Study Program

The Graduate School of Sociology Münster (GRASS) offers particularly qualified young researchers a six-semester doctoral program leading to the academic degree of Doctor of Philosophy.

With an individually tailored study program, intensive supervision and integration into key research areas, GRASS offers good conditions for a doctorate and the development of an academic career. With a maximum of 20 doctoral students, GRASS enables a dense network that promotes a lively exchange and the development of new ideas in research and teaching.

The doctoral program at the Graduate School of Sociology Münster (GRASS) is designed for six semesters and, in addition to the dissertation, comprises a study program consisting of three areas of study. The program represents an orientation framework that is filled with content depending on the doctoral student's focus. A total of 60 ECTS points are to be earned in the areas of study. The doctorate is completed with a disputation.

Credit area 1 (15 ECTS points)

The first credit area comprises regular participation in the GRASS colloquium, in which the doctoral candidates' dissertation projects are presented and discussed.

Credit area 2 (at least 10 ECTS credits)

The second credit area comprises participation in courses to expand the theoretical and methodological knowledge required for the dissertation project. This includes attending specialist conferences as well as participating in workshops, seminars and summer schools. Doctoral students can take advantage of the range of events offered by the University of Münster and external organizers.

Credit area 3 (at least 10 ECTS points)

The third credit area comprises the implementation of research and teaching projects. In this area, doctoral students should gain experience in academic fields of activity. This can be done, for example, by holding a course, publishing in scientific journals or giving lectures at international and national conferences.


A doctorate at GRASS can proceed as shown in the following diagram. However, this is only one of many possibilities. Each doctoral project requires individual planning and coordination, which ensures close integration between the dissertation project and the study program.