Only students of sociology or social sciences can be considered for the selection of applicants!
Applicants should inform themselves on the Internet about the offers of the foreign partner universities listed below and then send a short letter of motivation (1 page) to
It should contain the following information:
- Current number of semesters,
- List of previous academic achievements (transcript of records),
- Language certificates and previous stays abroad,
- List of the courses planned at the partner university (based on the last summer or winter semester) and their correspondence with the contents and competencies of modules at the University of Münster, which are presented in the module descriptions in the appendix to the relevant examination regulations,
- Curriculum vitae in tabular form.
Up to three partner universities can be specified in the application, for each of which a list of the intended courses as well as their equivalents at IfS must be attached. However, only one application letter is required!
After a detailed examination of the applications submitted, all participants will be informed. The students selected for their stay abroad will also receive more detailed information on the further course of the application procedure.
Application Deadlines
The application deadline for the winter semester 2025/2026 and the summer semester 2026 ends on 15.2.2025. The application procedures for the winter semester 2024/2025 and the summer semester 2025 have been completed.Overview of all Partner Universities
University Adress/Website England (only Lecturers and PhD students!) Leicester University of Leicester
International Office
University Road
Leicester, LE1 7RH
Exclusively for the exchange of lecturers and PhD students!Finland Jyväskylä Jyväskylän yliopisto – University of Jyväskylä
International Office
P.O. Box 35 (T)
40014 University of Jyväskylä
Finland Perpignan Université de Perpignan - Via Domitia
52, avenue Paul Alduy
66860 Perpignan Cedex
France Université de Strasbourg
Faculté des sciences sociales
22 rue René Descartes
67084 Strasbourg Cedex
France Chieti University G. d’Annunzio di Chieti-Pescara Università degli Studi di Firenze
Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali
Via delle Pendette, 21
50127 Firenze
Italy Riga Rigas Stradina Universitate
Dzirciema 16, Room K - 224
1007 Riga
Latvia Nijmegen Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen
Faculty of Social Sciences
Sociology Department
P.O. Box 8104
6500 HE Nijmegen
Netherlands Graz Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz
Institut für Soziologie
Universitätsstr. 15 / G4
A-8010 Graz Warsaw Collegium Civitas
Palace of Culture and Science, 12th floor
Pl. Defilad 1
00-901 Warszawa
Poland of Warsaw
Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28
00-927 Warsaw
Poland Östersund / Sundsvall Midsweden University
Dep. of Social Sciences
831 25 Östersund
Sweden A Coruna Universidade da Coruna
Facultad de Sociologia
Campus de Elvina
E-15071 A Coruna
Spain Universidad de Salamanca
Facultad de Ciencias Sociales
Campus M. de Unamuno.Ed.FES.
37007 Salamanca
http://www.usal.esSan Sebastian/Leioa (Bilbao) Universidad del Pais Vasco/Euskal Herriko
Facultad de Sciencias Sociales y de la Comunicación
Barrio de Sarrena
48940 Leioa - Bizkaia
Spain Budapest Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem
Egyetem u.1.
HU-2087 Piliscsaba