What other counselling facilities in Münster can I contact for help with psychological problems?

Psychological counselling centres
(last update: 25 October 2023)

If you require assistance with dealing with psychological stress and need help finding a solution to your problems, you can contact the following counselling centres. Their counselling is based on different advisory and therapeutic approaches and is normally free of charge. Naturally, all matters are treated confidentially.

Psychotherapeutic Outpatient Department (PTA)
University of Münster, FB 7

Fliednerstraße 21, Pavilion V, Rm. 2.643, 48149 Münster, tel: +49 251 83-34140

https://www.uni-muenster.de/Psychologie.pta/ [de]
Opening hours for initial meetings:
  • Monday afternoon
    Fliednerstr. 21, 48149 Münster
  • Tuesday morning
    Fliednerstr. 21, 48149 Münster
  • Thursday afternoon
    Schorlemerstr. 26, 48143 Münster
Available by phone (secretary’s office): Mon - Fri 10 am - 12 pm, Mon - Thu 2 pm - 4 pm (+49 251 83-34140)
Counselling and therapeutic services:
Diagnostic evaluation and psychotherapeutic treatment, e.g. for coping with anxiety, depression, addictions, psychosomatic problems, stress disorders, learning and performance disorders, everyday problems at university or work
The costs of the preliminary interview and additional therapy appointments (if required) are usually covered by the patient’s health insurance provider.

Psychological Counselling for Students
Catholic Student and University Association (KSHG)

Frauenstraße 3-6, 48143 Münster, tel: +49 251 49519000

https://www.kshg.de/beratung-hilfe/psychologische-beratung/ [de]
Opening hours:
Consultation by phone or in person: Tue 10 am - 11 am
Counselling services:
Counselling and therapy to address performance problems, examination anxiety, psychosomatic problems, eating disorders, anxiety and panic disorders, depression, stress disorders, relationship problems (partners, parents), seminars on various topics, e.g. coping with stress

Crisis Support Service Münster

Klosterstraße 34, 48143 Münster
tel: +49 251 519005

https://www.krisenhilfe-muenster.de [de]
Opening hours:
Office hours: Mon - Thu 9 am - 1 pm
Service phone desk: Mon - Fri 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm
We guarantee to call you back if you leave a message on the answering machine.
Weekend crisis hotline:
Fri 8 pm - Mon 8 am, +49 251 915550
Counselling services:
Quick crisis intervention (within 24 hours after contact); relief in acute crises and joint problem-solving in times of emotional crisis, life crises, suicidal behaviour, attempted suicide (also by those close to you)
Please note:
The counselling process consists of max. 10 therapy sessions.

Crisis hotline

0800/1110111 (free call)
0800/1110222 (free call)
Opening hours:
The crisis hotline is open 24/7.
Counselling services:
Talking through crises and emergency situations, referrals to other counselling facilities.

Sociopsychiatric Service of Münster

https://www.stadt-muenster.de/gesundheit/psychische-gesundheit/sozialpsychiatrischer-dienst.html [de]

Counselling and Therapy for Women

Neubrückenstraße 73, 48143 Münster
tel: +49 251 58626

Consultation hours:
Mon 9 am - 11 am
Tue 11 am - 1 pm
Wed 3 pm - 5 pm
Thu 4 pm - 6 pm
Counselling services:
Counselling and therapy for women who are facing acute crisis situations and/or dealing with specific problems (e.g. depression, anxieties, relationship problems etc.)
Please note:
These services are available to women only.

Südviertel Counselling Centre for Children, Adolescents and Adults

Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 125, 48153 Münster
tel: +49 251 77466

Opening hours:
Mon 9 am - 6 pm, Tue - Thu 9 am - 5 pm, Fri 9 am - 1 pm
Consultation hours:
Mon 4 pm - 6 pm
Telephone consultation hours:
+49 251 77466
Mon 4 pm - 6 pm
Counselling services:
Counselling and therapy for dealing with conflicts/personal problems, examination anxiety, academic planning etc.; couple counselling; gender-specific counselling for women and men; child-raising guidance (for student parents or parents/families of students)

Counselling centres for parents, children and adolescents
operated by the Münster Caritas Association

Josefstraße 2, 48151 Münster, tel.: +49 251 53009-0

https://www.caritas-ms.de [de]
Family counseling hotline:
+49 251 3958896 during the summer school holidays Mon-Fri 10 am - 8 pm
Online consultation: https://www.caritas.de/hilfeundberatung/onlineberatung/onlineberatung

Consultation hours: Counselling services:
Diagnostic evaluation, counselling and therapy for young adults and their caregivers, parents, children and adolescents for dealing with social disorders, lack of perspective, relationship problems etc.
Please seek assistance at the counselling centre located in your residential district. Services are provided to clients under the age of 27 (except those who have already become parents)

Women’s Counselling Centre - Münster Crisis Hotline

Counselling centre for women and girls subjected to sexualised violence
Heisstraße 9, 48145 Münster
tel: +49 251 34443

https://www.frauennotruf-muenster.de [de]
Telephone consultation hours:
Mon - Thu 10 am - 4 pm
Fri 10 am - 12 pm
Personal consultation hours:
Tue 2 pm - 4 pm
Online consultation (https://frauennotruf-muenster.beranet.info/ [de]):
Personal chat: by arrangement
Email consultation: anytime
Counselling services:
Counselling for raped and sexually molested women and girls and for their respective caregivers and specialists

Zartbitter Münster e.V.

Counselling centre for combatting sexualised violence
Hammerstraße 220, 48153 Münster
Please phone ahead to arrange an appointment for personal consultation:
tel: +49 251 4140555

https://zartbitter-muenster.de/ [de]
Telephone consultation hours:
Mon 10 am - 12 pm
Tue 4 pm - 4 pm
Thu 11 am - 3 pm
Fri 10 am - 12 pm
during the summer holidays:
Mon & Fri 10 am - 12 pm, Wed 2 pm - 4 pm
Counselling services:
Preliminary interview and personal/group counselling services for adolescents and young adults (up to 21 yrs.) are free of charge. Online consultation is also possible.

Pro Familia

German Association for Family Planning, Sexual Education and Sexual Counselling
Ludgeriplatz 12, 48151 Münster
tel: +49 251 45858

https://www.profamilia.de/angebote-vor-ort/nordrhein-westfalen/muenster.html [de]
Appointments for consultation sessions can only be arranged by phone (+49 251 45858).
Opening hours:
Mon 9 am - 12:30 pm, 1:30 pm - 4 pm
Tue 9 am - 12:30 pm, 1:30 pm - 4 pm
Wed 1:30 pm - 4 pm
Thu 9 am - 12:30 pm, 1:30 pm - 4 pm
Fri 9 am - 12:30 pm, 1:30 pm - 4 pm
Telephone consultation hours for partnership, sexuality and crises:
Fri 11:30 am - 12:30 pm
Counselling services:
Counselling for dealing with problems during pregnancy, prenatal diagnostics, family planning, the desire to have children, partnerships, sexuality and sexual education

Psychosocial Counselling and Treatment Centre for Addicts and Addiction-Prone Persons
operated by the Münster Caritas Association

Josefstraße 2, 48151 Münster, tel: +49 251 53009341
https://www.caritas-ms.de/hilfe-beratung/suchtberatung/suchtberatung [de]

Personal consultation hours:
Counselling Centre Münster Mitte
Josefstraße 2
Mon 4 pm - 6 pm
Counselling services:
Professional counselling and assistance for those directly and indirectly affected (e.g. relatives, partners) by alcohol, medication, food and gambling addictions. The measures include personal discussions, initiating immediate measures if necessary, referrals to in-patient treatment facilities, cooperation with self-help groups and other specialist services offered by the Caritas counselling centres, addiction prevention.

Drug Assistance Office of Münster

Schorlemerstraße 8, 48143 Münster
tel: +49 251 4925173

https://www.stadt-muenster.de/drogenhilfe [de]
Opening hours: Wed 9 am - 12 pm
Consultation hours: Mon, Wed, Fri 9 am - 12 pm
Online consultation: by arrangement
Breakfast meeting: Wed 10 am - 1 pm
Counselling services:
Contact office for persons prone to drug addiction, drug consumers and drug addicts in Münster, their families and partners, multipliers. The focus is on prevention measures (coordinated by the Office for Addiction Prevention), coping with addiction (open, low-threshold services), drug withdrawal (outpatient/psychosocial support, preparation/referral to facilities specialised in detoxification, substitution, therapy and after-care), target-group specific services (consumers, substitution consumers, family members, partners, self-help groups).

Münster AIDS Care - Centre for Sexuality and Health

Schaumburgstr. 11
48145 Münster
tel: +49 251 609600
Telephone consultation hours 0251 19411 (Mon-Thu: 10 am - 4 pm)
Nationwide consultation: 0180 33 19411 (Mon-Fri: 9 amp - 9 pm, Sat u. Sun: 12 pm - 2 pm)
Online consultation: beratung@aidshilfe.org

https://aidshilfe.org/ [de]
Opening hours:
Mon 10 am - 4 pm
Tue 10 am - 2 pm and 4 pm - 6 pm
Wed, Thu 10 am - 6 pm
Fri 10 am - 12 pm
Counselling services:
  • Legal and psychosocial counselling for those affected by HIV/AIDS including family members, partners and friends
  • Advice on other sexually transmitted diseases
  • Support with sexual identity issues (e.g. homo- or bisexuality)
  • Sexual education events for groups
  • Information on legal and illegal drugs
  • Self-help services

Youth Information and Education Centre (Jib)

Hafenstr. 34, 48153 Münster
tel: +49 251 4925858

https://www.stadt-muenster.de/jib/info-beratung/ [de]
Info office opening hours:
Mon - Thu 1:30 pm - 8 pm
Fri 11:30 am - 2 pm
Counselling services:
Extensive range of free information and counselling services for adolescents and young adults between the ages of 16 and 27 on all youth-relevant topics Consultation, support and helpful contacts in the form of conflict counselling (family, partnership, social environment), legal assistance, debt counselling; info service (e.g. au-pair placement); workshops, courses and projects

Self-Help Contact Point Münster

Dahlweg 112, 48153 Münster
tel: +49 251 60933230

https://www.selbsthilfe-muenster.de [de]
Consultation hours:
Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 10 am - 1 pm
Thu 3 pm - 5 pm
Counselling services:
Provides information on self-help, self-help groups and professional support and counselling services in Münster. The Self-Help Contact Point places individuals into existing groups, helps establish new groups and offers advice to existing self-help groups (on a broad range of topics)