© Uni Münster- International Office

Important to-dos for Erasmus funding (deadlines & application)

For the payment, please follow the steps, instructions and documents below and respect the deadlines.

  • Online registration for Erasmus outgoings

    With the online registration you generate your declaration of acceptance for an Erasmus study place and the base for the scholarship contract, the Grant Agreement. The contranct also contains the amount and duration of the grant as well as other important information.
    Please note: Only those days will be funded that fall within the period agreed in the grant agreement and are also certified by your host university. The online registration should not be confused with the online application at your host university. Please pay attention to the formal requirements and deadlines of your host university.

    Deadline for online registration for the academic year 2025/26 (start in WiSe 2025/26 or SoSe 2026): 31 April 2025

    To successfully complete the registration process, you will need a current certificate of enrolment and confirmation of your study place with signatures as upload files (see menu item 8 in the online form). These documents must be uploaded before submitting the declaration of acceptance. Please take this into account when planning your schedule and meeting the deadline!


    Entering the duration of your stay

    When entering your expected time of stay in the declaration of acceptance, it is important that you select the start and end dates as accurately as possible.

    You will usually receive information on the semester dates directly from your host university. If you are unsure about the start and end dates, contact your Erasmus contact person in the department who is in direct contact with the host university.

    If in doubt, we advise you to enter a start date that is a few days before your regular lecture start date. This will give you a time buffer in the event of subsequent changes to the period of your stay!

    Eligible events

    In principle, you can receive funding for the days you spend in the host country on study-related matters - from the first event to the end of the semester (including the exam period or similar). Everything has to be certified by the host university and has to be entered in a data sheet. Study-related events are, for example:

    - Welcome Week (usually one week before lectures begin)
    - Language course (usually 1-2 weeks before lectures begin)
    - Internship lasting less than two months (60 days) (must also be documented in the Learning Agreement and Transcript of Records!)

    However, days spent looking for accommodation or holidays are not eligible for funding!

    Change of residence time

    Before the scholarship contract is drawn up, you still have the opportunity to correct your data in writing. Once you have signed the scholarship agreement, it is no longer possible to start earlier with the funding. The days that are confirmed by your host university in the datasheet but lie before the start date stated in the scholarship agreement will therefore not be funded!

    To illustrate:

    • 06.09. - 04.02. Date in the scholarship contract after signature
    • 30.08. - 04.02. Certificate of stay from the host university

    Only the days from 06.09. onwards can be funded.
    Therefore, if in doubt, choose a start date that is a few days before your regular lectures begin!

    A later extension of the end date is only possible if you contact the International Office at least 30 days before the end of the original scholarship contract. 

    For illustration:

    • 06.09. - 04.02. Date in the scholarship contract after signing.
    • 06.09. - 15.02. Certificate of stay from the host university

    The International Office must be informed of any changes up to 30 days before 4 February.

    In any case, funding days will be calculated to the day on condition that a certificate from the host university confirming the actual period of your study visit is available. Due to a limited mobility budget, we reserve the right to limit the maximum funding period for all scholarship holders to possibly 4 months.

    Please inform us of any changes of the duration of your stayt:

    Click here to go to the online registration

  • (Online) Learning Agreement (O)LA

    The (O)LA is used to formally document your study plans abroad. It serves as an agreement between the Erasmus student and the academic representatives in the department at the University of Münster and at the host university to ensure the recognition of courses completed abroad.

    The (O)LA must be filled in completely and signed by all three parties. If you are unsure about how to fill it or who has to sign it, please contact your Erasmus contact person in the department.

    Please use the OLA only. You can find an instructions on how to fill in the form here. Please note the general information on the recognition of academic achievements abroad.

    If there are technical problems with the OLA or if the host university cannot sign it, please contact erasmus.2024@uni-muenster.de (for participants of the academic year 24/25) or erasmus.2025@uni-muenster.de (for participants of the academic year 25/26) immediately. We will check whether we can send you an official LA form of the University of Münster as an alternative, if necessary. We do not accept any other alternative documents - not even those provided by your host university!

    The deadline of the signed Learning Agreement is 4 weeks before the start of your stay at the host university at the latest. Please send it as a PDF document with your full name (LA_Name_FirstName) to erasmus.2024@uni-muenster.de (for participants of the academic year 24/25) or erasmus.2025@uni-muenster.de (for participants of the academic year 25/26)

    If you are unable to meet the deadline due to delays at the host university or the University of Münster, immediately request an extension of the deadline by email, stating your reasons.

    How to fill in the (O)LA - Important note!

    The form contains tables A (courses at the host university) and B (recognition of courses from A as equivalent at Münster University). You can use the tables A2 and B2, which are equivalent in content, for later changes. Handwritten changes are not acceptable!

    Possible events that you can enter in the Learning Agreement are, for example, courses, modules, laboratory work, thesis research/doctoral work, internship (less than 60 days!). Please copy the title of the corresponding course catalogue.

    Both tables A/A2 and B/B2 are mandatory fields and must be filled in completely, even if no equivalent recognition is planned or possible. If you do not have any information on the component code and/or the ECTS credits, type in the number 0 in the fields provided.
    In Table A/A2, courses with ECTS credits must be entered so that the ECTS scope exceeds zero in total.
    If you do not want to/can not enter courses in Table B/B2, make a short note in the field 'Component Title' and type in the reason, e.g. "no recognition desired/possible".

    Regarding the number of ECTS credits to be earned (min./max.), please check the requirements of your department at the University of Münster or at your host university. If there are no guidelines in this regard, the International Office recommends that you take courses worth about 20 ECTS credits per semester (this is only a rough guideline, but at least 10 ECTS credits should be taken). 

    Changes to the (O)LA

    After signing the (O)LA, you still have the possibility to change the information during your stay abroad (see Tables A2 and B2). In case of a change the document must be signed again by all parties and sent as a PDF with your full name (LA_Name_FirstName) to erasmus.2024@uni-muenster.de before the end of your stay abroad.

  • Grant Agreement

    The Grant Agreement is your scholarship contract. The amount and duration as well as the modalities of the funding are recorded here. Please note: Only the days which fall within the period of mobility stay determined in the agreement and will be certified by your host university via a data sheet will be funded. Your application for special funding will be included in the Grant Agreement and the calculation of the grant amount.

    The Grant Agreement will be drawn up by the International Office and sent to you by email. Print out the multi-page document, sign it and send the original back to the International Office by post (Schlossgarten 3).

    You will be informed of the deadline for the signed Grant Agreement when you receive the document in July/August (start winter semester) or November (start summer semester).

    Period of stay and funding

    In your declaration of acceptance you provided information about your expected period of stay. The start and end dates are included in the Grant Agreement. Once the Grant Agreement has been signed, we cannot accept any change to the start date. A later extension of the end date is only possible if you apply for the correction to our International Office no later than 30 days before the end of the original scholarship contract. Please inform us of any changes to your stay times at erasmus.out.2023@uni-muenster.de (for participants of the academic year 23/24) or erasmus.2024@uni-muenster.de (for participants of the academic year 24/25).

    Due to a limited mobility budget, we reserve the right to limit the maximum funding period for all scholarship holders (e.g. a maximum of 4 months). The difference between the actual length of stay (mobility phase) and the financially funded length of stay (Erasmus funding period) is referred to as the zero grant period. Zero grant periods are part of the Erasmus mobility phase and are counted towards the general Erasmus funding period per study cycle.


    Payment of the Grant

    Based on the period of stay determined in the Grant Agreement, the grant will be calculated and brouhgt to account on a daily basis. The Erasmus grant will then be paid to you in two instalments. The first instalment covers 80% of the total amount. It will be transferred to your bank account in August/September (start winter semester) or in January/February (start summer semester).

    • Condition of payment for the 1st instalment: The original, signed Grant Agreement has been submitted to the International Office.

    The remaining grant amount will be paid out to you after the end of your student mobility.

    • Condition of the payment for the 2nd instalment: Submission of the complete final documents.

    Send the following documents in good resolution as pdf file to erasmus.out.2023@uni-muenster.de (for participants of the academic year 23/24) or erasmus.2024@uni-muenster.de (for participants of the academic year 24/25) within 4 weeks after the end of your mobility stay:

    • Data-Sheet with your exact study data = DS_Name_First Name
    • If necessary, a copy of a language course certificate (before or after the mobility stay) = SPRK_Name_First Name
    • If necessary, a copy of the short-term internship certificate (an internship must already be anchored in the LA) = KPR_Name_First Name
    • EU-Survey - online questionnaire as a report - you will automatically receive the invitation link by email at the end of your stay = EUS_Name_First Name

    The following documents must be submitted by email no later than October 31st 2024 (for the academic year 23/24) or October 31st 2025 (for the academic year 24/25):

    • Transcript of Records with the grades achieved abroad = TOR_Name_First Name
    • Proof of achievements abroad – extract from QISPOS or ELVE or similar = ANERK_Name_First Name

    The minimum stay for funding is two months (60 days). If the student mobility is canceled or incomplete final documents are submitted, we reserve the right to demand a refund of the scholarship. Please inform us immediately of any changes to your stay to erasmus.out.2023@uni-muenster.de (for participants of the academic year 23/24) or erasmus.2024@uni-muenster.de (for participants of the academic year 24/25).


    Extension of the mobility period

    With the consent of the host university and the departmental coordination of the University of Münster, you can extend your stay (from winter to summer semester) informally by email no later than 30 days before the end of your stay. For this purpose, forward the confirmation correspondence of the involved parties to erasmus.out.2023@uni-muenster.de (for participants of the academic year 23/24) or erasmus.2024@uni-muenster.de (for participants of the academic year 24/25). We will then check whether we can provide you further financial funding. Stays in the summer semester cannot be extended informally. In this case, you must apply again for an Erasmus study place through your department.

    • Short internship phases (e.g. law firm internships) which do not exceed 60 days can be included to the Erasmus study stay if they take place in the same city and are interlinked institutionally with the host university. The internship must then also be recorded in your learning agreement and transcript of records. If you have any questions about further funding opportunities for an internship abroad, please contact the Career Service: praktikumsfinanz@uni-muenster.de.

    General funding period – long-term mobility

    Every student enrolled at the University of Münster can receive a mobility grant for 12 months per study cycle (Bachelor, Master, Doctorate) for an Erasmus study and/or an Erasmus internship abroad. Students in comprehensive courses such as Staatsexamen can receive funding for a total of 24 months. In total, you can receive funding for up to 36 months over all phases of your studies.

    Current grant rates

    The Erasmus grant rate depends on the respective target country, which is divided into three groups by the EU Commission. The amount of monthly funding is set by the DAAD and is the same throughout Germany. However, the number of months supported can vary from university to university. Detailed information about the Erasmus grant rates can be found here.

  • Data sheet (Certificate of Attendance)

    The data sheet (also called 'Certificate of Attendance' or 'Certificate of Departure') formally confirms the duration of your stay at your host university. The International Office or your contact person at your university abroad must sign the document on site.

    Data-Sheet for the academic year 2023/24

    Data-Sheet for the academic year 2024/25

    Have your start date confirmed immediately after arrival at the host university and keep the document in a safe place. Shortly before departure, have your end date confirmed - this can be done a maximum of 5 days before your end date.

    If the host university does not complete this data sheet, please make sure that both DAY - MONTH - YEAR are indicated in the study certificate you receive and that the document is signed by your host university. We cannot accept a certificate of study that is pre-dated and/or contains inaccurate dates! Only the times listed in the certificate can be credited!

    Send a copy of the completed and signed Data-Sheet as a PDF document with your full name  (DS_Name_FirstName) together with the other graduation documents to erasmus.out.2023@uni-muenster.de for the academic year 2023/24 and to erasmus.2024@uni-muenster.de for the academic year 2024/25.

    The deadline for the signed Data-Sheet is no later than 4 weeks after the end of your stay.

  • EU Survey

    Also called "Erasmus+ participant report".

    At the end of your study period, you will receive an email requesting you to participate in the Erasmus online questionnaire. By taking part in the survey, you will produce your final report. Send us your results as a PDF document with your full name (EUS_Name_FirstName) together with the other final documents by e-mail to erasmus.out.2023@uni-muenster.de for the academic year 2023/24 or erasmus.2024@uni-muenster.de for the academic year 2024/25.

    The deadline for the final report is no later than 4 weeks after the end of your stay.

  • Transcript of Records

    Your academic achievements at the host university are formally recorded in a Transcript of Records (ToR). It will usually be sent to you by your host university a few weeks after the end of your study period. You will need this document in order to have your achievements credited at Münster University. If you have any questions or difficulties in obtaining the ToR, please contact your Erasmus contact person in the department.

    We need a copy of your complete ToR. Send it to us as a PDF document with your full name (TOR_Name_FirstName) to erasmus.out.2023@uni-muenster.de for the academic year 2023/24 or erasmus.2024@uni-muenster.de for the academic year 2024/25.

    The deadline for the ToR for study abroad in the academic year 2023/24 is 31 October 2024 and for the academic year 2024/25 ist is 31 October 2025.

  • Proof of recognition of achievements

    Your achievements abroad will be listed by the host university in the Transcript of Records. You can use this to apply for recognition at your institute/examination office at Münster University. Please note the detailed information on the recognition of academic achievements.

    The departments at Münster University have appointed ombudspersons for recognition issues. The International Office will be happy to inform and assist you if questions or problems come up during the recognition process. If necessary, please contact Nina.Karidio@uni-muenster.de.

    The International Office requires proof of the recognition of your study results. This can be submitted as an extract from your study account (QISPOS). If recognition is not desired or possible, please use our template Declaration of Recognition of Examination and/or Study Achievements (Declaration of Recognition).

    Send us your proof as a PDF document with your full name (ANERK_Name_FirstName) to erasmus.out.2023@uni-muenster.de if you are anErasmus student of the academic year 23/24 or to erasmus.2024@uni-muenster.de if you are an Erasmus student of the academic year 24/25..

    The deadline for proof of recognition of study abroad achievements in the academic year 2023/24 is 31 October 2024 and in the academic year 2024/25 it is 31 October 2025.

© Uni MS / International Office

Erasmus grantholders' meeting 2024

On 18 June, the International Office organised an information event for the outgoing students of the winter semester 2024/25. Afterwards, the students were able to network.

Here you can find the presentation with all information.

You can watch the recording of the information event here:

recording of the information event
0 seconds of 0 secondsVolume 90%
Press shift question mark to access a list of keyboard shortcuts


Here you can find the presentation for the summer semester 2025.