Coworking at CERes

As a place where people meet, CERes promotes networking and cooperation among emerging researchers. Our physical and virtual rooms are open to doctoral researchers and postdocs for mutual exchange, coworking with like-minded peers, or quiet work. Our trainers cultivate a stimulating, supportive and productive atmosphere where you can relax and concentrate on writing, work on your projects, and meet peers from many different faculties.

Our (Virtual) Writing Groups
Our (Virtual) Writing Groups

Writing together helps!

Did you know that taking part in writing groups can reduce stress and anxiety in doctoral researchers which arise in connection with writing a dissertation (e.g. Buckley et al. 2021)? Or that writing groups can promote interdisciplinary learning among doctoral researchers (e.g. Bergen et al. 2020)? As far as university teachers are concerned (including postdocs), taking part in an academic writing group can help to increase productivity as regards writing manuscripts and publications (e.g. Kwan et al. 2021). Join our writing community and let us celebrate your successes together!

Having a “place” to come to, knowing that I have blocked it in my calendar, that there are others that also want to write and that I can work on my draft. Basically, to get into the habit of setting aside time specifically for writing.
Writing Gurus participant feedback
  • 04.02. (9–11:30) & 05.02. (18–20) & 11.02.2025 (9–11:30) / Writing Gurus


    In this workshop, you will use a prewriting technique to identify the focus of your section. You will apply time and task management strategies to create a more productive and enjoyable writing routine. By the end, you will complete the first draft of one section of your paper or dissertation. Four participants who complete their drafts during the workshop can attend a 45-minute writing consultation with Dr. Julie Davies from our University’s Academic Editing Service on Tuesday, February 18. Improve your writing skills – don’t miss out!


    • Session 1: Tuesday, February 4, 09:00–11:30 (Zoom)
    • Session 2, run jointly with our Department for PhD Candidates: Wednesday, February 5, 18:00–20:00 (Schlossplatz 6, room 001)
    • Session 3: Tuesday, February 11, 09:00–11:30 (Zoom)
    • Four writing consultations with Dr. Julie Davies: Tuesday, February 18 (Zoom)

    Facilitator: Dr. Iva Ognjanovic (CERes), with Department for PhD Candidates and Dr. Julie Davies (University’s Academic Editing Service)


  • Postdoc Writing Retreat

    More information about this offer will be available here soon.