Visa and residence permit

News from the Foreigners' Registration Office

Changed procedures due to the current situation

If you have made an appointment with the Foreigners' Registration Office, your appointment will be processed by post or e-mail. Please wait for a letter from the Foreigners' Registration Office with instructions for the further procedure.

Further information from the Ausländerbehörde Münster

If you have an appointment with the Foreigners' Registration Office in the near future, but are in your home country because of the current situation, please inform the Foreigners' Registration Office (

Students who begin their studies at Münster University in this semester and are still in their home country should contact their respective German embassy.

If you have further questions, please contact Ms Beckmann-Wewer (

Important information for first-semester students

If you have to apply for a residence permit following your arrival in Germany, please send a request for an appointment right now! Contact form
Most international students have to apply for a residence permit for the purpose of doctorate/university study (§16 Residence Act).

Click here for more information

Students who could not yet enter Germany due to the current situation should contact their respective German embassy.

Changes regarding the proof of financial means

Important note:
From the winter semester 2024/25 onwards, the proof of financial means will increase to € 11,904 per year.

If ever you face problems extending your residence permit, please make use of our consultation offers!