Öffentliche Ringvorlesung im Studiengang Nachhaltigkeit und Demokratie

Thema: Sustainability Governance
Termin: Dienstags von 14:00- 16:00 Uhr c.t.
Veranstaltungsort: Scharnhorststr. 100 ‐ SCH 100.2 oder online
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Überblick (Overview)

The resilience of the Earth System is increasingly threatened by human activity. Recent literature on the Anthropocene has made it abundantly clear that crossing planetary boundaries will lead to catastrophic change. While sustainability is widely recognized as a political principle to address these challenges, it is increasingly evident that the design and implementation of concrete and effective sustainable policies is an extremely challenging task. Sustainability governance refers to the social mechanisms by which societies adapt their institutions and regulatory systemsto the major challenges of sustainable development (climate change, loss of biodiversity, poverty, food insecurity, resource scarcity, etc.). In current sustainability governance architectures, government regulations at national and local levels co‐exist and interact with international agreements and voluntary standards. Despite this extensive governance architecture, the development of effective sustainability governance instruments is by no means linear, but is rather characterized by recurring governance failures and political setbacks. The question of how effective sustainability governance should be designed is a controversial topic and a key focus of this lecture series. At the conceptual level two contrasting approaches can be identified. On the one hand, sustainable transformation approaches see technical innovations as a potential solution to decouple economic activity from its negative environmental impacts, and on the other hand degrowth approaches condemn further economic growth as both undesirable and unsustainable. At the institutional level, the question of how democracy and sustainability relate to each other has been raised. Is there a need for more democratic participation in sustainability governance? Or are more technocratic decision‐making procedures and efficient administrative processes necessary to address the urgency of the current sustainability crises? In this context, it is also interesting to consider the role of courts in sustainability governance. In recent years there have been several remarkable court rulings on sustainability concerns in different countries. Can courts overcome political market failures, such as the often‐emphasized lack of future‐orientation of politicians who have to face re‐election in relatively short election cycles? Or are key political decisions delegated to legal institutions that ultimately lack political legitimacy? At the international level, we still need better coordination and integration of policies across different political jurisdictions and more effective compliance mechanisms ensuring the implementation of international agreements. Finally, there isthe level of the design of concrete policy instruments. Should sustainability governance be based on price mechanisms, such as taxes or emission trading schemes leaving it to the private sector to develop efficient adaptation strategies? Or should sustainability governance be based on strict government regulations that directly ban harmful production modes? This raises only a few general questions regarding the development of an effective sustainability governance architecture.   This year’s lecture series, within the framework of the study program “Sustainability and Democracy,” is concerned with the issue of how the exercise of political authority in the Anthropocene should be organized to prevent imminent ecological and social collapse. The various lectures within this series will address this overarching question from different perspectives.



14‐16 Uhr

How the US Influences the Multilateral Development

Banks to be Greener and More Accountable

Prof. Susan Park, PhD (University of Sydney) Scharnhorststr. 100 ‐ SCH 100.2


14‐16 Uhr

Participatory Governance for Sustainability?

Prof. Dr. Jens Newig (Leuphena Universität Lüneburg)

Raum: Scharnhorststr. 100 ‐ SCH 100.2


14‐16 Uhr

Leaving No One Behind? The Role of the Sustainable Development

Goals for Inclusive Sustainability Governance

Dr. Karen Siegel (Universität Münster)

Raum: Scharnhorststr. 100 ‐ SCH 100.2


14‐16 Uhr

World Politics in the Anthropocene Prof. Dr. Frank Biermann (Utrecht University)

Online/ Für Zoom‐Einwahldaten bitte Email an: powi.wiporecht@uni‐muenster.de

Moderation: Dr. Karen Siegel


14‐16 Uhr

Transboundary Haze in Southeast Asia:

Causes, Effects, and Sustainable Governance Solutions

Prof. Helena Varkkey, PhD (University of Malaya)

Raum: Scharnhorststr. 100 ‐ SCH 100.2 Moderation: Dr. Karen Siegel


14‐16 Uhr

Kreislaufwirtschaft ‐ Blaupause für eine neue, nachhaltige Welt?

Prof. Dr. Sina Leipold (Helmholtz‐Zentrum für Umweltforschung)

Online/ Für Zoom‐Einwahldaten bitte anmelden: powi.wiporecht@uni‐muenster.de


14‐16 Uhr

A View from the Practice: Sustainability in the Corporate World:

Between Sustainability and Impact Jan von Enden (Martin Bauer‐Holding GmbH & Co. KG)

Raum: Scharnhorststr. 100 ‐ SCH 100.2


14‐16 Uhr

Sustainable Consumption and Lifestyle Governance:

The Importance of Demand‐ side Options for Reducing Carbon Emissions

Dr. Tobias Gumbert (Universität Münster) Raum: Scharnhorststr. 100 ‐ SCH 100.2


14‐16 Uhr

Das Recht als Mittel zum globalen Klimaschutz Dr. Dana Schirwon

(Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik, DGAP)

Raum: Scharnhorststr. 100 ‐ SCH 100.2


14‐16 Uhr

Neue Ungleichheiten? Die Dekarbonisierung und der Globale Süden

Prof. Dr. Andreas Goldthau (Universität Erfurt)

Online /Für Zoom‐Einwahldaten bitte Email an: powi.wiporecht@uni‐muenster.de


14‐16 Uhr

New Supply Chain Regulations in Europe: Towards More Sustainable and Just Trade?

Dr. Almut Vacaflour (Universität Osnabrück) Raum: Scharnhorststr. 100 ‐ SCH 100.2