ACM Press. doi: 10.1145/2739480.2754642.
    • , , , , , und . . „Evaluation of a Multi-Objective EA on Benchmark Instances for Dynamic Routing of a Vehicle.“ In Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO '15) doi: 10.1145/2739480.2754705.
    • , , , , und . . „Multi-Objective Analysis of Approaches to Dynamic Routing Of a Vehicle.“ Beitrag präsentiert auf der European Conference On Information Systems, Münster, Germany
    • , , , und . . „On the Behavior of Stochastic Local Search within Parameter Dependent MOPs.“ In Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization - 8th International Conference, EMO 2015, Guimarães, Portugal, March 29 --April 1, 2015. Proceedings, Part II, Bd.9019 aus Lecture Notes in Computer Science, herausgegeben von António Gaspar-Cunha, Carlos Henggeler Antunes und Carlos Coello Coello. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-15892-1_9.
    • , , , und . . „Improving the State of the Art in Inexact TSP Solving using Per-Instance Algorithm Selection.“ In Learning and Intelligent Optimization, 9th International Conference, herausgegeben von Dhaenens Clarisse, Jourdan Laetitia und Marmion Marie-Eléonore. Basel: Springer International Publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-19084-6_18.
    • , , und . . „R2 Indicator Based Multiobjective Search.Evolutionary Computation, Nr. 23 (3): 369395. doi: 10.1162/EVCO_a_00135.
    • , , und . . „Stopping Criteria for Multimodal Optimization.“ In Bd.8672 aus Lecture Notes in Computer Science, herausgegeben von T Bartz-Beielstein, J Branke, B Filipic und J Smith. Heidelberg: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-10762-2_14.
    • , , , und . . „A Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm Guided by Averaged Hausdorff Distance to Aspiration Sets.“ In EVOLVE - A Bridge between Probability, Set Oriented Numerics, and Evolutionary Computation V, Bd.288 aus Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, herausgegeben von A Tantar, E Tantar, J Sun, W Zhang, Q Ding, O Schütze, M Emmerich, P Legrand, Moral P Del und Coello CA Coello. Basel: Springer International Publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-07494-8_18.
    • , , , , , , , , und . . „Cell Mapping Techniques for Exploratory Landscape Analysis.“ In EVOLVE - A Bridge between Probability, Set Oriented Numerics, and Evolutionary Computation V, Bd.288 aus Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, herausgegeben von Tantar Emilia Tantar Alexandru-Adrian, Zhang Wei Sun Jian-Qiao, Schütze Oliver Ding Qian, Legrand Pierrick Emmerich Michael T M und Coello Coello Carlos A Del Moral Pierre. Basel: Springer International Publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-07494-8_9.
    • , , , und . . „An Aspiration Set EMOA Based on Averaged Hausdorff Distances.“ In Bd.8426 aus Lecture Notes in Computer Science Heidelberg: Springer.
    • , , , und . . „Finding Evenly Spaced Pareto Fronts for Three-Objective Optimization Problems.“ In EVOLVE - A Bridge between Probability, Set Oriented Numerics, and Evolutionary Computation II, Bd.175 aus Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, herausgegeben von O Schütze, Coello CA Coello, A Tantar, E Tantar, P Bouvry, Moral P Del und P Legrand. Düsseldorf: Springer VDI Verlag. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-31519-0_6.
    • , , , und . . „Evenly spaced Pareto fronts of quad-objective problems using PSA partitioning technique.“ Beitrag präsentiert auf der 2013 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), Cancun, Mexico
    • , , , und . . „Indicator-based Selection in Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization Algorithms Based On the Desirability Index.Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, Nr. 20 (5-6): 319337.
    • , , , , , und . . „A Feature-Based Comparison of Local Search and the Christofides Algorithm for the Travelling Salesperson Problem.“ In Foundations of Genetic Algorithms XII, forthcoming, herausgegeben von F Neumann und K de Jong.
    • , , und . . „Preference Articulation by Means of the R2 Indicator.“ In Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization - 7th International Conference, EMO 2013, Sheffield, UK, Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, herausgegeben von RC Purshouse, PJ Fleming, CM Fonseca, S Greco und J Shaw. Heidelberg: Springer.
    • , , , und . . „Evenly Spaced Pareto Front Approximations for Tricriteria Problems Based on Triangulation.“ In Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization - 7th International Conference, EMO 2013, Sheffield, UK, Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, herausgegeben von RC Purshouse, PJ Fleming, CM Fonseca, S Greco und J Shaw. Heidelberg: Springer.
    • , , , , , und . . „A Novel Feature-Based Approach to Characterize Algorithm Performance for the Traveling Salesman Problem.Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, Nr. 69: 151182.
    • , , , und . . „Directed Search Method for Indicator-based Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithms.“ In Proceeding of the Fifteenth Annual Conference Companion on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion, GECCO '13 Companion New York, NY: ACM Press. doi: 10.1145/2464576.2482756.
    • , , und . . „R2-EMOA: Focused Multiobjective Search Using R2-Indicator-Based Selection.“ In Bd.7997 aus Lecture Notes in Computer Science, herausgegeben von H Trautmann, T Wagner und D Brockhoff.
    • , , , und . . „The Directed Search Method for Pareto Front Approximations with Maximum Dominated Hypervolume.“ In EVOLVE - A Bridge between Probability, Set Oriented Numerics, and Evolutionary Computation IV, Bd.227 aus Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, herausgegeben von M Emmerich, A Deutz, O Schuetze, T Bäck, A Tantar, PD Moral, P Legrand, P Bouvry und CA Coello. Basel: Springer International Publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-01128-8_13.
    • , , , und . . „Reactive strategy choice in StarCraft by means of Fuzzy Control.“ Beitrag präsentiert auf der 2013 IEEE Conference on Computational Inteligence in Games (CIG), Niagara Falls, ON, Canada,
    • , , , und . . „Algorithm selection based on exploratory landscape analysis and cost-sensitive learning.“ In Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO '12, Philadelphia, PA, USA, herausgegeben von T Soule und JH Moore. New York, NY: ACM Press.
    • , , , , , und . . „Local Search and the Traveling Salesman Problem: A Feature-Based Characterization of Problem Hardness.“ In Learning and Intelligent Optimization - 6th International Conference, LION 6, Paris, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, herausgegeben von Y Hamadi und M Schoenauer. Heidelberg: Springer.
    • , , und . . „Homogene Approximation der Paretofront bei mehrkriteriellen, Nr. 60 ( ): 610621. doi: 10.1524/auto.2012.1033.
    • , , , und . . „Resampling Methods in Model Validation.Evolutionary Computation, Nr. 20 (2): 249275. doi: 10.1162/EVCO_a_00069.
    • , , und . . „On the Properties of the R2 Indicator.“ In Proc. 14th Int'l. Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO '12), herausgegeben von T Soule und others. New York, NY: ACM Press. doi: 10.1145/2330163.2330230.
    • , , und . . „A Taxonomy of Online Stopping Criteria for Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms.“ In Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, herausgegeben von R Takahashi, K Deb, E Wanner und S Greco. Heidelberg: Springer.
    • , , , , , und . . „Exploratory landscape analysis.“ In Proceedings of the 13th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation, GECCO '11 New York, NY: ACM Press.
    • , , , und . . „Advanced concepts for multi-objective evolutionary optimization in aircraft industry.Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, Nr. 225: 10811096. doi: 10.1177/0954410011414120.
    • , , , und . . „Finding evenly spaced fronts for multiobjective control via averaging Hausdorff-measure.“ In Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computing Science and Automatic Control (CCE) New York City: Wiley-IEEE Press. doi: 10.1109/ICEEE.2011.6106656.
    • , , und . . „Resampling Methods in Model Validation.“ In Proceedings of the Workshop on Experimental Methods for the Assessment of Computational Systems (WEMACS 2010), Algorithm Engineering Report TR10-2-007, herausgegeben von T Bartz-Beielstein, M Chiarandini, L Paquete und M Preuss. Dortmund: Technische Universität Dortmund.
    • , , , , , und . . „Work roll cooling system design optimisation in presence of uncertainty and constrains.CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, Nr. 2: 290298. doi: 10.1016/j.cirpj.2010.06.001.
    • , , , und . . „Benchmarking evolutionary multiobjective optimization algorithms.“ In Proceedings of the IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC 2010, Barcelona, Spain New York City: Wiley-IEEE Press.
    • , und . . „Integration of Preferences in Hypervolume-Based Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms by Means of Desirability Functions.IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, Nr. 14 (5): 688701. doi: 10.1109/TEVC.2010.2058119.
    • , , , , und . . „Sequential Parameter Optimisation for Multi-Objective Evolutionary Optimisation of Additive Layer Manufacturing.“ In Proceedings of the 7th CIRP International Seminar on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering (CIRP ICME '10), herausgegeben von R Teti. N/A: Selbstverlag / Eigenverlag.
    • , und . . „Online convergence detection for evolutionary multi-objective algorithms revisited.“ In Proceedings of the IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC 2010, Barcelona, Spain New York City: Wiley-IEEE Press.
    • , , , und . . „On the Distribution of EMOA Hypervolumes.“ In Learning and Intelligent Optimization, 4th International Conference, LION 4, Venice, Italy, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, herausgegeben von C Blum und R Battiti. Heidelberg: Springer.
    • , , und . . „Preference-Based Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization Using Desirabilities.“ In 11th International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature - PPSN XI, Proceedings, Part II, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, herausgegeben von R Schaefer, C Cotta, J Kolodziej und G Rudolph. Heidelberg: Springer.
    • , , und . . „Benchmarking Evolutionary Algorithms: Towards Exploratory Landscape Analysis.“ In 11th International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature - PPSN XI, Proceedings, Part I, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, herausgegeben von R Schaefer, C Cotta, J Kolodziej und G Rudolph. Heidelberg: Springer.
    • , , und . . „New Uncertainty Handling Strategies in Multi-objective Evolutionary Optimization.“ In 11th International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature - PPSN XI, Proceedings, Part II, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, herausgegeben von R Schaefer, C Cotta, J Kolodziej und G Rudolph. Heidelberg: Springer.
    • , und . . „Online Convergence Detection for Multiobjective Aerodynamic Applications.“ In Proceedings of the IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC 2009, Trondheim, Norway, herausgegeben von A Tyrrell. New York City: Wiley-IEEE Press.
    • , , und . . „Pareto-Dominance in Noisy Environments.“ In Proceedings of the IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC 2009, Trondheim, Norway, herausgegeben von A Tyrrell. New York City: Wiley-IEEE Press.
    • , und . . „Preference-Based Pareto-Optimization in Certain and Noisy Environments.Engineering Optimization, Nr. 41: 2338. doi: 10.1080/03052150802347926.
    • , und . . „OCD: Online Convergence Detection for Evolutionary Multi-Objective Algorithms Based on Statistical Testing.“ In Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization (EMO 2009), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 5467, herausgegeben von C Fonseca und X Gandibleux. Heidelberg: Springer.
    • , , , , und . . „Statistical Methods for Convergence Detection of Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms.Evolutionary Computation, Nr. 17 (4): 493509.
    • , und . . „Statistical Methods for Improving Multi-objective Evolutionary Optimisation.International Journal of Computational Intelligence Research, Nr. 5 (2): 7278. doi: 10.5019/j.ijcir.2009.172.
    • , und . . „Robust Multi-objective Optimisation of Weld Bead Geometry for Additive Manufacturing.“ In Proceedings of the 6th CIRP International Seminar on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering (CIRP ICME '08), herausgegeben von R Teti. N/A: Selbstverlag / Eigenverlag.
    • , , , und . . „A Convergence Criterion for Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms Based on Systematic Statistical Testing.“ In Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN), herausgegeben von G Rudolph und others. Heidelberg: Springer.
    • , und . . „Parallel Universes: Multi-Criteria Optimization.“ In Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings 07181, Parallel Universes and Local Patterns, herausgegeben von MR Berthold, K Morik und A Siebes. Wadern: Dagstuhl Publishing.
    • , , und . . „Introducing User Preference Using Desirability Functions in Multi-Objective Evolutionary Optimisation of Noisy Processes.“ In CEC 2007, IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, herausgegeben von KC Tan und J Xu. Singapore: .
    • , und . . „Integration of Expert's Preferences in Pareto Optimization by Desirability Function Techniques.“ In CIRP ICME '06) -- Proceedings of the 5th CIRP International Seminar on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering, herausgegeben von R Teti. N/A: Sonstiger Verlag / other publisher.
    • , und . . „On the Distribution of the Desirability Index using Harrington's Desirability Function.Metrika, Nr. 63 (2): 207213. doi: 10.1007/s00184-005-0012-0.
    • . . „Qualitätskontrolle in der Industrie anhand von Kontrollkarten für Wünschbarkeitsindizes - Anwendungsfeld Lagerverwaltung.
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