Child Care
In order to achieve academic success, childcare services are vitally important to students with children.
Now more than ever, due to current academic reforms and the need to earn extra money with part-time jobs, students rely on well-functioning and flexible childcare. That is why it is essential that student parents have access to flexible daycare services in the vicinity of the University.
The Studierendenwerk Münster (Student Support Services) manages three daycare centres, at which student parents can apply to have their child cared for while they attend courses at university. Places are allocated – as for all other childcare facilities in Münster – via the Kita Navigator.
We recommend applying to several centres at once, as this increases the chances of actually receiving a place for your child.
Childcare facilities operated by the Studierendenwerk: The childcare facilities “Zwergenstübchen”, “Tausendfüßler”, “Chamäleon” and the large daycare centre on Boeselagerstraße are open to children of student parents. More information on childcare services from the Studierendenwerk.
Kita Navigator and the Family Office of the City of Münster: Childcare places are allocated via the
of the city of Münster.
The childcare facilities operated by the Studierendenwerk are obliged to list their places online as well. If you have any questions regarding the Kita Navigator or the application process, please contact the
Family Office of the city of Münster
Information from the Equal Opportunity Office: For additional childcare services (including municipal services), please consult the brochure “Zwischen Vorlesung und Kinderbetreuung” by the Equal Opportunity Office.
Here you find additional information concerning back-up.
The asta.ms provides support in order to find a babysitter: