In the department Empirical Communication Studies, the audience of mass media and media content are examined theoretically and empirically. A central field of our work is audience research, focusing on structures and frequencies of media use. This is complemented by approaches of media reception and media use in order to analyze the specific handling of media content by individuals or groups. In addition, content and structural features of media products and -services with short- and long-term effects on the individual and the society are examined. Last but not least, we contribute to the further development of empirical methods for the empirical analysis of our research fields.
Chair of empirical communication research
Visual Communication Research
investigates how information is visually presented in the media, how the audience processes visualizations and the resulting effects on reception, interpretation and processing.
Involved Researchers
Stephanie Geise, Anna-Maria Volpers, Volker Gehrau, Maria Hänelt, Ia Bestavashvili
Subjects and Exemplary Projects:
- Visual and multimodal framing
- Design and effect of election posters
- Visualization of statistical data and their reception
- data visualization with ggplot2
- Eyetracking and visual reception studies
Selected Publications:
- Principles of Visual Communication Theory and Research (Müller & Geise, 2015)
- Processes of Visual and Multimodal Framing (Geise, 2016; Geise & Baden, 2014, 2015)
- Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen der wissenschaftlichen Bildverwendung (Specht; Eickhoff & Volpers, 2017)
- Visual Framing – Anforderungen an die empirische Forschung (Herbers & Volpers, 2013)
Media, occupational orientation and personnel recruitment
concerns questions regarding the influence of media on processes of individual professional orientation and personnel recruitment.
Involved Researchers:
Volker Gehrau
Subjects and exemplary projects:
- Media effects on occupational expectations and career aspirations
- Mediatization of occupational orientation and personnel recruitment
- Websites for career guidance and personnel recruitment
- E-recruiting / employer branding
Selected publications:
- Media and Occupational Aspirations (Gehrau, Brüggemann & Handrup, 2016)
- Der Einfluss von Medien auf die Entwicklung von Berufswünschen (Weyer, Gehrau & Brüggemann, 2016)
- Massenmedien, Berufsorientierung und Personalrekrutierung (Gehrau & Röttger, 2015)
- Kultivierung von Berufsvorstellungen durch Fernsehen bei Jugendlichen (Gehrau, 2014)
Media in social contexts
analyzes the characteristics of processes of media use, media reception and media effects in different social constellations.
Involved Researchers
Volker Gehrau, Stephanie Geise, Maria Hänelt
Subjects and Exemplary Projects:
- Media and interpersonal communication
- Shared media consumption
- Social diffusion of media content
- (Online) opinion leadership
- Media and participation in social movements
Selected Publications:
- Rezeption in Gruppen (Gehrau, 2014)
- Gespräche über Medien unter veränderten medialen Bedingungen (Gehrau & Goertz, 2010)
- (Re) Framing the News: Die Effekte gerahmter Online-Kommentare (Hänelt & von Sikorski, 2016)
Social science methods
includes approaches and procedures for selecting research objects, collecting data and analysing, interpreting and presenting data.
Involved Researchers:
Volker Gehrau, Stephanie Geise, Anna-Maria Volpers
Subjects and Exemplary Projects:
- Observation techniques
- Eyetracking
- Data visualization
- Sorting studies
- Selection procedures
- (Visual) content analyses
Selected Publications:
- Die Beobachtung (Gehrau, 2017)
- Das Qualitative Experiment (Gehrau & Bilandzic, 2017)
- Eyetracking (Geise, 2011, Geise, 2014)
- Bildinhaltsanalyse (Geise & Rössler 2012)
- Automatisierte Bildinhaltsanalyse (Geise, Rössler & Kruschinski 2015)
Media and public opinion
investigates the relationship between media issues and media reporting and the ideas, opinions and actions of the population over time.
Involved Researchers:
Volker Gehrau, Judith Väth
Subjects and exemplary projects:
- Public opinion and issue perception
- Agenda-setting
- Agenda-building
- Issues management
Selected publications:
- Dynamiken der öffentlichen Problemwahrnehmung (Gehrau, Väth & Haake, 2014)
- Issues Entropy in the Internetage (Gehrau & Haake, 2016)
- Issue Diversity in the Internetage (Gehrau, 2013)
- Agenda Diffusion (Vu & Gehrau, 2010)
Media use and media effects
investigates which people use which media and how they use them as well as the consequences for individuals and society.
Involved Researchers:
Volker Gehrau, Stephanie Geise, Maria Hänelt
Subjects and Exemplary Projects:
- Media quality and media practice
- Media use
- Media effects
- Television genres
- Reception of (online) news
Selected Publications:
- Der dynamisch-transaktionale Ansatz (Gehrau, 2016)
- News Values: Audience Effects (Gehrau, 2016)
- Eskapistische Mediennutzung und narkotische Dysfunktion (Kuhlmann & Gehrau, 2012)
Online publications
- Gehrau, Volker; Blöbaum, Bernd; Lorenz, Hannah; Schieb, Carla; Fujarski, Sam; (Hrsg.) (2022). Kommt Gesundheit an? Gesundheitskommunikation im ländlichen Raum. DOI: 10.17879/12019633945