Health insurance for students

Confirmation of health insurance coverage

As a rule, all students at German universities must have health insurance during their studies without interruption – unless they are enrolled in a doctoral programme. Universities are obliged to verify their students' health insurance status and certify confirmation of insurance coverage provided by the health insurance company.

Confirmation of health insurance coverage is transmitted by your respective health insurance provider to the University of Münster electronically via “Meldung 10” (M10 form). Consequently, it is neither necessary nor sufficient to present a health insurance membership certificate or your health insurance card at enrolment. Your health insurance status must be confirmed within 14 days after the date of enrolment.

To send the digital “M10” notification form, your health insurance provider will need our company number (Absendernummer). The company number of the University of Münster is: H0001848.

Please make sure that the personal data on the M10 form matches the data on your enrolment application. This especially applies to students who have multiple first names, hyphenated names, or names that contain unique orthographic symbols such as umlauts or letters which do not exist in the German alphabet.

In the following, you will find further information on how to confirm your health insurance status.

  • Statutory health insurance / Family insurance

    Students who hold statutory health insurance or are family-insured should ask their insurance provider to notify the University of Münster of their status via the digital M10 form “Meldung 10”. The company number (Absendernummer) of the University of Münster is: H0001848.

  • Private health insurance

    Students who are covered through a private health insurance company are required to file for exemption from the compulsory health insurance requirement for students. To do this, present a German statutory health insurance provider of your choice with confirmation of cover from your private health insurance company. The statutory health insurance provider will then send the University of Münster a digital “M10 2” form, confirming your status. The company number (Absendernummer) of the University of Münster is: H0001848.

    Please note that it is neither necessary nor sufficient to submit a written confirmation of membership or insurance card from your private health insurance company at enrolment.

    For an overview of the statutory health insurance providers in Germany, click here.

  • Additional health allowance

    Students who are entitled to an additional health allowance are likewise required to file for exemption from the compulsory health insurance requirement for students. To do this, contact a German statutory health insurance provider of your choice. The statutory health insurance provider will then send the University of Münster a digital “M10 2” form, confirming your status. The company number (Absendernummer) of the University of Münster is: H0001848.

    Please note that it is neither necessary nor sufficient to submit a written confirmation of membership from the subsidy office at enrolment.

    For an overview of the statutory health insurance providers in Germany, click here.

  • Foreign health insurance policy in Germany

    Students who are insured in Germany through a foreign health insurance provider have two options.

    Option 1: You remain insured with your foreign health insurance provider, in which case you must file for exemption from the compulsory health insurance requirement for students. First, contact a German statutory health insurance provider of your choice and submit proof of your foreign health insurance coverage. The statutory health insurance provider will then send the University of Münster a digital “M10 2” form, confirming your status. The company number (Absendernummer) of the University of Münster is: H001848. If you present written confirmation of coverage from your foreign health insurance provider at enrolment, it will not be accepted as proof of health insurance coverage.

    Option 2: You can sign up for health insurance through a German statutory provider, in which case you should contact the provider of your choice. As soon as you are officially insured, the German health insurance company will send the University of Münster a digital “M10” form, confirming your status. The company number (Absendernummer) of the University of Münster is: H001848.

    You can find an overview of the statutory health insurance providers in Germany here.