People at the ZIN
Executive Board at the Center for Interdisciplinary Sustainability Research
Gesche Barg
Dr.*in Daniela Pastoors
Postdoc @ ZIN & Innovation Hub Management "Socio-ecological Sustainability" in ULYSSEUS
Room 448
Heisenbergstraße 2
48151 Münster
Telephone: +49 251 83-30103
Christoph Michailow, B.A.
Madita Schlüter
Scientists at the ZIN
Scientists from 13 faculties at the University of Münster are involved in ZIN.
Click on a faculty to see a list of all scientists from that department who are involved in ZIN:
- FB 1 – Faculty of Protestant Theology
- FB 2 – Faculty of Catholic Theology
- FB 3 – Faculty of Law
- FB 4 – School of Business and Economics
- FB 6 – Faculty of Educational and Social Sciences
- FB 7 – Faculty of Psychology/Sport and Exercise Sciences
- FB 8 – Faculty of History and Philosophy
- FB 9 – Faculty of Philology
- FB 10 – Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
- FB 11 – Faculty of Physics
- FB 12 – Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy
- FB 13 – Faculty of Biology
- FB 14 – Faculty of Geosciences
ZIN-Scientists from FB 1 – Faculty of Protestant Theology
- Johanna Baumann, Mag. theol. (Seminary for Reformed Theology)
Research areas: Belief and Identity; Alienation Phenomena; Theological Gender Studies
- Prof. Dr. Anne Käfer (Seminary for Reformed Theology)
Research areas: Ethics of justice; animal/environmental ethics; Reformed and Lutheran theology; Schleiermacher research; anthropology and artificial intelligence
- Jun.-Prof. Dr. Markus Rüsch (Department of Religious Studies and Inter-Faith Theology)
Research areas: Philosophy of religion; aesthetics of religion; religious environmental ethics (especially from the perspective of Buddhism); theories of religious studies; Japanese Buddhism
- Prof. Dr. Simone Sinn (Department of Religious Studies and Inter-Faith Theology)
Research areas: Narratives on sustainability, ecology and creation in different religions and cultures; connection of epistemological and ethical questions of sustainability; agency of different actors in the socio-ecological transformation
ZIN-Scientists from FB 2 – Faculty of Catholic Theology
- Prof. Dr. Marianne-Heimbach-Steins (Institute for Christian Social Sciences)
Research areas: Justice, human rights ethics; Christian traditions and sustainability; social ethics for the society of long life
- Prof. Dr. Judith Könemann (Department of Religious Education, Educational and Gender Research, Institute for Religious Education and Pastoral Theology)
Research areas: Foundations and justification of religious education; extracurricular education; poverty and education (educational justice); school pastoral care and school development; religiosity research; religion in the public sphere; religion and biography, biographical learning; group psychology - dynamics and processes in groups; empirical theology / qualitative-empirical social research
ZIN-Scientists from FB 3 – Faculty of Law
- Prof. Dr. Stefan Arnold (Chair for Private Law, Philosophy of Law, and Private International Law)
Research areas: Private law; philosophy of law; private international law and comparative law; sustainability and law; artificial intelligence (from the perspective of legal doctrine and philosophy of law)
- Daniel Ehmann (Institute of Environmental and Planning Law)
Research areas: Public law; environmental and planning law; climate law
- Prof. Dr. Patrick Hilbert (Professor of Public Law, Managing Director of the Institute of Environmental and Planning Law)
Research areas: Public law (constitutional and administrative law); environmental law, in particular climate adaptation law; intradisciplinarity in law
ZIN-Scientists from FB 4 – School of Business and Economics
- Prof. Dr. Tobias Brandt (Professor for Digital Innovation and the Public Sector, Department of Information Systems)
Research areas: Smart and sustainable cities; Digital transformation; Digital innovation; Data-driven decision-making
- Apl. Prof. Dr. Sonja Gensler (Chair of Value-Based Marketing, Marketing Center Münster)
Research areas: Impact of digital transformation on market-oriented management; Relevance of societal change for marketing
- Dr. Lea Püchel (Chair of Digital Innovation and the Public Sector (Prof. Brandt), Department of Information Systems)
Research areas: Sustainable information systems; Sustainability measurements; Data management; Green IS; Green IT
ZIN-Scientists from FB 6 – Faculty of Educational and Social Sciences
- Prof. Dr. Svenja Ahlhaus (Assistant Professorship for Political Theory, Institute for Political Science)
Research areas: Political Theory and Democratic Theory; Sustainabbility in Political Theory; Political Representation in the Ecological Crisis, Animal Politics; Politics and Religion; International Political Theory, Feminist and Critical Theory; Political Representation, Legitimate Institutions, Democratic Innovations; Law and Courts, Strategic Litigation; Citizenship, Membership, Migration, Asylum
- Dr. Carolin Bohn (Centre for Interdisciplinary Sustainability Research)
Research areas: Democracy and Sustainability; (deliberative) citizen participation in the context of sustainability; citizenship in the context of sustainability/environmental citizenship; environmental virtue ethics, especially: political judgment formation
- Prof. Dr. Thomas Dietz (International Relations and Law, Institute for Political Science)
Research areas: Sustainable Development; Transnational Governance; Law & Politics; International Law
- Dr. Raphael Fehrmann (Working Group Primary School Pedagogy, Institute of Education)
Research areas: Acquisition and promotion of digital skills among (primary) school students, realization of digital education in schools and lessons; making/maker education (production of explanation videos by students, programming of learning robots, etc.) in (primary) schools in connection with issues of heterogeneity/inclusion, education for sustainable development and transformative learning; promotion of professional digital skills among student teachers and (primary) school teachers
- Prof. Dr. Christian Fischer (Professorship of Educational Science with a focus on Giftedness Research/Individual Promotion, Working Group on Giftedness Research/Individual Promotion, Institute of Education)
Research areas: Sustainable potential development; education for sustainable development; diversity and teacher training
- Dr. Christiane Fischer-Ontrup (Professorship of Educational Science with a focus on Giftedness Research/Individual Promotion, Working Group on Giftedness Research/Individual Promotion, Institute of Education)
Research areas: Giftedness research and promotion; individual promotion; early childhood education
- Dr. Rebecca Froese (Chair of International Relations and Sustainale Development, Institute for Political Science)
Research areas: Sustainale Development; Social-Ecological Systems & Tipping Points; Human-Environmental Interactions; Latin America (in particular Brazil, Bolivia, Peru and Ecuador); Universities in the social-ecological transformation; Global Change; Social-ecological Peace and Conflict Research; Land, Environmental and Resource Governance
- Prof. Doris Fuchs, Ph. D. (Chair of International Relations and Sustainale Development, Institute for Political Science)
Research areas: Sustainable Consumption and Limits to Growth; Democracy, Power, Participation & Sustainability; Global Sustainability Governance: Energy, Climate, Environment, Agrifood, Finance; Sustainability, Justice & Responsibility
- Prof. Dr. Antonia Graf (Juniorprofessor for Global Environmental Governance, Institute for Political Science)
Research areas: Theories of International Political Economy; Global Environmental Governance; Norms in International Relations; Participation in and Acceptance of the Energy Transition; Intersectionality
- Prof. Dr. Matthias Grundmann (Professorship of Socialization, Institute of Sociology)
Research areas: Sociology of Socialization: Theoretical and Empirical Socialization Research; Educational Sociology: Empirical Educational Research, Social Structure of Socialization and Education; Community and sustainability research; Sociology of social relationships)
- Dr. Tobias Gumbert (Innovation Hub „Socio-ecological Sustainability“, ULYSSEUS)
Research areas: Sustainable Development, Sustainable Consumption; Global Agrifood Politics, Waste Politics; Governance and Governmentality; Limits to Growth and Degrowth; Environmental Political Theory and Political Sociology; International Relations Theory
- Niklas Haarbusch, M.A. (Professorship of Socialization (Prof. Grundmann), Institute of Sociology)
Research areas: Climate movement; Political socialization; Sociological theory; Qualitative social research
- Julia Hansel, M.Sc. (Juniorprofessorship for Globale Environmental Governance, Institute for Political Science)
Research areas: Global and European environmental governance; Sustainable urban mobility; Inter- /Multimodality, Mobility Hubs, Mobility Justice; Sustainable transformation and strategies of sustainablity; Climate protection policies on local level
- Jessica Hoffmann, M.A. (Professorship of Socialization (Prof. Grundmann), Institute of Sociology)
Research areas: Social movements and civil society engagement; political education and socialization; sustainable urban and neighbourhood development; qualitative social research
- Prof. Dr. Sigrid Kannengießer (Professor of Communication Studies with a focus on Media Sociology, Department of Communication)
Research areas: Digital media, artificial intelligence and sustainability; sustainable consumption and digitalization; socio-ecological-economic consequences of digitalization, datafication and automated communication; environmental movements and media; gender studies, media and sustainability
- Hannah Klinkenborg, M.A. (Chair of International Relations and Sustainale Development, Institute of Political Science)
Research areas: European and international climate politicy; Religious actors; Gloal Governnance
- Dr. Marcus Kohnen (Working Group on Giftedness Research/Individual Promotion, Institute of Education)
Research areas: LemaS NRW; Education for sustainable development; Critical thinking; Digital teaching-learning settings
- Dr. Dennis Krämer (Institute for Sociology)
Research areas: Gender Diversity; Sociology of Sport, Technology, and Body; Technological resilience and crisis research; Qualitative Research Methods; Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education
- Benedikt Lennartz, M.A. (Chair of International Relations and Sustainable Development, Institute of Political Science)
Research areas: Economy and Human Rights; Global Governance
- Dr. Pia Mamut (Chair of International Relations and Sustainable Development, Institute of Political Science)
Research areas: Social-ecological Transformation; Environmental Governance; Sustainability & Democracy; Sufficiency; Power and Discourse; Energy Policy
- Dr. Anne Mollen (Department of Communication)
Research areas: Sustainibility of AI; Ethics of AI; Automation and data-centered technologies; Digital self-determination; Generative AI and social knowledge production
- Carsten Ohlrogge, M.A. (Professorship of Socialization (Prof. Grundmann), Institute of Sociology)
Research areas: Social theory; Sociology of science and technology; Transdisciplinary and transformative sustainability research
- Dr. David Rott (Working Group on Giftedness Research/Individual Promotion, Institute of Education)
Research areas: Teacher education; Student promotion; Research-based learning; Critical thinking
- Anica Roßmöller, M.A. (Institute for Political Science)
Research areas: Global Governance; Faith-based actors in international relations; Diffusion and translation of norms, localization processes; Focus on India as an actor in International Relations and Indian environmental politics
- Fynn Schmidt, M.A. (Chair of International Relations and Sustainable Development, Institute for Political Science)
Research areas: Socio-ecological transformation; (alternatives to) development; Political economy of the energy transition; Universities in the sustainability transformation; Latin America (especially Mesoamerica)
- Dr. Karen Siegel (Junior research group “Transformation and Sustainability Governance in South American Bioeconomies”, Institute for Political Science)
Research areas: Politics of sustainable development and sustainability transitions; Natural resource governance in the global political economy; Bioeconomy governance; Regionalism; Latin America
- Lena Siepker, M.Sc. Mag. theol. (Chair of International Relations and Sustainable Development, Institute of Political Science)
Research areas: Sustainable development and the common good; Participation research and social inequality; Research methods in digital humanities
- Prof. Dr. Helena Stehle (Group Strategic Communication II, Department of Communication)
Research areas: Strategic communication; Organisational communication; Sustainability and energy communication; Digital (in-)visibility; Digital journalism
- Dr. Björn Wendt (Professorship of Socialization (Prof. Grundmann), Institute of Sociology)
Research areas: Sustainability research/environmental sociology; Utopia research/sociology of knowledge; Protest and movement research/political sociology; Power structure research/critical elite sociology; Poverty and wealth research/social inequality; Urban and regional sociology
- Prof. Dr. Ulrike Weyland (Professorship for Educational Science with a focus on Professional Education, Institute of Education)
Research areas: Professionalization of school and company training staff; Research-based learning in teacher training; Skills modelling and measurement in professional education; Transition research: focus on vocational orientation; Health promotion in professional education; Digitalization in professional education
- Julia Wiethüchter, M.A. (Chair of International Relations and Sustainable Development, Institute of Political Science)
Research areas: Global power structures; Sustainable development; Epistemic injustice; Sociology of science
- Prof. Dr. Horst Zeinz (Professorship for Educational Science with a focus on Primary School Education, Institute of Education)
Research areas: Empirical (primary) school research: optimization of teaching/learning processes; Professionalization of teaching staff and accompanying pedagogical research (school development)
ZIN-Scientists from FB 7 – Faculty of Psychology/Sport and Exercise Sciences
- Prof. Dr. Mitja Back (Backlab Personality & Assesment, Department of Psychology)
Research areas: Society's divisions, conflict and solidarity; Inter-individual differences in social and political attitudes; Personality, social interactions, social relationships; Personality dynamics and development
- Gesche Barg, M.Sc. (Work unit Diagnostics and Evaluation in the School Context, Institute for Psychology in Education)
Research areas: Education for sustainable development; Evaluation research; Environmental psychology
- Laura Bilfinger, M.Sc. (Work unit Social-psychological foundations of education and teaching, Institute for Psychology in Education)
Research areas: Effect of climate change communication; Psychological reactance
- Prof. Dr. Guido Hertel (Chair of Organisational and Business Psychology)
Research areas: Behaviour in organizations; digitalization of work; demographic change and migration; trust and cooperation; negotiation research
- Prof. Dr. Regina Jucks (Head of the work unit Social Psychological Foundations of Education and Teaching, Scientific Director of the Center for University Teaching, Institute for Psychology in Education)
Research areas: Communication and interaction in teaching and learning contexts, mainly in the context of digitalization and in the university context; science communication
- Dr. Ahlke Kip (Coordination ReCAP: Culturally Adapted Psychotherapy for Refugees, Clinical Psychology,
Psychotherapy, and Health Psychology, Department of Psychology)
Research areas: Impact of war and forced migration on mental health; Impact of natural disasters on mental health; Climate change and epidemiology of mental disorders
- Prof. Dr. Nexhmedin Morina (Professor of Clinical Psychology, Psychotherapy, and Health Psychology, Department of Psychology)
Research areas: Social and cognitive mechanisms of posttraumatic stress disorders, anxiety , and depression; Efficacy of psychological interventions; Comparison processes in judgment and well-being; Impact of traumatic events and forced migration on mental health; Psychological impacts of natural disasters and extreme weather events; Psychological interventions to promote more climate-friendly behaviours; Systematic reviews and meta-analyses
- Simin Ziegler, M.Sc. (Work unit Prof. Dr. Guido Hertel, Chair of Organisational and Business Psychology)
Research areas: Climate and environmental psychology in organizations; Employees & Greenwashing
ZIN-Scientists from FB 8 – Faculty of History and Philosophy
- Prof. Dr. Hans Beck (Department of Ancient History/Institute of Epigraphy)
- Prof. Dr. Achim Lichtenberger (Institute for Classical Archaeology and Christian Archaeology/Archaeological Museum)
Research areas: Settlement archaeology; Greek-Roman Near East; Iconography, ancient religion, numismatics; Landscape
- Prof. Dr. Michael Quante (Department of Philosophy)
Research areas: Philosophy of the person; Philosophy of German idealism; Theory of agency; Ethics; Biomedical ethics; Philosophy of law and social philosophy
ZIN-Scientists from FB 9 – Faculty of Philology
- Prof. Dr. Asmaa El Maaroufi (Department of Islamic Philosophy with a focus on Islamic Ethics, Center for Islamic Theology (ZIT))
Research areas: Creation theology; Anthropology; Animal and environmental ethics; Intersectionality research; Religions and social-ecological transformations
- Dr. Robert Matthias Erdbeer (Department of Modern German Literature, Institute of German Studies)
Research areas: Literary Modelling
- Prof. Dr. Angelika Lohwasser (Professur für Ägyptologie, Institut für Ägyptologie und Koptologie)
Research areas: The kingdom of Kush (8th century BC - 4th century AD) in ancient Sudan; Bayuda desert: Communication routes and cultures far from centers; Biographies of archaeological objects; Archaeological cultural anthropology
- Dr. Kerstin Wilhelms (Department of Modern German Literature, Institute of German Studies)
Research areas: Climate crisis and theater; Theater and drama research; The political in literature; Law and literature; Model theory; Autobiography research; Space and time theories; Media studies approaches; Gender studies
ZIN-Scientists from FB 10 – Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
- Prof. Dr. Anne Remke (Head of safety-critical systems group, Computer Science Department)
Research areas: Critical infrastructures; Control of smart grids, decentralized storage media; Reliability, security and sustainability
- Prof. Dr. Benjamin Risse (Computer Vision and Machine Learning Systems Group, Institute for Geoinformatics)
Research areas: Quantitative analyses of insects in natural habitats
ZIN-Scientists from FB 11 – Faculty of Physics
- Apl. Prof. Dr. Christian Klein-Bösing (Group of Anton Andronic,Institute for Nuclear Physics)
Research areas: Basic research in nuclear and particle physics; Sustainability in everyday research; Nature of science in climate and basic research; MExLab physics; Sustainability action by school students; Experiment-based learning on sustainability topics and basic research
ZIN-Scientists from FB 12 – Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy
- Dr. Adrienne Hammerschmidt (MEET - Münster Electrochemical Energy Technology)
Research areas: Batteries of the future; Sustainability, framework conditions, acceptance, economy & ecology, big data, AI
- Prof. Dr. Joachim Jose (Chair of Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry, Institute for Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry)
Research areas: Bioeconomy; Enzymatic conversion of plant biomass into basic chemicals; Biotechnology-based sustainable chemistry; Enzyme recycling
- Prof. Dr. Martin Winter (MEET - Münster Electrochemical Energy Technology)
Research areas: Lithium-ion batteries; Lithium-metal systems (solid, sulphur, air, etc.); Dual-ion batteries; supercapacitors (incl. lithium-ion capacitors and hybrid capacitors); Alternative, lithium-free systems
ZIN-Scientists from FB 13 – Faculty of Biology
- Dr. Johannes Holert (Microbial Biotechnology and Ecology - Research group Prof. Dr. Bodo Philipp, Institute of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology)
Research areas: General Microbiology; Microbial Biotechnology; Microbial Ecology
- Prof. Dr. Bodo Philipp (Microbial Biotechnology and Ecology - Research group Prof. Dr. Bodo Philipp, Institute of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology)
Research areas: Microbial Biotechnology; Microbial Ecology; Bioeconomy and circular economy
- Prof. Dr. Dirk Prüfer (Plant Biotechnology, Institute of Plant Biology and Biotechnology)
Research areas: Molecular Plant Biotechnology
- Prof. Dr. Helene Richter (Department of Behavioural Biology, Institute for Neuro- and Behavioural Biology)
Research areas: Refinement of animal experiments and housing conditions; Reproducibility and generalizability of animal experiments; Animal welfare; Cognition and emotion; Animal welfare and animal personality
- Prof. Dr. Jochen Schmid (Schmid lab – Metabolic Engineering und Mikrobielle Polysaccharide, Institute of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology)
Research areas: Microbial biotechnology; Biopolymers; Bioeconomy; Use of renewable resources
- Prof. Dr. Bettina Zeis (Ecophysiology Group, Institute of Integrative Cell Biology and Physiology)
Research areas: Adaptation of aquatic organisms to changes in environmental conditions; Impact of environmental stressors on the physiology of small crustaceans
ZIN-Scientists from FB 14 – Faculty of Geosciences
- Prof. Dr. Tillmann Buttschardt (Research Group Applied Landscape Ecology and Ecological Planning, Institute of Landscape Ecology)
Research areas: Integrated natural ressources management and ecological planning; Detection of landscape changes (UAV, TLS); Transformative aproaches in landscape ecology / resilience of human-environmental-systems /Human attachment to environment/Deep Adaptation
- Dr. Yusif Idies (Professorship for local, regional and land development/area planning (Prof. Mössner), Institute for Geography)
Research areas: Geographies of consumption and disposal; Sustainable urban development/planning; Cultural environmental research & nature-culture relations (environmental humanities); Body, subject and self-techniques
- Prof. Dr. Christian Kray (Group Situated Computing and Interaction Lab (SITCOM), Institute for Geoinformatics)
Research areas: Smart City; Citizen participation and sustainability through technology
- Prof. Dr. Samuel Mössner (Spatial planning and sustainaility group, Institute for Geography)
Research areas: Sustainable urban development; Governance research; Spatial planning; Planning conflicts
- Dr. Cornelia Steinhäuser (Research Group Applied Landscape Ecology and Ecological Planning, Institute of Landscape Ecology)
Research areas: Agroecology and territories, International conventions on landscape protection and development, Intangible values in landscape perceptions and management, Interdisciplinary research methods for social-ecological systems (SES)
ZIN-Scientists from other institutions
- Dr. Dörthe Masemann (MExLab ExperiMINTe)
Research areas: Experiment-based learning for children and young people on sustainability topics; science transfer; House of Little Scientists Münster
Former Scientists at the Center for Interdisciplinary Sustainability Research
Prof. Dr. Cornelia Denz
Institute of Applied Physics
Faculty of Physics
Research Areas:- MExLab Physik
- MExlab ExperiMINTe
- students and sustainability
- experiment-based learning of sustainability
- Physical environmental experiments
- Organic Solar Cells
- Green Photonics
Dr. Fabian Dielmann
Institute for Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry
Research Areas:
Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy homogeneous catalysis
- separation and material usage of carbon dioxide
- activation and derivatisation of greenhouse gases
Berenike Feldhoff, M.A.
Chair of Global Environmental Governance
Department: Political Science
Research Areas:- International Relations Theory
- Sustainable Mobility
- Power
Benjamin Goergen, M.A.
Chair of Socialization
Department: Sociology
Research Areas:- Empirical Social Research
- Environmental Sociology
- Sustainability Research
- Research on Protest and Social Movements
- Social Inequality
Prof. Dr. Ulrike Grabski-Kieron
Institut for Geography, Working Group for Local, Regional and National Development
Research Areas:
Faculty of Geosciences Spatial- and Environmental Planning, Applied Geography
- Rural Spatial Research and Development of Rural Areas
- Planning Research Methodology
Janna Hämpke, M.Sc.
Chair of Organisational and Business Psychology
Faculty of Psychology
Research Areas:- Environmental psychology in organisations
- Development and influence of worldviews
- Positive-psychological interventions
Victoria Hasenkamp, M.A.
Chair of International Relations and Sustainable Development
Department: Political Science
Research Areas:- Participation research on complex societal issues
- Bioeconomy and sustainabiltiy
- Digitasation and (local) public adminstrations
Dr. Gesine Hellberg-Rode
Center for Biology Education
Faculty of Biology
Research Areas:- Education for Sustainable Development
- Basic Ecological Education
- Soil Ecology
Prof. Dr. Dieter Hoffmeister
Working Group Community and Sustainability Research
Research Areas:
Faculty of Educational and Social Science Environmental Sociology
- Rural Sociology
- Family Sociology
- Youth Sociology
- Poverty and Social Inequality
Halliki Kreinin, M.A., M.Sc., PhD.
Chair of International Relations and Sustainable Development
Department: Political Science
Research Areas:- Strategies for Social-Ecological Transformation
- Sustainable work
- Postgrowth/degrowth welfare (systems)
- “The good life”, sufficiency, (enablers and barriers to) living well within limits
- Environmental labour studies, trade unions and transformation
Dr. Steffen Lange
Chair of International Relations and Sustainable Development
Faculty of Educational and Social Science
Research Areas:- Plural Economics
- Transdisciplinary research
- Digitalization and sustainability
- Macroeconomics of the sustainability transformation
- Economic growth and the environment
- Rebound effects
Prof. Dr. Markus Lederer
Chair of Political Science and International Relations
TU Darmstadt, Department of Political Science
Research Areas:- International Climate Policy
- Climate Policy in the Global South
- Regulation of Carbon Markets
- Green Transformations and the Role of Bureaucracies
- International Forest Policy
Prof. Dr. Andreas Löschel
Chair of Economics, esp. Energy and Resource Economics
Research Areas:
Faculty of Business and Economics Economics of Climate Change
- Energy Economics
- Environmental Economics
- Computational Economics
Prof. Dr. Paul Reuber
Institute of Geography
Faculty of Geosciences
Research Areas:- Political Geography
- Conflicts over ecological resources
- Integration of immigrants
Prof. Dr. Ulrike Röttger
Institute of Communication Sciences
Faculty of Educational and Social Sciences
Research Areas:- Trust and Strategic Communication
- CSR-Communication
- Communication Counsel
Prof. Dr. Sabine Schlacke
Institute of Environmental and Planning Law
Research Areas:
Faculty of Law Public Law
- Construction, Planning- and Environmental Law
- Internationale Perspectives
Prof. Dr. Gabriele Schrüfer
Institute of Didactics in Geography
Research Areas:
Faculty of Geosciences Global Learning / Teaching for Sustainable Development
- Intercultural Learning
- Spacial Perception
- Teaching and Learning with Social Media
Nils Stockmann, M.A.
„Climate Finance Society“ Project, International Political Economy Unit
University of Osnabrück, Institute for Social Sciences
Research Areas:- Norm dynamics in European climate and environmental policy
- Promotional banks as actors in German and European climate policy
Dr. Erik Tolen
Chair of International Relations and Sustainable Development
Münster International Peace Research Initative
Research Areas:- Influence of sustainability on Peace
- Sustainable workplace
- Sustainable laboratory practices
Wiebke Walleck, M.Sc.
Institute of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology
WG Microbial Biotechnology and Ecology
Research areas:- Plant and microbial biotechnology
- Bioeconomy
Associate members at the Center for Interdisciplinary Sustainability Research
Dr. Thomas Hilker
Ecumenical Institute
Faculty of Catholic Theology
Research Areas:- Systematic theology in the face of climate change
- Topological theology of natural and cultural spaces
- Philosophical foundations of ways of approaching the world
- Theology in the age of the Anthropocene