Your enrolment at University of Münster

Welcome to University of Münster.

University account and email account

We set up a free access to the central IT-services and an email account (University for you. Please check the inbox of your email account regularly!

Please use the provided data to sign in at where you will have to change your one time password into your desired, individual password. Here, you can also customize your individual settings.

In case you have been using a University ID before, please refer to your previous password that you have used before to sign in at in order to change your password and adjust your settings, if applicable. If you forgot your password, please contact the IT (Hotline: 0251/83-31600; E-Mail:

Payment of the semester fee/ the fee for guest students


  1. With your user ID and password, please log in to the SelfService at
  2. Please chose the button "Requests".
  3. Now chose "Enrollment" and then click on the tab "Fees".
  4. You will now have access to the university’s bank data.
  5. Please transfer the semester fee/ the fee for guest students within the given period of time.


After you arranged the bank transfer, it might take a couple of workdays until your payment has been processed by the Unikasse; you can see that your payment has been received when the status of your enrolment changes from "Preliminarily Excluded" into "Approved" in the SelfService. You can now download certificates of enrolment as well as a variety of other study-related documents by clicking the tab "Documents". In case you are entitled to receive and use a NRW/ VGM-Semesterticket, you will have access to download it by using the button "Semester tickets" a month before the semester starts (April 1st for a summer semester and October 1st for a winter semester,  see also – „When is the semester ticket valid?“). Here, you will also find a link to download your semester ticket for cultural events.

In case you do not pay the semester fee within the given period of time, your enrolment is not completed and you will not be accepted as a student at University of Münster.

Student ID card

After you have transferred the semester fee and your enrolment status in the SelfService is marked as „Approved“, please upload your portrait photograph at Your student ID card serves several purposes; it legitimates you as a student at University of Münster, is your library card (for the ULB as well as various faculty libraries) as well as your debit card to use at the student cafeterias (Mensakarte) and the university’s copy machines. Please carry your student ID card with you at all times while visiting lectures so that you are able to validate yourself, if required.

Kind regards,
Your team of the Student Admissions Office

Information for visiting students

As a visiting student, you are not required to pay the semester fee and you are not entitled to receive a student ID card.

Further information on your university account

Through your enrolment and the usage of  your student email ID and the IT services with your user ID, you

  • Accept the IT user regulations of University of Münster (,
  • Assure that you only use your email ID and user ID for services which are directly related to scientific research, teaching/education and/or your studies and that you do not pass them on to other people.

Data protection

Please follow this link to see our data protection policy: