
Advertisements and postings for housing in Germany use many abbreviations. Following is an overview of standard abbreviations:




2-Zi-Whg 2-Zimmer-Wohnung two-room apartment
2 ZKB 2 Zimmer, Küche, Bad two rooms, kitchen, bathroom
2 ZKBB 2 Zimmer, Küche, Bad, Balkon two rooms, kitchen, bathroom, balcony
Abstellk. Abstellkammer storage closet
Bj. Baujahr year of construction
Blk./Balk. Balkon balcony
Courtage Courtage commission or fee for estate agents
D Diele hallway
DG Dachgeschoss under the roof/attic rooms/loft apartment
DHH Doppelhaushälfte semi-detached house / duplex
DU Dusche shower
EB Erstbezug first tenancy
EBK Einbauküche fitted kitchen
EFH Einfamilienhaus single family house
EG Erdgeschoss ground floor
ETH Etagenheizung heating system covering one floor of the building
ETW Etagenwohnung apartment / flat
Grdst Grundstück plot of land
G-WC Gäste-WC separate toilet for guests
HH Hochhaus high-rise building
HK Heizkosten heating costs
HZG / HZ Heizung heating
Kau. Kaution deposit
KDB Küche, Diele, Bad kitchen, hall, bathroom
keine zusätzl. Prov. keine zusätzliche Provision no additional commission
KM Kaltmiete rent excluding utility costs (heating, cable TV, cleaning of communal areas, waste removal etc.)
KP Kaufpreis purchase price
m2 / qm Quadratmeter square meter (sqm)
Makler Makler real estate agent
MM Monatsmiete monthly rent
möbl. möbliert furnished
NK/NBK Nebenkosten additional costs such as heating, cable TV, cleaning of shared areas, waste removal etc.
NR Nichtraucher non-smoker
Nutzfl. Nutzfläche floorspace
OG Obergeschoss upper floor
Part. Parterre ground floor
RH Reihenhaus terraced house
sep. separates separate
Stellpl. Stellplatz parking space
Terr. Terasse terrace, patio
TG Tiefgarage underground parking
TL Tageslicht natural light
UG Untergeschoss basement
VB/VHB Verhandlungsbasis asking price
VH Vorderhaus front of the house
warm/WM Warmmiete rent including all utility costs (heating, cable TV, cleaning of communal areas, waste removal etc.)
WBS Wohnberechtigungsschein "Wohnberechtigungsschein" - certificate that allows you to live in subsidised housing
WE Wohneinheit living unit
Wfl. Wohnfläche floor area
WG Wohngemeinschaft shared accommodation / flat share
Whg. Wohnung apartment, flat
WK Wohnküche open-plan kitchen
ZFH / 2 FH Zweifamilienhaus two-family house
ZH Zentralheizung central heating
Zi. Zimmer room(s)
ZKB Zimmer, Küche, Bad rooms, kitchen, bathroom
ZKBB Zimmer, Küche, Bad, Balkon rooms, kitchen, bathroom, balcony