Symbolic representation

External initiatives

Münster offers a wide range of initiatives, associations, projects and organisations in which you can get involved on a voluntary basis. Some of these are of particular interest to Communication Science students. These initiatives offer you the opportunity to sharpen your own profile alongside your studies, to learn important soft skills for everyday professional life, to apply what you have learned in practice, to make contacts and to prepare for your future career.

This overview of external initiatives is a compilation of the Departmental Student Body and presents those initiatives that are particularly relevant to Communication Science students. The texts were written by the initiatives themselves.


Host from Radio Q
© Radio Q

Radio Q

Radio Q is the campus radio station for Münster and Steinfurt. The entire programme is created by students and you can join us too!

Every semester we offer a compact training course, where we teach you the basics of radio and online journalism in eight weeks. After your compact training, you can either join Q as a freelancer or take over the training of the next „Kompaktigeneration“ - as “Chef*in vom Dienst” (production editor). Later on, you can become a presenter yourself, part of the editorial team or the board. We also run workshops on presenting, interviewing and trailer production. There are no limits to what you can do: in the editorial department you can produce stories for the on-air broadcasts, in the music department you can choose the music, or in the online department you can manage our social media channels. The application deadline is at the beginning of each semester, we will keep you updated on Instagram, follow us on radioq!

Listen to our webstream on our website or on 90.9 MHz. In our morning show “Coffeeshop”, our presenters talk about the latest news from university politics, everyday life at the university and give you tips for exciting events. From 18:00, we broadcast the evening programme “Abwasch”, which deals with various topics. We talk to interesting personalities or discuss news from the world of culture and science. We then broadcast evening programmes where we discuss current affairs in the world of music or special interests such as history or film. We look forward to hearing from you!

© Campus Relations

campus relations e. V.

Are you tired of only applying your knowledge in exams and term papers? Would you like to show what you can do and dedicate yourself to PR projects with like-minded people? Then you've come to the right place!

We are the student organisation for public relations at the University of Münster. We put our professional knowledge into practice in various projects for companies, associations and organisations. In order to stay up to date in the field of PR and to continue our education, we organise lectures, workshops and excursions on a regular basis. Every semester there are exciting new projects that our members work on in small groups. We dedicate ourselves to all aspects of public relations work. Whether it's working out PR concepts, developing specific methods or brainstorming for campaigns. This not only gives you the opportunity to gain practical experience alongside your studies - you will also make your first contacts in the world of professional communicators alongside other students!

Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a newcomer, everyone has the chance to contribute individually and use their unique skills and ideas to achieve the best results.

Are you up for cool PR projects? So are we, so contact us via Instagram or email:!

We meet every Monday at 18:15 in the Fürstenberghaus. To make sure you don't miss anything and stay up to date, follow us on Insta: @campusrelations!

© Enactus


Enactus is a global student initiative with over 1700 teams in 31 countries. The aim is to improve the world on a small scale with an entrepreneurial approach. With almost 75,000 members, Enactus is the largest student entrepreneurship initiative in the world. By founding sustainable start-ups, we solve social and ecological problems and thus contribute to the implementation of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.

You can currently support us in one of our five projects, which include integrating the topics of consumption and sustainability into school lessons, fighting loneliness and sustainably insulating houses in Senegal.

You can also get involved in one of our four resorts, for example in Marketing and IT, Finance & Law, HR & Events or you can set up your own project in the Innovation Resort.

But our club life is not just about work. Several times a semester, our members come together at various events to rise our team spirit. You get to meet cool people, make friends and create memories.

So, does our club appeal to you? Do you want to get involved in building useful, social, sustainable and entrepreneurial projects alongside your studies? Do you want to help people in the long term and at the same time get your first taste of entrepreneurship? That's great! Then you've come to the right place!

You can find us at:
Or on Instagram: @enactus_muenster

© Move

Move e.V.

Do you want to get involved in the business world and develop yourself personally? Then you've come to the right place!

We are move e.V., the student management consultancy in Münster. In addition to our great club life (running dinner, bowling, visits to the old town, etc.), we give you the opportunity to get to know the business world a little better. You can organise your time at move e.V. individually by getting involved in one of our seven departments, for example the PR department, the HR department or the sales department. The PR department focuses on marketing (flyers, merchandise, etc.) and everything to do with social media. The HR department focuses on event planning, recruitment and our training courses. With over 20 degree programmes, we are very interdisciplinary and are therefore happy to welcome students of Communication Science.

In addition to our internal club life, you will have the opportunity to gain your own practical experience. We work with real companies, advising small and medium-sized businesses on a wide range of projects in which you can participate and develop personally. The individual projects are very diverse (marketing activities, communication strategies, competitive analyses, etc.), so there is bound to be something that catches your interest.

We are an association that wants to know you! That is why you apply with a letter of motivation and your CV before we get to know you in a personal interview.

We hope that we have piqued your interest and that you will take a look at our website or Instagram @move_unternehmensberatung. We look forward to hearing from you!

© Ventureclub

Venture Club Münster

With over 350 members, the Venture Club Münster is Münster's largest student initiative for entrepreneurship. In addition to the club's internal activities, the VCM organises a start-up fair during the summer semester and a multi-day start-up workshop with a pitch competition during the winter semester.

Website: | Instagram: @ventureclubmuenster

Internal club events:
* Jour Fixe: Every Monday at 7 pm - Startup Pitch and Teamwork
* Workshop series on topics relevant to start-ups
* National and international trips to startup cities (for example: Berlin, Paris, Munich, Barcelona, Copenhagen)
* Socials

Each active member is part of one of the following six organising teams:
* Events
* Marketing
* People and Culture
* Finance and Law
* Sponsoring and Relations
* IT

The VCM accepts new members at the beginning of each semester (two weeks after the start of lectures).