General information
"The high standard of achievement in the scientific system provides daily evidence of the successful application of the principles of good scientific practice. Grave cases of scientific dishonesty are rare events. However, every case that occurs is one case too many. For dishonesty – in contrast to error – not only fundamentally contradicts the principles and the essence of scientific work, it is also a grave danger to science itself. It can undermine public confidence in science, and it may destroy the confidence of scientists in each other without which successful scientific work is impossible." (DFG Commission on Professional Self-Regulation in Science, 1998)
Scientific work is based on widely acknowledged principles, in particular, honesty with respect to others and oneself. It represents the basis of good scientific practice. Conveying this to students and junior researchers is one of the core tasks of universities and an integral element of self-regulation for the academic staff at the University of Münster.