Consultation services

Professional orientation

The transition from academic to professional life can lead to countless questions. You can find the answers you need by arranging a consultation session with the Careers Service of the University of Münster. Prospective teachers should contact the Centre for Teacher Education at the University of Münster. The staff there can provide you with extensive information on teacher traineeships.

Consultation on professional orientation at the Careers Service
Consultation services offered by the Centre for Teacher Education [de]

Application check-up

Cover letter, CV, photo – writing an application is not as easy as it may seem. The Careers Service can review your application documents, provide feedback on wording, and offer advice concerning your application strategy.

Application check-up (Career Service)

Occupational field research

Do you have a specific professional or occupational field in mind, but don’t (yet) know where to find more information or concrete job offers? We can help you develop approaches, strategies and ideas on how to learn more about your desired occupational field and even scout for potential employers.

Researching occupational fields (Careers Service)

Questionnaires and inventories

In some situations, questionnaires and inventories can provide a solid foundation for career counselling – especially if you are uncertain regarding concrete topics. The Careers Service offers a variety of checklists and questionnaires for this purpose.

View our questionnaires and inventories (Careers Service)

Transitioning to professional life

Using specific questioning techniques and methods, our coaches help you gain clarity on your situation, reflect on obstructive thought patterns, activate your resources and potentials, and develop new ideas and perspectives.

Personalised coaching for transitioning to professional life

Work placements and internships

Are you interested in completing a work placement in Germany or abroad? Great, because the Careers Service sees work placements as an important step to gaining invaluable practical experience. To help you achieve your goal, the Careers Service offers work placement consultations to help you decide what you want from a work placement and to plan the next steps in your career.

Work placement consultations (Careers Service)

Internship financing options (ERASMUS+ and PROMOS)

Have you already arranged an internship abroad but have no idea how to finance your stay? At the Careers Service, you can obtain information on the many ways you can finance your prospective internship or work placement.

Internship financing (Careers Service)