Emerging Field
Emerging Field

Addressing Law

The research activities in the emerging field “Addressing Law” are marked by a high cross-faculty interdisciplinarity in which law as the culmination of diverse processes of negotiation is examined at various times in history and in various political and sociocultural contexts. At the University of Münster, researchers are working to identify intradisciplinary, non-dogmatic approaches both within the field of jurisprudence as well as other disciplines, e.g. literary studies, history, Bible research, Islamic studies, political studies and sociology. These efforts lead to new interdisciplinary research partnerships as well as diverse collaborations with subject-relevant research centres in Europe and around the world.

The enormous innovative and knowledge-generating potential of law is demonstrated e.g. in the collaborative research centre (SFB) “Law and Literature” and the Käte Hamburger Kolleg “Legal Unity and Pluralism” funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) since 2021. In cooperation with outstanding international fellows, its members are refining this emerging field by exploring potential areas of inquiry into the subject of law and further developing the interdisciplinary research field.