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“Sustainability” is a term which is scientifically and socially highly relevant. But it is also exceedingly complex. All areas of society – business, politics, science, civil society, religion etc. – are grappling with the issue of sustainability, or the lack thereof. Consequently, fundamental changes must take place in all these areas in order to ensure that transformation toward greater sustainability can succeed. The courses in this area of competence have a broad disciplinary scope. In addition to natural scientific considerations, the courses address the social, political, legal, religious and geoscientific aspects of sustainability.

The focus of these courses can fall on a wide variety of issues including energy, mobility, agriculture, waste, education for sustainable development (ESD), consumption, environmental protection, the recycling economy, biotechnology, animal ethics and citizen participation.

Students who complete courses in this area can acquire the following skills:

  • Through the study and discussion of sustainability-related topics, they will improve their ability to understand complex, multifaceted issues, as well as identify and comprehend cross-disciplinary relationships.
  • Through the study and discussion of sustainability-related topics from the perspective of disciplines outside their scope of study, students will hone their ability to (1.) understand the terminology and methods of other disciplines and (2.) draw parallels between these and their own subject-relevant expertise.
  • By attending courses on sustainability issues, they will – in addition to the aforementioned skills – acquire knowledge of an increasingly important thematic field in the professional world.
  • By attending courses on sustainability issues, they will receive support with developing their own positions on aspects of this socially highly relevant thematic complex.

Sustainability represents a thematic spectrum which is as broad and diverse as the programme, themes and course formats dedicated to this area of competence. To tap the full potential of this area of competence, it is essential that students are strongly interested in this issue and willing to broaden their own subject-related perspective and gain insights into the methods and fundamental terminology used in other subject areas.

Responsible for this area of competence: Carolin Bohn, M.A. (FB 06)
Participating faculties and institutes: Center of Interdisciplinary Sustainability Research (ZIN), FB 01, FB 02, FB 03, FB 06, FB 08, FB 09, FB 10, FB 11, FB 12, FB 13, FB 14, Innovation Office (AFO)