During the summer term 2024, the Center for Interdisciplinary Sustainability Research once again organises its annual public and interdisciplinary lecture series. This year, it is dedicated to the overarching theme of "Digging for Diversity", asking various scientific disciplines for their perspective on the role of diversity within socio-ecological transformations. The lecture series, formerly known as "ZIN-Brotzeitkolloquium", will be held in English this year as the "ZIN Brown Bag Lectures". As an "open class", it will also be possible for students from partner universities of the Ulysseus European University Alliance to attend virtually. (The ULYSSEUS network comprises eight European universities from different regions that collaborate and build ties in different areas of higher education, including research, student affairs, and public engagement activities, among others.)
During each of the five lecture dates, two ZIN-members will give lectures on different facets of the topic of diversity from their respective disciplinary perspectives. Students from all disciplines at the University of Münster and students from the seven partner universities as well as interested members of the public are cordially invited to attend the lectures, which will take place at lunchtime on five Thursdays from April to June. The lectures will be broadcasted via Zoom from lecture hall F4 (Fürstenberghaus, Domplatz 20-22) and can also be attended in person. Each event will start at 12.15 pm CET.
This year, the "ZIN-Brown Bag Lectures" are additionally organised in cooperation with both SUNRISE LAB and LATERNE research projects, whose central aim is to research and test - among others through so-called "real-life experiments" - how universities can become more sustainable. The lecture series is part of such a real-life experiment that researches inter- and transdisciplinary teaching in the context of socio-ecological transformation.
No prior knowledge is required to follow the lectures! All information about the lecture series (including an overview of the program and access data for the current date) can be found here (see below). We also share information about the "ZIN-Brown Bag Lectures" via our accounts on LinkedIn (@Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Nachhaltigkeitsforschung) and Facebook (@ZIN.unimuenster).