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► Latest news

| Registration until 16.3.25

Dates for rewriting exams

Registration for the rewriting exam with your matriculation number by 16.3.2025 (cut-off deadline) via the service office (ifs.beratung@uni-muenster.de)

Date 1: Thu, 20.3.2025, 10 am c.t. (admission from 10:00 am), room SCH 121.554 (or lecture hall SCH 121.5):

  • Fundamentals and basic concepts of sociology, Karstein

Date 2: Tue, 25.3.2025, 10 a.m. c.t. (admission from 10:00 a.m.), room SCH 121.554 (or lecture hall SCH 121.5):
  • Social structure, culture and social practice, Tezcan
  • Statistics I, Rosta

Date 3: Thu, 27.3.2025, 10 a.m. c.t. (admission from 10:00 a.m.), room SCH 121.554 (or lecture hall SCH 121.5):
  • Methods of empirical social research I, Rosta
  • Family, school, youth - socialization in childhood and adolescence, Heimken

| 2 p.m. c.t. | Conference room
© IfS

Institute colloquium on January 15: “When the Yolo kids gamble on the stock market”

The Institute is pleased to invite you to the Institute Colloquium on January 15 at 2 p.m. c.t. in the conference room. This time, the lecture by Dr. Paul Eisewicht is entitled “When the Yolo-Kidz gamble on the stock exchange. How digital subcultures challenge financial organizational rationalities”. The lecture will be held in German.

Dr. Eisewicht will focus on a growing group of stock market investors who are said to have an unconventional approach to events on the financial markets and make risky decisions. The focus is on the question of whether and, if so, what effects this behavior has on events (and how this can be determined empirically).

All interested parties are welcome to attend.

| Equality at the Institute of Sociology:

On the “International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women” on 25.11.

On November 25, 2024, equality at the IfS will also set an example against violence against women. The international day of action aims to raise awareness of the issue. Under the title “Gewalt kommt mir nicht auf den Campus”, the state conference of equal opportunities officers at universities and university hospitals in North Rhine-Westphalia is taking part with a series of lectures.

Introduction to QISPOS for students of sociology and social sciences

On 30 October 2024 at 12 noon c.t. in room SCH 121.520 of the IfS there will be an information event on the introduction to the examination management system QISPOS. The event organised by the Student Office is aimed at all students of sociology and social sciences who are new to working with QISPOS.

After a short introduction, participants will have the opportunity to register directly on site. Students in higher semesters are also welcome to seek advice on questions or problems relating to QISPOS.

Please bring a mobile device such as a laptop or tablet so that you can register conveniently.

We look forward to your participation!

| 24./25.10.24 | Alexander-von-Humboldt Haus

Invitation to the conference »Political Imaginations of the Immigration Society«

On October 24 and 25, 2024, the Institute of Sociology, represented by Prof. Dr. Levent Teczan, invites you to the conference “Political Imaginations of the Immigration Society”. The event will take place in the Alexander-von-Humboldt Haus (AVH-Saal), Hüfferstraße 61, 48149 Münster.

The conference will begin at 1.45 pm with an introduction by Dr. Özkan Ezli. Afterwards, participants can expect a wide range of lectures and discussions on topics related to the discursive reference point of the »immigration society« in relation to politics, law, public reporting and the artistic processing of social conditions. One of the highlights will be the panel discussion on “The Global South in the North” on Thursday evening.

The full program and further information can be found here.

We look forward to a stimulating and insightful conference!
All interested parties are welcome to attend.

| Professorship for Work and Knowledge

Announcement | Lecture series ‘Encountering forms of discrimination at the university’

In the winter semester 2024/2025, the lecture series »Encountering forms of discrimination at the university« will take place at the University of Münster. The lecture series is organised by the Centre for Islamic Theology (ZIT) in cooperation with Departments 6, 8 and 9, with the IfS represented by Prof. Dr. Ernst.

The lectures will take place on Tuesdays from 18:00 to 20:00 in lecture hall H3 (Schlossplatz 46) and via livestream. Experts from all over Germany will address key topics such as racism, sexism and other forms of discrimination.

| Professorship for Sociology of Religion

IfS welcomes Dr. Uta Karstein as deputy professor

Dr. phil. habil. Uta Karstein will be deputizing for the Chair of Sociology of Religion in the winter semester 2024/2025. As a research assistant at Leipzig University, she heads the Department of Cultural Management and Sociology of the Cultural Field. She deals with art, religious and architectural sociological topics and in this context is interested in forms of organization, lines of conflict and actor constellations in the cultural field. Dr. Karstein qualified in 2023 with the thesis “Religion in the 19th century: Aesthetics - Publicity - Autonomy”.

As part of the substitution, Dr. Karstein will be responsible for the lecture »Grundlagen und Grundbegriffe der Soziologie«, the seminar »Religion als Kultur: Akteure, Objekte, Kontexte«, the seminar »Sozialformen des Religiösen« and a colloquium (date to be announced).

The IfS is looking forward to the cooperation and important impulses for research and teaching.

| 9.10.24 | 6 p.m. | inner courtyard
© IfS

Invitation to the first semester welcome ceremony

We cordially invite all new students to the first semester welcome on Wednesday, October 9, 2024, at 6 pm. The event will take place in the inner courtyard and offers the opportunity to get to know the chairs, the student office and BEMA.

The schedule at a glance:
1) Welcome by the managing director Prof. Levent Tezcan,
2) Short presentation of the chairs (max. 5 minutes each),
3) Presentation of the Service Office and BEMA (max. 5 minutes each),
4) Convivial conclusion with drinks, music and snacks.

We are looking forward to a nice evening and a joint start into the new semester!

| Professorship for Methods and Social Structure Analysis

IfS welcomes Dr. Gergely Rosta as deputy professor

Dr. Gergely Rosta will be filling the professorship for Methods and Social Structure Analysis in the winter semester 2024/2025. Dr. Rosta brings his expertise in the fields of sociology of religion, the relationship between religion and political attitudes as well as quantitative research methods. His research also focuses on the sociology of youth. Among other things, Dr. Rosta worked in the Cluster of Excellence »Religion and Politics«.

Dr. Rosta will substitute for the lecture Research Methods I, the lecture Statistics I and the seminar Religious Change in Central and Eastern Europe.

The IfS is looking forward to the collaboration and valuable impulses in research and teaching.

Regulation on dealing with suppressed numbers

For the protection of the employees, FB06 does not accept calls with a suppressed phone number. If it is not possible for you to transmit your number for technical reasons, please contact the person you wish to speak to in advance by e-mail.