The PhysAgeNet and EGRAPA Conference ‘Evidence Based Physical Activity in Old Age - are we closing the gaps?’ will take place in Trabzon from 7th to 9th May 2025. Interested people can take part online free of charge. Further information can be found in the flyer. We appreciate your interest!
AgeWell information event
Two information events on the AgeWell Europe study were held in Münster in December 2024. The interest was so high so that the study has now started with the 40 required participants. The pre-tests will take place until the end of January. Further information can be found at
„Tech-Werkstatt Leistungssport“ 2025: Start of registration period
Registration is now possible via the following link: Registration
Further information will be continuously updated on the registration page.
„Tech-Werkstatt Leistungssport“ 2025 in Münster
The Institute of Sport and Exercise Sciences is once again organizing a tech-fair in 2025 with the cooperation of its various partners. Interested people should save the date 06. - 07. March 2025. More information can be found in the flyer.
The Erasmus project “PA4Age” was successfully completed with an international conference in Treviso, Italy on November 7, 2024. The project partners were able to present the developed learning platform and app on the topic of motivation and active ageing to numerous interested professionals from the sports and health sector as well as older adults.
TV report “Our fantastic sense of movement” with Christiane Bohn and Heiko Wagner
Fascinating! Christiane Bohn and Heiko Wagner show us how complex our body sensation is. Using innovative measurement methods such as “ComputerMyoGraphy” developed by Heiko Wagner, they investigate whether our movements really happen the way we perceive them. The example of the talented B-girl Jilou shows how important the connection between brain and body is. Link to the report (3sat/German)
Invitation to hybrid Training School “Artificial Intelligence meets Physical Activity”
From 16th to 18th September 2024, the hybrid COST Action PhysAgeNet training school “Artificial Intelligence meets Physical Activity” will take place in Ankara at the NÖRÖM Center (Neuroscience And Neurotechnology Center Of Excellence). We invite all interested people to join online without any costs. You can find the programme and zoom link here.
As part of “AgeWell Europe”, the members of the Erasmus project met in Athlone from August 30 to 31, 2024. Led by the “EduFit” team from Ireland, the project partners from Italy, Slovenia and Germany focused on the successful implementation of sports and fitness courses with older adults and the effects of ageing on sport and exercise.
Two Guests at the Department of Movement Science
On August 7, our guest researcher Prof. Demet Iangil from the University of Health Sciences in Istanbul presented her expertise on movement-based, individualized fall prevention programmes for older adults in a LabTalk. We hope that we will be working together on this topic in the future. Zhao Liu, who is in the final stages of his Master's degree in Sports Science at the University of Göttingen, took the opportunity to visit our department as well. Thank you both for visiting us!
The UniMS Centre for Europe
Michael Brach, AB Movement Science, was appointed to the Ulysseus Steering Committee, which provides strategic advice to the Rectorate and the project management. The vision of the European University Network Ulysseus is to develop an excellent European university based on the European values of social cohesion and respect for human rights. The alliance firmly believes that European universities should be open to the world, institutions of solidarity beyond European borders.
The UniMS Centre for Europe
The UniMS Centre for Europe has appointed Michael Brach to the ‘EU Mentoring Network’. It aims to identify suitable young scientists, encourage them to apply for ERC starting grants and support them. The ‘Class of 2024’ covers a broad spectrum from chemistry to education. Soon to include sports science?
Female sports scientists managing university
Three female employees from the Institute of Sports Science have successfully completed the fourth cohort of the University of Münster's further qualification program "Women managing universities". The Prorector for Academic Career Development and Diversity, Prof. Dr. Maike Tietjens, awarded the certificates to the graduates at a ceremony on April 24, 2024. Dr. Ellen Bentlage ( Department of Human Movement Sciences), Kathrin Aschebrock and Dr. Stefanie Dahl (both Department of Physical Education and Teaching Research) received a scholarship from the University of Münster for the program.
Successful PhysAgeNet/ EGRAPA Conference
Prof. Michael Brach and Ellen Bentlage from the Movement Science department, as well as Prof. Claudia Voelcker-Rehage and Piesie Asuako Gyimah from the Neuromotor Behaviour and Exercise department attended the self-organised PhysAgeNet event at the Lithuanian Sport University. They contributed in various roles over four days to the workshops and the PhysAgeNet/EGRAPA scientific conference on the topic of “Evidence-based physical activity in old age”. Further information: here and here
Congratulations to Ellen Bentlage on her "Dr. rer.nat."!
"Promoting Physical Activity among Older Adults through Information and Communication Technologies: The relation between user needs and technology requirements" is the title of the dissertation that Ellen Bentlage successfully defended on 12 April 2024.
Opening of the psychomotor room at the IfS on 26th April 2024
As part of the introduction of the new study program teaching for special educational needs, a psychomotor room was set up in our university sports hall. It will be opened on 26th April 2024 in a festive ceremony with colleagues. In addition to a short keynote speech, invited guests will have the opportunity to discover and experience the psychomotor materials.
AgeWell Meeting
The first transnational meeting of the AgeWell Europe project took place in Münster on March 5 and 6. Together with partners from Ireland, Slovenia, and Italy, the Active Ageing Lab team developed the structure and content for the digital physical activity and health intervention and identified important steps for the further course of the project. Further information and impressions can found here
Just like last year, a group of 9th grade students from Hopsten (Hüberts'sche School) visited the Movement Science department. As part of their school subject sport science, they carried out an analysis of their counter movement jump height and power in the OpenLab using the Qualisys system. The main goal of the visit was to introduce the students to sports science in a lab setting.
Andreas Mühlbeier leaves the Institute
We bid farewell to Andreas Mühlbeier, a valued member of our Human Movement Science department, who left us on 1 November. Andreas started his PhD under Heiko Wagner in 2015 and has been with us since then as a PhD student and later as a PostDoc. During his time at the institute, Andreas focussed primarily on crash tests and their effects on the cervical spine, but contributed to numerous other projects. We will miss his commitment and presence. Andreas, we wish you all the best for your future career!
Just before the start of the new semester, Christiane Bohn and Tabea Christ from our department’s psychomotor learning and development lab, visited the 15th annual conference of the dvs-committee “Development of Sports Infrastructure” centered around the topic “Skating and wiseassing – scientific perspectives on skateboarding” in Dortmund.
DVS Poster Award for Tabea Christ
At the 26th sport scientific university day held by the dvs (German society for sport science) in Bochum, Tabea Christ from the department movement science presented her poster on skateboard therapy for children with ADHD which is part of her PhD topic. For this, she was awarded the poster award in the category natural sciences. Congratulations on this success!
At the beginning of the new school year, the students of the 10th grade from Hopsten (Hüberts'sche Schule) visited our department of movement sciences and the OpenLab of the IFS. During their visit, they conducted an exemplary analysis of their running style while walking, jogging, and sprinting using the Qualisys program.
In the August 11th episode of BBC's captivating "The Naked Scientists Podcast," an intriguing query emerges: " Why does my left brain control my right side?"
Our members of the Active Ageing Lab from the University of Münster successfully accomplished with the other 13 project partners the objectives of the PROCare4Life project “Personalised Integrated Care Promoting Quality of Life for Older People”, which took place from January 2020 until June 2023. An interactive care system interactive care system for persons with chronic diseases, for their caregivers and for health professionals was currently being developed. We are so proud that the University of Münster could take part in this exciting European Union's Horizon project with the great consortium.
Over the last few weeks, the Active Ageing Lab (Dep. Movement Science) has been running a course to promote digital skills, creativity, emotional self-care and physical activity. Now the team received the happy news that the interim report of the EU project IntegraLab+ was accepted, which is an important step for the further design of the project.
The PhysAgeNet COST Action is organizing a hybrid Training School on "From narrative to systematic living review" from May 30th to June 1st. The places on site (Kaunas, Lithuania) are already fully booked, but online participation is also possible for free without prior registration.
International Conference of Integrated Care 2023
On the 23rd of May, our colleagues Mona Ahmed, Ellen Bentlage and Michael Brach visited the “International Conference of Integrated Care” (ICIC23) in Antwerp-Belgium and attended the PROCare4Life session and the public event after 42 months project time. By the end of this month, Mona will leave our institute. We wish her much success in her future career.
Girls'Day at the Institute of Sport and Exercise Sciences
As in years past, the Institute of Sport and Exercise Sciences opened the door for this year's Girls'Day. Twelve interested girls were able to participate in small experiments and gained an exciting insight into sports science research.
Second hybrid PhysAgeNet conference in Riga
The second hybrid PhysAgeNet conference (April 25th-27th at Riga Stradins University) presented major advances from the Working Groups on evidence-based physical activity research and practice in older adults. Membership has doubled to over 250 from 45 countries. The future of COST Action was discussed. Members of the AB Exercise Science and Neuromotor Science lead various Working Groups and the overall network.
The Tech-Werkstatt for elite athletics in Münster brought together over 120 participants from sports science, industry, and sports practice to learn about the latest technologies and discuss their applications in high-performance sports. The event included exhibitions, workshops, panel discussions, and pitches, and was positively evaluated by experts from different fields. The Tech Workshop was a joint initiative by WVL, the High-Performance Sports Innovation Hub, WISS-Netz, DOSB, BISp, the University of Münster, and Predimo GmbH
The COST Action "Evidence-based physical activity in old age" (PhysAgeNet) presents its research focus in a 1-minute animated video. The project aims to raise awareness and develop standards for creating “tailored” exercise programmes that will fit the specific needs of the diverse ageing populations. The video can be viewed here.
New faces in the Wagner Lab
We are happy to announce Tabea Christ and Colja Homann as our new colleagues! Tabea will start as a PhD student in the "Skaten statt Ritalin" (skateboarding instead of Ritalin) project, while Colja will work within the "Applied Movement Science" working group. We wish both of them a successful time!
The Department of Human Movement Sciences is searching for a student assistant in the field of Active Ageing for exciting international project work (4-8 hours). All further information including contact person can be found here.
Dr. Cassandra Kraaijenbrink successfully defends her dissertation
Congratulations to Dr. Cassandra Kraaijenbrink for receiving her joint Ph.D. from the WWU Münster and the University Groningen! It was a pleasure to attend her successful defense titled "Biophysical perspective on submaximal #handcycle propulsion in able-bodied men", which took place on Nov 03, 2022.
Michael Brach into EMU Centre Europe
By decision of the Board, Michael Brach (AB Movement Science) has been accepted into the WWU Centre Europe. He contributes to a proposal on the European Universities Initiative.
On the 18th and 19th of november the second transnational meeting of the Integra_Lab+ project took place in Münster. Together with international partners, members of the Active Ageing Lab discussed the results of the projects Need Analysis and settled the base to start with the development of the E-motion video library to foster seniors physical activity.
PhysAgeNet enters its second year
The COST Action "Evidence-based Physical Activity in old Age" (PhysAgeNet) aims to improve the comparability of research, the tailoring of exercise programmes and the use of technology.
Representatives from 36 European countries approved the financial plan of Chair Michael Brach. The network will thus start its second year this week. IfS members from the departments Movement Science and Neuromotor behavior and exercise are participating.
See what you have developed
Better quality of life through integrated care for people with Parkinson's and dementia -- after more than 2.5 years, the PROCare4Life consortium (14 organisations from 6 EU countries) was able to see for themselves the state of the system -- on site in Madrid instead of by zoom. "It's enormously helpful to actually see and touch what you've developed -- and talk to the users," says Michael Brach, whose team is responsible for daily exercise recommendations and learning materials for PROCare4Life.
900 citations for COVID-19 study by the Active Ageing Lab.
A bibliometric analysis of studies on COVID-19 and physical activity identifies Achraf, Brach, Trabelsi et al, 2020 as the most cited (meanwhile over 900 depending on the source). The paper also received a publication award. From Münster, Mona Ahmed, Ellen Bentlage, Michael Brach and Daniella How were involved.
The original study can be read here.
And the bibliometric analysis here.
Last meeting of the GOLD-project
From the 27th to the 28th of September the last on side meeting in the framework of the GOLD project (Good Practices for Old People) took place. The partners from Greece, Bulgaria and France visited the Institute of Sport Sciences. The current status of the project and the further procedure were discussed.
Open internship position
Our long-standing cooperative partners at Roessingh Research & Development (RRD) are searching for an intern beginning as soon as possible. This internship can be done within the scientific study programs, but can also be done voluntarily. BSc and MSc theses are also possible to emerge from the project.
Start-up Predimo wins Münsterland Innovation Award
At this year’s Münsterland Innovation Award Ceremony, Predimo GmbH was named winner in the category Start-up. During a festive ceremony for around 300 guests, Predimo’s CEO Dirk Bendig and CTO Prof. Heiko Wagner received the award from Frank Knura, board representative of Sparkasse Münsterland Ost.
Predimo, a start up founded on the work at the Department of Movement Science and supported by the WWU, has won the award for “ComputerMyoGrafie”, a process that analyses loads in joints during movement and which brings a new level of analysis to sports, ergonomics, and medicine.
Charlotte le Mouel leaves the institute
Post-doc Dr. Charlotte le Mouel, who worked in the Department of Movement Science since September 2020, has accepted a new position as a researcher at the CNRS (Paris, France). She will continue her work on handwalking in the context of motor learning and balance control. Congratulations to the new position and thanks for the great time!
Grant Holder Manager workshop of the COST-Academy
Last week, Ellen Bentlage took part in the COST Academy's workshop for Grant Holder Managers in Brussels. The aim was to exchange experiences. The COST Academy supports the management of the Action Network. Prof. Dr. Michael Brach, head of the Active Ageing Lab from the Department of Movement Science, is the chair of the COST project "Network on Evidence-Based Physical Activity in Old Age“ (PhysAgeNet CA20104). More information can be found here.
Second meeting of the GOLD project in Athens
The second meeting "learning, teaching, training activity" in the framework of the Erasmus+ project GOLD ("Good practices for OLD people") took place in Athens from 04 to 06 May. During the three days, the project partners Reading for the Others, Challedu and Frodizo presented their best practices to promote the physical, cognitive and emotional well-being of older people and gave practical workshops on their projects.
More information on the project can be found here.
INTEGRA_LAB: First meeting in presence in Madrid
From 3rd to 5th of April, team members of the Active Ageing Labs (Apartments of Movement Science) met transnational Partners from France, Poland, Spain and Italy in Madrid, to push forward the Erasmus+ project Integralab+. Integralab+ encourages the emotional self-care of elderly adults through their acquisition of digital skills and creativity (directed by Michael Brach). In this project, the WWU team will focus on creating a target-group adapted video library to foster physical activity.
After a one-year break, we are pleased to announce that we will again be able to offer training for the additional qualification "sports remedial teaching" at the beginning of the summer semester 2022. All those interested are cordially invited to the information event on Wednesday, 19. 01. 2022 at 6.00 pm. Access information: here.
You don't have a topic for your master thesis yet? Don't panic! The Department of Movement Science is looking for students who want to work on an exciting topic for their master thesis. Further information can be found here.
The Department of Human Movement Science is looking for a student assistant (4 - 8 hours) in the area of Active Ageing. You can find all further information including the contact person here.
The first "learning, teaching, training activity" of the Erasmus+ project GOLD ("Good practices for OLD people") took place in Paris from 11 to 13 October. The aim of the project is to promote the exchange of good practices for social inclusion, maintenance of mental and physical well-being and competence development of older people. Good practices of the French and Bulgarian project partners and the WWU were presented at the meeting in Paris.
Bachelor/Master theses in bikefitting
The department of Movement Science is now awarding bachelor's and master's theses in the area of bikefitting. Further information can be found here.
From Science to Start-Up
How do you transfer scientific knowledge to a commercial product or start-up? Andreas Mühlbeier and Adrian Bühring from the Department of Movement Science discuss how they are bringing a science-based 3D musculoskeletal model to the market in the podcast #From Science to Start-up by the REACH EUREGIO Start-Up Center.
Virtual International EGREPA Conference 2021: "ACTIVE AGING - new challenges, new opportunities" (19th- 21st of May 2021). You want to learn more? Click here!
In an ongoing study by Jens Natrup, movement analyses are being carried out at the water diving base in Aachen. The video is intended to give an impression of how the movements of competitive athletes can be recorded and analyzed with the help of modern measuring systems. Click here for the video.
History of Equality at WWU from 1908 to 2021.
March 8 is International Women's Day. It is symbolic of the existing discrimination women face on a daily basis, but also of the successes they have achieved over the centuries. You want to learn more? Click here!
Due to the Corona pandemic, current conditions do not allow us to start a new training course "Physical Education Teaching" in the summer semester of 2021. We hope to be able to offer this additional qualification again next year. If you are interested or have any questions, please contact Dr. Bohn.
The science magazine 'W Wie Wissen' of the ARD visited the Institute for Sports Science and was informed about the 6th sense. Here you can find out more.
This season’s LabTalks were opened with an online zoom-presentation by Dr. Marc de Lussanet. He presented two novel numerical filters for data analysis which he developed.
The conference will focus on a wide range of themes related to physical activity and aging, including physical activity for special populations such as cognitively impaired people, life space and mobility, big data in exercise and aging, personalized exercise and new technologies in exercise for older adults. More information.
Adrian Bühring is a new employee in the department of movement science and has previously worked for many years as a cook and confectioner. Via the second educational path, he then completed a bachelor's degree in the field of medical/electrical engineering, specializing in modelling, technical rehabilitation and biomechanics. In the master's program, Adrian specialized in the field of ergonomics and occupational safety. In the department of movement science he is responsible as an engineer for a third party project, where an avalanche simulator is programmed.
Since the beginning of October Svenja Wald has been working in the field of movement science on the further development of the rehabilitation training device "MEDI-SQUAT" for controlling leg strain by means of kinematic measurements. She completed her Master's degree in "Sport, Exercise and Human Performance" here in Münster and a Bachelor's degree in "Sports Medical Engineering", which has awakened her interest in biomechanics, motion analysis and various measurement systems.
Together with our guest editor Prof. Dr. Michael Brach, the German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research, an up-and-coming international journal (and successor to Germany’s leading national journal in sport science: Sportwissenschaft, 1971-2016) invites authors to contribute articles to the thematic issue “Exercise and physical activity for health promotion and rehabilitation in community dwelling very old adults or nursing home residents”. Accepted contributions will be published in August/September 2021 (Vol. 51, Issue 3) We ask authors to submit their papers using the journal’s electronic Editorial Manager system before 1 March 2021. Instructions for authors are available on the journal’s homepage. Only articles written in English will be eligible for peer review.
All Information as PDF-File here
Maarten van den Heuvel and Marc de Lussanet from the Department of Movement science conducted crash tests with a number of brave human subjects, in order to collect data on the interaction between passengers and seatbelts during low-velocity crashes.
Further information can be found under this link.
The ERASMUS+ project Actimentia developed an interactive online platform to promote physical activity for people with cognitive impairment or incipient dementia and their caregivers. We cordially invite affected persons, caregivers and all other interested parties
to get to know the platform. Further information can be found under this link.
Last Friday (June 19) Jens Natrup visited the Olympic training center Rheinland-Pfalz/Saarland for trampolining in Bad Kreuznach and carried out movement analyzes for national gymnasts. In the current study, the orientation of competitive athletes in twisted somersaults is to be examined by measuring three-dimensional body, head and eye movements.
Psychological and Behavioral Consequences of Confinement
As part of a team from Canada, Brazil, Portugal, Spain and Germany, Michael Brach is now supervising the following "Research Topic" for Frontiers in Psychology:
"Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19): Psychological and Behavioral Consequences of Confinement on Physical Activity, Sedentarism, and Rehabilitation".
Teilnehmer für mehrsprachige Online-Umfrage gesucht
#Gemeinsam gegen #COVID-19: Wir suchen Teilnehmer für unsere mehrsprachige Online-Umfrage (#ECLB-COVID19):
Auswirkungen der häuslichen Isolation auf multiples Lebensstilverhalten während des COVID-19-Ausbruchs (ECLB-COVID-19).
Im März 2020 hat die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) die Einschätzung getroffen, dass COVID-19 als Pandemie charakterisiert werden kann. Die WHO und die Gesundheitsbehörden auf der ganzen Welt bemühen sich den Ausbruch von COVID-19 durch die Beschränkung, zuhause zu bleiben, einzudämmen. Diese Zeit der Krise erzeugt jedoch Stress in der gesamten Bevölkerung.
Mit der vorliegenden Studie sollen in vielen Ländern, die Auswirkungen häuslicher Isolation auf multiples Lebensstilverhalten, während des COVID-19-Ausbruchs untersucht werden.
Wir laden Sie daher ein, an dieser Umfrage teilzunehmen. Ihre kostbare Zeit und Ihr Feedback werden uns helfen, die Veränderungen im Lebensstil während der Einschränkungen in der Periode des COVID-19 besser zu verstehen.
Solche Erkenntnisse könnten Ärzten/Wissenschaftlern/Ingenieuren helfen, effiziente und wirksame Vorschläge/Lösungen (z.B. ICT-basierte Lösungen) zur Milderung möglicher unerwünschter psychosozialer Auswirkungen der häuslichen Insolation zu finden.
Die Umfrage wird etwa 15 Minuten dauern. Bitte klicken Sie hier, um auf die Umfrage zuzugreifen. Ihre Antworten werden anonym und vertraulich behandelt.
PROCareLife - Personalised Integrated Care for Older People
This exciting new project kicked off in Portugal, EU-funded within ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) section. It proposes an integrated scalable and interactive care ecosystem for neurodegenerative diseases. In order to benefit patients, caregivers and health professionals, a personalised and interactive model through gamification techniques will be provided.
The consortium consists of 14 partners from 6 EU countries, including the Active Ageing Lab of WWU's Institute of Sport and Exercise Sciences (Mona Ahmed, Ellen Bentlage, Daniella How & Michael Brach).
Welcome to Movement Sciences Department!
We would like to welcome three new doctoral students to the Department of Human Movement Science. Daniella How, Mona Ahmed and Ellen Bentlage are working in the EU project PROCareLife of the ActiveAgeing Lab (Head: Michael Brach). The project is developing a technical platform, including sensors, communication possibilities and movement recommendations for people with neurodegenerative diseases.
We are excited to introduce our newest employee! On November first, Lena Fennen has officially joined the movement science team. After doing incredible work with our group during her master’s thesis, Lena has now joined the group as it’s newest PhD. She will also be teaching in the bachelor and master of science courses.
Even though some may think that twitter is not suited for science, a previous study found that researcher should engag in using Twitter (Côté & Darling, 2018). As Twitter exists since 2006, it is not new anymore. Over the time it advanced and scientists reached noticeable numbers of followers... continue
On the international conference "EVU 2019 Barcelona", Kim Joris Boström won the "Best Paper and Presentation Award" with his talk "A novel 3D computational human model for the reconstruction of traffic accidents and its application to experimental frontal-oblique low-velocity impacts".
Congress on demography
On occasion of the Congress on Demography, Michael Brach has been invited to Berlin and to give a talk. He presented the projects "fit for 100", WHOLE and ACTIMENTIA. Prof. Dr. Ursula Lehr (Heidelberg, former Federal Minister of Health) and Dr. Karin Fehres (Board of German Olympic Sports Confederation) gave the other talks of the forum.
ZIM-grant awarded for the development of an intelligent seatbelt
The Department of Movement Science was awarded a financial grant from the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie, BMWi) that will help the development of an innovative seatbelt. The grant proposal was written together with four other partners from industry and academics and falls within the scope of the so-called "Central Innovation Programme for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)”. Involved in the 2-year project on behalf of the Department of Movement Science will be Maarten van den Heuvel.
From the 9th until the 12th of December, a team of IfS-students from both the Bachelor and Master of Science programs are taking part in the Ability Battle, the first international hackathon event in Human Movement Sciences. The Ability Battle creates an educational challenge that aims to optimally employ advanced technologies for life with disabilities. Each team gets 72 hours to work on a solution to a real-life problem. Click the link above to read more, or follow the IfS-Team on Facebook!
On February 15th, a group of students and teachers of the BSc and MSc-Programs "Sports, Exercise and Human Performance" travelled to Enschede, The Netherlands for a visit to Roessingh Research and Development (RRD). RRD is an internationally recognized scientific institute where a wide range of disciplines such as rehabilitation medicine, movement sciences, psychology, physiotherapy, biomedical sciences and computer sciences work together on current and future innovations in rehabilitation and chronic care. A total of sixteen students joined the visit, which was organized by Cassandra Kraaijenbrink of the Department of Movement Science. [more]
On February 15th, a group of students and teachers of the BSc and MSc-Programs "Sports, Exercise and Human Performance" travelled to Enschede, The Netherlands for a visit to Roessingh Research and Development (RRD). RRD is an internationally recognized scientific institute where a wide range of disciplines such as rehabilitation medicine, movement sciences, psychology, physiotherapy, biomedical sciences and computer sciences work together on current and future innovations in rehabilitation and chronic care. A total of sixteen students joined the visit, which was organized by Cassandra Kraaijenbrink of the Department of Movement Science. [more]
On February 15th, a group of students and teachers of the BSc and MSc-Programs "Sports, Exercise and Human Performance" travelled to Enschede, The Netherlands for a visit to Roessingh Research and Development (RRD). RRD is an internationally recognized scientific institute where a wide range of disciplines such as rehabilitation medicine, movement sciences, psychology, physiotherapy, biomedical sciences and computer sciences work together on current and future innovations in rehabilitation and chronic care. A total of sixteen students joined the visit, which was organized by Cassandra Kraaijenbrink of the Department of Movement Science. [more]
On November 2nd, the department of Movement Science visited the department of Human Movement Sciences of the University of Groningen at the invitation of Prof. Luc van der Woude. Besides a tour of the research facilities, potential collaboration opportunities were discussed. The visit concluded with a talk by Prof. Heiko Wagner on model-based approaches to sensorimotor control.
On November 2nd, the department of Movement Science visited the department of Human Movement Sciences of the University of Groningen at the invitation of Prof. Luc van der Woude. Besides a tour of the research facilities, potential collaboration opportunities were discussed. The visit concluded with a talk by Prof. Heiko Wagner on model-based approaches to sensorimotor control.
On November 2nd, the department of Movement Science visited the department of Human Movement Sciences of the University of Groningen at the invitation of Prof. Luc van der Woude. Besides a tour of the research facilities, potential collaboration opportunities were discussed. The visit concluded with a talk by Prof. Heiko Wagner on model-based approaches to sensorimotor control.
On November 2nd, the department of Movement Science visited the department of Human Movement Sciences of the University of Groningen at the invitation of Prof. Luc van der Woude. Besides a tour of the research facilities, potential collaboration opportunities were discussed. The visit concluded with a talk by Prof. Heiko Wagner on model-based approaches to sensorimotor control.
On November 2nd, the department of Movement Science visited the department of Human Movement Sciences of the University of Groningen at the invitation of Prof. Luc van der Woude. Besides a tour of the research facilities, potential collaboration opportunities were discussed. The visit concluded with a talk by Prof. Heiko Wagner on model-based approaches to sensorimotor control.
On November 2nd, the department of Movement Science visited the department of Human Movement Sciences of the University of Groningen at the invitation of Prof. Luc van der Woude. Besides a tour of the research facilities, potential collaboration opportunities were discussed. The visit concluded with a talk by Prof. Heiko Wagner on model-based approaches to sensorimotor control.
On November 2nd, the department of Movement Science visited the department of Human Movement Sciences of the University of Groningen at the invitation of Prof. Luc van der Woude. Besides a tour of the research facilities, potential collaboration opportunities were discussed. The visit concluded with a talk by Prof. Heiko Wagner on model-based approaches to sensorimotor control.
On November 2nd, the department of Movement Science visited the department of Human Movement Sciences of the University of Groningen at the invitation of Prof. Luc van der Woude. Besides a tour of the research facilities, potential collaboration opportunities were discussed. The visit concluded with a talk by Prof. Heiko Wagner on model-based approaches to sensorimotor control.
On November 2nd, the department of Movement Science visited the department of Human Movement Sciences of the University of Groningen at the invitation of Prof. Luc van der Woude. Besides a tour of the research facilities, potential collaboration opportunities were discussed. The visit concluded with a talk by Prof. Heiko Wagner on model-based approaches to sensorimotor control.
On November 2nd, the department of Movement Science visited the department of Human Movement Sciences of the University of Groningen at the invitation of Prof. Luc van der Woude. Besides a tour of the research facilities, potential collaboration opportunities were discussed. The visit concluded with a talk by Prof. Heiko Wagner on model-based approaches to sensorimotor control.
On November 2nd, the department of Movement Science visited the department of Human Movement Sciences of the University of Groningen at the invitation of Prof. Luc van der Woude. Besides a tour of the research facilities, potential collaboration opportunities were discussed. The visit concluded with a talk by Prof. Heiko Wagner on model-based approaches to sensorimotor control.
On November 2nd, the department of Movement Science visited the department of Human Movement Sciences of the University of Groningen at the invitation of Prof. Luc van der Woude. Besides a tour of the research facilities, potential collaboration opportunities were discussed. The visit concluded with a talk by Prof. Heiko Wagner on model-based approaches to sensorimotor control.
On November 2nd, the department of Movement Science visited the department of Human Movement Sciences of the University of Groningen at the invitation of Prof. Luc van der Woude. Besides a tour of the research facilities, potential collaboration opportunities were discussed. The visit concluded with a talk by Prof. Heiko Wagner on model-based approaches to sensorimotor control.
On November 2nd, the department of Movement Science visited the department of Human Movement Sciences of the University of Groningen at the invitation of Prof. Luc van der Woude. Besides a tour of the research facilities, potential collaboration opportunities were discussed. The visit concluded with a talk by Prof. Heiko Wagner on model-based approaches to sensorimotor control.
On November 2nd, the department of Movement Science visited the department of Human Movement Sciences of the University of Groningen at the invitation of Prof. Luc van der Woude. Besides a tour of the research facilities, potential collaboration opportunities were discussed. The visit concluded with a talk by Prof. Heiko Wagner on model-based approaches to sensorimotor control.
On November 2nd, the department of Movement Science visited the department of Human Movement Sciences of the University of Groningen at the invitation of Prof. Luc van der Woude. Besides a tour of the research facilities, potential collaboration opportunities were discussed. The visit concluded with a talk by Prof. Heiko Wagner on model-based approaches to sensorimotor control.