Prof. Dr. Reinhard Hoeps

Am Braaken 24
48161 Münste

+49 2533 589309


  • Rules of Good Scientific Practice


    The "Rules of Good Scientific Practice" are binding and apply to all academic staff of the University of Münster. These include the following pledges:

    • to conduct their work "lege artis", i.e. according to academic and scientific conventions
    • to provide correct information
    • to safeguard intellectual property
    • to do nothing that hinders or undermines the research activities of other academics

    For a complete list of rules of good scientific practice, you may download the code of ethics here:

    Statute "Securing good scientific practice


  • Ombudspersons


    In consultation with the Senate, the Rectorate of the University of Münster appoints an experienced academic as a non-partisan person of confidence (ombudsperson) and his/her deputy. These ombudspersons serve an advisory function and are obliged to maintain strict confidentiality:

    • for all members of the University in cases of conflict
    • in all matters related to good scientific practice
    • in cases in which scientific misconduct is suspected
    • for academics who have been accused of scientific misconduct
  • General information


    "The high standard of achievement in the scientific system provides daily evidence of the successful application of the principles of good scientific practice. Grave cases of scientific dishonesty are rare events. However, every case that occurs is one case too many. For dishonesty – in contrast to error – not only fundamentally contradicts the principles and the essence of scientific work, it is also a grave danger to science itself. It can undermine public confidence in science, and it may destroy the confidence of scientists in each other without which successful scientific work is impossible." (DFG Commission on Professional Self-Regulation in Science, 1998)

    Scientific work is based on widely acknowledged principles, in particular, honesty with respect to others and oneself. It represents the basis of good scientific practice. Conveying this to students and junior researchers is one of the core tasks of universities and an integral element of self-regulation for the academic staff at the University of Münster.

  • Commission of Inquiry

    The Rectorate has established a commission of inquiry to address cases of scientific misconduct at the University of Münster. Its members are professors who either belong to or are employed at the University of Münster. The commission is comprised of the following members:

    1. Prof. Dr. Andreas Hensel, Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy
    2. Prof. Dr. Volker Gehrau, Faculty of Educational and Social Sciences
    3. Prof. Dr. Claudia Rössig, Director of the Department of Children and Youth Medicine, Paediatric Haematology and Oncology
    4. Prof. Dr. Michaela Hailbronner, Faculty of Law

    Deputy members:

    1. Prof. Dr. Xiaoyi Jiang, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
    2. Prof. Dr. Judith Könermann, Faculty of Catholic Theology
    3. Prof. Dr. Susanne Fetzner, Faculty of Biology

    The commission only takes action when there is concrete suspicion of misconduct. In this case, it undertakes to clarify the matter on the basis of existing regulations and provides recommendations to the Rectorate with regard to possible courses of action and sanctions. In contrast to the ombudspersons, the commission does not serve a mediating or advisory function.

    Grundsätze für das Verfahren bei Verdacht auf wissenschaftliches Fehlverhalten in der Universität [de]