Legal matters
If you are expecting a child, there are a few formalities to be dealt with regarding your employer, in this case the University of Münster. Above all, make sure to inform your employer as soon as possible. This obligation is stipulated by the Maternal Protection Act (Mutterschutzgesetz, MuSchG). It regulates the so-called Mutterschutz, the protection periods for pregnant women, namely: six weeks before the birth and eight weeks after the birth (twelve weeks in the case of a premature or multiple birth). Here you find the extended Maternal Protection Act due to Corona.
The university compensates the costs for the attestation of pregnancy. You can send the reciept to your contact in the Human Resources Department. Please make sure that your bank account is mentionend.
After this period, the Bundeselterngeld- und Elternzeitgesetz (BEEG – Federal Parental Allowance and Parental Leave Act) applies. It regulates the parental right to parental leave, which exists until the child’s third birthday. The maternity protection period after the birth counts towards this limit. In families with more than one child, parents have a right to parental leave for each child even if the periods overlap. If the employer agrees, part of parental leave (no more than 12 months) can be transferred to a later time but only up to the child’s eighth birthday. This parental leave can be claimed by either parent singly, by both parents jointly, or be split.
During parental leave, a parent is allowed to work. However, the weekly working time may not exceed 32 hours. For part-time work for a different employer or in self-employment permission must be sought from the employer.