Research Foci
- Universities in the social-ecological transformation
- Social-ecological Peace and Conflict Research
- Land, Environmental and Resource Governance
- Social-Ecological Systems & Tipping Points
- Human-Environmental Interactions
- Global Change
- Sustainable Development
- Latin America, (in particular Brazil, Bolivia, Peru and Ecuador)
Academic Education
- Doctoral Candidate, Research Group Landuse Conflicts, University of Koblenz-Landau
- M.Sc. Integrated Climate System Sciences, University of Hamburg, Germany
- B.Sc. Geosciences, University of Bremen & University of Victoria, Canada
- Deputy Professor for Human Geography with a Focus on Human-Nature Relations
- Researcher at Research Institute for Sustainability (RIFS)
- Postdoctoral Researcher in BMBF Project SUNRISE LAB - Sustainable University Landscape Münster - Living Labs as Drivers of Transformation towards Sustainable Universities
- Researcher in BMBF project PRODIGY - Soil Biodiversity Governing Tipping Points in the Amazon
- Researcher Peace Academy Rhineland-Palatinate, University of Koblenz-Landau
- Consultant, GFA Consulting Group, Latin America Department, Hamburg, Germany
- Erstklassig! WWU Mentoring-Programm für Wissenschaftlerinnen – Universität Münster
- Partizipativer Preis "Zusammen für die Zukunft" – Claussen Simon Stiftung
- Master Plus Stipendium – Claussen Simon Stiftung
- Auslandsstipendium für Studierende – Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes
- Sprachkurs-Stipendium – Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes
- Stipendium für Studierende – Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes
- Hauptseminar: Digging for Diversiy 2.0 – Interdisciplinary perspectives on diversity in regenerative societies [060942]
(in cooperation with Julia Wiethüchter)[ - | Julia Wiethüchter]
[ - | Julia Wiethüchter]
[ - | Julia Wiethüchter]
[ - | Julia Wiethüchter]
[ - | Julia Wiethüchter]
[ - | Julia Wiethüchter] - Bachelorseminar: Digging for Diversity – Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Diversity for a Just Social-Ecological Transformation [066954]
(in cooperation with Julia Wiethüchter) - Bachelorseminar: The Violences of Environmental Change - Interdisciplinary and Decolonial Perspectives from Peace and Conflict Research [064939]
- Hauptseminar: Digging for Diversiy 2.0 – Interdisciplinary perspectives on diversity in regenerative societies [060942]
- SUNRISE LAB – Nachhaltige Hochschullandschaft Münster - Reallabore als Treiber der Transformation zu nachhaltigen Hochschulen - Teilprojekt B: SUNLight ( – )
participations in bmbf-joint project: Federal Ministry of Education and Research | Project Number: 01UN2207B - PSA39 – Passierschein A39 ( – )
Project Carried out outside the University Münster: Claussen-Simon-Stiftung - PRODIGY – Process-based & Resilience-Oriented management of DIversity Generates sustainabilitY (since )
Project Carried out outside the University Münster
- SUNRISE LAB – Nachhaltige Hochschullandschaft Münster - Reallabore als Treiber der Transformation zu nachhaltigen Hochschulen - Teilprojekt B: SUNLight ( – )
Articles in Scientific Journals, Newspapers or Magazines
Research Articles (Journals)
- Schilling, J., Cuellar Pinzón, C., Froese, R., Figueroa, D., Villavicencio, M., Werland, L., & Schönenberg, R. (). “All we have left is to defend our reserve”: Social structures and community resistance to large-scale gold mining in the Manuripi Wildlife Reserve in northern Bolivia. The Extractive Industries and Society, 20, Article 101574. doi: 10.1016/j.exis.2024.101574.
- Froese, R., Andrino, A., Giudice, R., Stuch, B., Kilian, S. S., Böhner, J., Boy, D., Boy, J., Brown, F., Díaz, G. E., Figueroa, D., Frör, O., Guggenberger, G., Horn, MA., Hasson, Su., Jung, C., Lagneaux, EG., Meurer, K. HE., Pinzón, C. C., Schaldach, R., Ribeiro, SC., Schilling, J., Schmidt, FA., Schönenberg, R., Selaya, G., Vega, CM., Vetter, V. MS., Villavicenio, M., Callo-Concha, D., & Jansen, M. a. (). Describing Complex Interactions of Social-Ecological Systems for Tipping Point Assessments: An Analytical Framework. Frontiers in Climate, 5, Article 1145942.. doi: 10.3389/fclim.2023.1145942.
- Froese, R., Pinzón, C., Aceitón, L., Argentim, T., Arteaga, M., Navas-Guzmán, J. S., Pismel, G., Scherer, S. F., Reutter, J., Schilling, J., & Schönenberg, R. (). Conflicts over Land as a Risk for Social-Ecological Resilience: A Transnational Comparative Analysis in the Southwestern Amazon. Sustainability, 14, 6520–6520. doi: 10.3390/su14116520.
- Froese, R., Schilling, J., Pinzón, C., & Schönenberg, R. (). Between Cooperation and Conflict: A Social-Ecological Perspective on the Impacts of COVID-19 in South-western Amazonia. Die Friedens-Warte, 95, 67–88. doi: 10.35998/fw-2022-0003.
- Schilling, J., Schilling-Vacaflor, A., Flemmer, R., & Froese, R. (). A Political Ecology Perspective on Resource Extraction and Human Security in Kenya, Bolivia and Peru. The Extractive Industries and Society, 8 (4). doi: 10.1016/j.exis.2020.10.009.
- Froese, R., & Schilling, J. (). The Nexus of Climate Change, Land Use, and Conflicts. Current Climate Change Reports, 5, 24–35. doi: 10.1007/s40641-019-00122-1.
- Schilling, J., Nash, S. L., Ide, T., Scheffran, J., Froese, R., & von Prondzinski, P. (). Resilience and Environmental Security: Towards Joint Application in Peacebuilding. Global Change, Peace {&} Security, 29, 107–127. doi: 10.1080/14781158.2017.1305347.
- Frank, A. M., Froese, R., Hof, B. C., Scheffold, M. I., Schreyer, F., Zeller, M., & Rödder, S. (). Riding alone on the elevator: A class experiment in interdisciplinary education. Learning and Teaching in the Social Sciences, 10 (3), 1–19. doi: 10.3167/latiss.2017.100302.
Non-Scientific Contributions (Journals)
- Froese, R., Scheffran, J., & Schilling, J. (). Transformation durch Eskalation? Klimaprotest zwischen Demokratie und Kriminalisierung. Wissenschaft und Frieden, 41. Jahrgang (2023/02), 6–9.
- Froese, R., Figueroa, D., Pinzón, C., Schilling, J., Schönenberg, R., & Werland, L. (). Environmental Peacebuilding und Goldabbau: Widerstand in einem Schutzgebiet in Bolivien. Wissenschaft und Frieden, 41. Jahrgang (2023/2), 20–24.
- Froese, R., Hussak, M., Pastoors, D., & Scheffran, a. J. (). Erhalten, Entfalten, Gestalten: Mittel der Konflikttransformation für Wege aus der Klimakrise einsetzen. Wissenschaft und Frieden, 41. Jahrgang (2023/4), 43–47.
Book Contributions
Research Article (Book Contributions)
- Scheffran, J., Felkers, M., & Froese, R. (). Economic Growth and the Global Energy Demand. in Alain, A. V., Nasib, Q., Hans, P. B., & Hideaki, Y. (ed.), Green Energy to Sustainability: Strategies for Global Industries (pp. 1–44). John Wiley & Sons. doi: 10.1002/9781119152057.ch1.
- Schilling, J., Froese, R., & Naujoks, J. (). “Just Women” Is Not Enough: Towards a Gender-Relational Approach to Water and Peacebuilding. in Fröhlich, C., Gioli, G., Cremades, R., & Myrttinen, H. (ed.), Water Security in a New WorldWater Security Across the Gender Divide (pp. 173–196). Springer International Publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-64046-4_9.
- Scheffran, J., & Froese, R. (). Enabling Environments for Sustainable Energy Transitions: The Diffusion of Technology, Innovation and Investment in Low-Carbon Societies. in Brauch, H. G., Oswald Spring, U., Grin, J., & Scheffran, J. (ed.), Hexagon Series on Human and Environmental Security and PeaceHandbook on Sustainability Transition and Sustainable Peace (pp. 721–756). Springer International Publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-43884-9_34.
Conference Reports (Book Contributions)
- Schönenberg, R., Pinzón, C., Froese, R., Brown, F., & Frör, O. (). Ao Caminho de Criar Momentos Pós-Coloniais: Propondo uma Dinâmica de Intercâmbio de Conhecimiento Rumo a uma Amazônia Sustentável. in Paniagua, C. E. (ed.), Meio Ambiente: Preservação, Saúde e SobrevivênciaAo Caminho de Criar Momentos Pós-Coloniais: Propondo uma Dinâmica de Intercâmbio de Conhecimiento Rumo a uma Amazônia Sustentável. (pp. 82–92). Atena Editora.
Theses (Doctoral or Postdoctoral)
- Froese, R. (). A Social-Ecological Perspective on Conflicts and Social Cohesion in Southwestern Amazonia. [Dissertation thesis, Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau] doi: 10.26204/KLUEDO/7161.
Web Publications (Blog Articles)
- Froese, R., & Breuckmann, T. (). Universities for Future?! Bestandsaufnahme an und Potenziale von Münsteraner Hochschulen in der sozial-ökologischen Transformation.
- Froese, R. (). Wohlstand ohne Zukunft – Wie Krisen unsere Realität verändern.
- Froese, R., & Wiethüchter, J. (). „Appetit auf den Akademischen Donut“ – Wie schaffen wir die Voraussetzungen für eine nachhaltige Universität?
- Froese, R. (). Klimagerechtigkeit - Eine menschenrechts-basierte Antwort auf den Klimawandel.
- Froese, R. (). Podcasts in der Lehre. Schritte auf der Spielwiese multimedialer Bildung.
- Froese, R., & Schilling, J. (). Goldbergbau im Peruanischen Amazonas – Eine Bedrohung für die Menschliche Sicherheit.
- Froese, R., & Schilling, J. (). Umwelt und Frieden Zusammendenken: Environmental Peacebuilding als Chance für die Deutsche Friedens- und Entwicklungspolitik.
- Froese, R. (). Einblicke aus Forschungsländern der Friedensakademie.
- Froese, R., Schilling, J., Ide, T., Nash, S. L., & Scheffran, J. (). Resilience and Environmental Security in Peacebuilding.
- Froese, R. (). Bridging the Gap: Under-Representation and Communication Between Groups at COP21.
Working Papers
- Breuckmann, T., Froese, R., Gerke, D.-M., Guirgis, F., Jostmeier, M., Notzon, S., Stroila, I.-M., & Wilkens, L. (). Münsteraner Hochschulen in der Nachhaltigkeitstransformation. miami. doi: 10.17879/87968611566.
- Froese, R., Pinzón, C., Schöneberg, R., & Schilling, J. (). “Local Actions Against Global Dynamics - COVID-19 as a Catalyst of Social Transformation in the South-Western Amazon”. ()
- Froese, Rebecca : „Konflikte um Nachhaltigkeit: Gerechte Sozial-Ökologische Transformation in Zeiten der Polykrise“. Entwicklung-Frieden-Nachhaltigkeit: Konfliktbearbeitung und Bildungsarbeit im Kontext der Klimakrise, online, Friedensinstitut Freiburg, .
- Froese, Rebecca; Schilling, Janpeter : “Environmental peacebuilding, social structures and communal resistance to gold mining in the Manuripi Wildlife Reserve in Pando, Bolivia ”. Annual Conference of the German Association for Peace and Conflict Studies, Darmstadt, .
- Froese, Rebecca; Hussak, Melanie : “The Violences of Sustainability: Power and Hierarchies in the Strive towards Justice in the Social-Ecological Transformation”. Annual Conference of the German Association for Peace and Conflict Studies, Darmstadt, .
- Froese, Rebecca : “The Nexus of Climate Change, Land Use, and Conflict in Southwestern Amazonia”. De-Polarizing Land Use Conflicts: A Deep Dive into the Swedish Forest, Pufendorf Institute for Advanced Studies, Lund University, .
- Froese, Rebecca : “Erhalten, Entfalten, Gestalten”. Science Slam ”Technologies for Peace”, Frauenkirche Dresden, .
- Froese, Rebecca; Mamut, Pia; Wiethüchter, Julia : „Appetit auf den Akademischen Donut - Die Voraussetzungen für eine nachhaltige Uni schaffen“. Campus Earth Day - Nachhaltigkeitstag der Universität Münster, Münster, .
- Froese, Rebecca; Pinzón Cuella, Claudia : “Frontier-making in the Bolivian Amazon: Clashes of postcolonial logics with local resistance’”. Deutscher Kongress für Geographie (DKG), Frankfurt, .
- Breuckmann, Tobias; Froese, Rebecca; : „Die Hochschule als soziale Infrastruktur für Nachhaltigkeit - Chancen und Barrieren auf dem Weg zur Transformation“. Deutscher Kongress für Geographie (DKG), Frankfurt, .
- Froese, Rebecca; Giudice, Renzo : “The Amazon Complex. More than a Rainforest Scientific Approximations”. Amazon Week Berlin, Lateinamerika Institut (LAI), FU Berlin, .
- Froese, Rebecca; Pinzón, Claudia; Figueroa, Diana : “Local Action Against Gold Mining in the Bolivian Amazon: Human-Nature Relations as a Foundation for Resistance to Colonial Continuities”. EISA / EWIS Workshop "Postcolonial Hierarchies in World Politics", University of Amsterdam, .
- Froese, Rebecca : “Digging for Diversity – Interdisciplinary Perspectves on Diversity for a Just Social-Ecological Transformation”. Summer School "Reimagining Global Justice within and through the University", Budapest, .
- Rebecca Froese : „Conflicts over Biodiversity: Walking a Tightrope Between Escalation and Transformation“. ZIN Brotzeitkolloquium, Münster, .
- Rebecca Froese : “From Climate Conflicts towards Environmental Peace”. Public Lecture Series "Wars for Resources and Good Practices for Just Peace", Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, .
- Rebecca Froese : “Communal Resistance to Gold Mining: Environmental Peacebuilding in the Manuripi National Amazonian Wildlife Reserve in Bolivia”. DFG Network Conference "From Climate Conflicts to Environmental Peacebuilding", online, .
- Rebecca Froese : “Climate conflicts and environmental peacebuilding”. Presentation on Risks and Opportunities for German Peace and Development Policies, GFA Consulting Group, Hamburg, .
- Rebecca Froese : „Der Klimawandel als globale Gerechtigkeits- und Friedenskrise“. Vortrag im Rahmen des Demokratietags, Europagymnasium Wörth, .
- Rebecca Froese : „Environmental Peacebuilding – Umwelt und Frieden zusammendenken“. Ringvorlesung „What kind of a UN does it need to make peace?“ TU Dresden & Deutsche Gesellschaft für die Vereinten Nationen, Dresden, .
- Rebecca Froese : “REDD+ Driver of Conflict or Tool for Environmental Peacebuilding”. Second International Conference on Environmental Peacebuilding, online, .
- Rebecca Froese : “COVID-19 as a Catalyst of Change in Times of Crisis - Insights from the Amazon”. Workshop "From a Climate-Security Nexus of Conflicts to a Nexus of Synergies”, Hamburg, online, .
- Rebecca Froese : “How to not fall off a cliff - Social Cohesion and Tipping Points”. Earth System Governance Network Early Career Dialogue, online, .
- Rebecca Froese, Renzo Giudice : “Socio-economic Drivers Tackled in the PRODIGY BioTIP Project”. BMBF BioTIP Midterm Conference, online, .
- Rebecca Froese, Oliver Frör, Regine Schönenberg, Jens Boy : “Functional Diversity to Foster Conviviality? – Understanding Amazonian Tipping Points”. Global Land Forum, online, .
- Rebecca Froese : “Social Cohesion in Social-Ecological Systems - Towards a Framework for Analyzing the Interconnections between Social Cohesion and Land-Use Change”. Annual Meeting of the Earth System Governance Network, online, .
- Rebecca Froese : “Ao Caminho de Criar Momentos Pós-coloniais: Propondo uma Dinámica de Intercámbio de Conhecimento em Defesa da Amazônia ("Auf dem Weg zur Schaffung postkolonialer Momente: Vorschlag für eine Dynamik des Wissensaustauschs des Wissens zur Verteidigung von Amazonien")”. Seminário Internacional América Latina (SIALAT) (Internationales Seminar Lateinamerika), online, .
- Rebecca Froese : „Klimawandel und Konflikte – Ein Risiko für den Frieden?“ Input Vortrag für die Sitzung der Abteilung Öffentlichkeitsarbeit des Zivilen Friedensdienstes (ZFD), online, .
- Rebecca Froese : “Political Ecology Perspective on Resource Extraction and Human Security in Kenya, Bolivia and Peru”. Political Ecology Biannual Conference (POLLEN), online, .
- Rebecca Froese : „Tipping Points - Oder wie man nicht von einer Klippe fällt“. Science Slam Mainz, Mainz, .
- Rebecca Froese : „An Introduction to Climate Justice“. Presentation und Podiumsdiskussion der ATF, Universität Hamburg, .
- Rebecca Froese : „Climate Change as a Global Crisis of Justice and Peace“. Presentation und Diskussion von dem forumZFD, Köngiswinter, .
- Rebecca Froese : „Climate Change – What can we do about it?“ Presentation und Diskussion auf einem Festival, Kierpse, .
- Rebecca Froese : „Climate Justice - What is Needed for Peace in Europe and Beyond?“ Petcha Kutcha von Refo Moabit, Berlin, .
- Rebecca Froese : “The rise of academic networks - A chance to reshape governance processes in climate-resilient urban development in Ecuador?” Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers (AAG), Washington, .
- Rebecca Froese : „How to become a Climate Researcher“. Girls Day, Universität Hamburg, .
- Rebecca Froese : “The Role of Non-Party Stakeholder in Climate Compatible Development”. 24th Annual ISDRS Conference, Messina, .
- Rebecca Froese : “Towards an integrated approach of climate-proofing development cooperation”. International Sustainability Congress, Instanbul, .
Student Supervision
First Advisor
2023 Bachelor Thesis Universität Münster ”Conflicts around the thirst for more - Analyzing activist-rooted knowledge to identify corporate impacts on well-being in South American water conflicts”
2023 Bachelor Thesis Universität Münster “Just and Strong Societies Worldwide!? - Transformation Potentials and Limitations of the German Strategy for a Feminist Development Policy to Achieve Gender Equality”
Second Advisor2023 Master Thesis Universität Passau ”Access to Social Protection: A Case Study of the Extractive Reserve Chico Mendes in Acre, Brazil”
2023 Master Thesis Universität Marburg “Resource Curse Never Again? Environmental Peacebuilding and Gold Mining in Burkina Faso”
In the Media
Host of the Podcast Fokus Frieden (Focus Peace) since 07/2020
Interview "Frieden verbessert das Klima" for the Podcast of the German Civil Peace Service (Ziviler Friedensdienst – ZFD). 14/06/2021
Interview "Klimagerechtigkeit" for the Podcast 'climate talk'. 18/05/2020
Interview "Klimaverhandlungen in Polen: Wir sitzen immer noch alle im selben Kanu." Interview for Friedensakademie-Blog and CEN News. 18/12/2018
Conference and event organization
2023 Co-Organization of two panels at the Symposium "40 Year Sciences for Peace": ”Peace improves the Climate” – How conflict transformation can contribute to overcoming the climate crisis” & ” Moments of transformation towards sustainability: In search of the A39 pass” - Panel Discussion, Fishbowl Discussion, experimental art spaces
2021 Organization of a scientific accompanying program for the art exhibition “Weltenbrand”. Forum Theaters, Podcasts and an Excursion about the Amazon Rainforest
2021 Organisation of Symposium „Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Resilience in Social-Ecological Systems” in cooperation with the DIW in Berlin
2020 Organisation of Symposium “Social Cohesion and Tipping Points”
Externally taught courses
WiSe 2022/2023 - Espace Mondial / Weltpolitik - Internationale Beziehungen global gedacht (Sciences Po Nancy, Centre for International Studies (CERI))
WiSe 2020/2021 – Tipping Points in the Southwestern Amazon (Universität Koblenz-Landau (seit 2023 Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau, Institut für Umweltwissenschaften)