ERC Consolidator Grants at the University of Münster

With a Consolidator Grant, the ERC enables promising early career researchers (seven to twelve years into their post-doc phase) to consolidate their academic independence.

  • 2023 | Prof Dr Wolfgang Zeier "Diffuson-related transport in ionically conducting solids (DIONISOS)" (chemistry)

    Funding period



    In DIONISOS, we aim to develop new analytical relationships for ion- and heat-transport in ionic conductors, and thus heal significant inconsistencies of the current understanding. Currently ion- and heat transport are interpreted as unrelated phenomena; ion transport being based on local jumps, whereas heat transport being mediated by dynamic lattice vibrations called phonons.

    Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Zeier at the University of Münster

    ERC project information

  • 2022 | Prof Dr Arnulf Jentzen "Overcoming the curse of dimensionality through nonlinear stochastic algorithms: Nonlinear Monte Carlo type methods for high-dimensional approximation problems (MONTECARLO)" (mathematics)

    Funding period



    In many relevant real-world problems it is of fundamental importance to approximately compute evaluations of high-dimensional functions. Standard deterministic approximation methods often suffer in this context from the so-called curse of dimensionality in the sense that the number of computational operations of the approximation method grows at least exponentially in the problem dimension. It is the key objective of the ERC-funded MONTECARLO project to employ multilevel Monte Carlo and stochastic gradient descent type methods to design and analyse algorithms which provably overcome the curse of dimensionality in the numerical approximation of several high-dimensional functions; these include solutions of certain stochastic optimal control problems of some nonlinear partial differential equations and of certain supervised learning problems.

    Prof Dr Arnulf Jentzen at the University of Münster

    ERC project information

  • 2022 | Prof Dr Hendrik Weber "Global Estimates for non-linear stochastic PDEs (GE4SPDE)" (mathematics)

    Funding period



    Partial differential equations are fundamental to describing processes in which one variable is dependent on two or more others – most situations in real life. Stochastic partial differential equations (SPDEs) describe physical systems subject to random effects. In the description of scaling limits of interacting particle systems and in quantum field theories analysis, the randomness is due to fluctuations related to noise terms on all length scales. The presence of a non-linear term can lead to divergencies. Funded by the European Research Council, the GE4SPDE project will describe the global behaviour of solutions of some of the most prominent examples of semi-linear SPDEs, building on the systematic treatment of the renormalisation procedure used to deal with these divergencies.

    Prof Dr Hendrik Weber at the University of Münster

    ERC project information

  • 2020 | Prof Dr Kristin Kleber "Governance in Babylon: Negotiating the Rule of Three Empires (GoviB)" (ancient Near Eastern studies)

    Funding period



    The earliest society in the ancient world, Babylonia went through two major regime changes and was consecutively ruled by three empires: the Assyrian, the Chaldean and the (first) Persian. But little is known about how imperial rule was negotiated locally and how the strategies that rulers and the ruled applied in pursuit of their interests interacted and led to instability or stability. The EU-funded GoviB project will explore the politics and authority in the ancient city of Babylon. By analysing newly available textual and archaeological material, the project will shed light on what causes states to be stable or instable and how regime changes fail or succeed.

    Prof Dr Kristin Kleber at the University of Münster

    ERC project information

  • 2018 | Prof Dr Eva Viehmann "Newton strata - geometry and representations (NewtonStrat)" (mathematics)

    Funding period



    The Langlands programme is a far-reaching web of conjectural or proven correspondences joining the fields of representation theory and of number theory. It is one of the centerpieces of arithmetic geometry, and  has in the past decades produced many spectacular breakthroughs, for example the proof of Fermat’s Last Theorem by Taylor and Wiles. The most successful approach to prove instances of Langlands’ conjectures is via algebraic geometry, by studying suitable moduli spaces such as Shimura varieties. Their cohomology carries actions both of a linear algebraic group (such as GLn) and a Galois group associated with the number field one is studying. A central tool in the study of the arithmetic properties of these moduli spaces is the Newton stratification, a natural decomposition based on the moduli description of the space. Recently the theory of Newton strata has seen two major new developments: Representation-theoretic methods and results have been successfully established to describe their geometry and cohomology. Furthermore, an adic version of the Newton stratification has been defined and is already of prime importance in new approaches within the Langlands programme. This project aims at uniting these two novel developments to obtain new results in both contexts with direct applications to the Langlands programme, as well as a close relationship and dictionary between the classical and the adic stratifications. It is subdivided into three parts which mutually benefit from each other: Firstly we investigate the geometry of Newton strata in loop groups and Shimura varieties, and representations in their cohomology. Secondly, we study corresponding geometric and cohomological properties of adic Newton strata. Finally, we establish closer ties between the two contexts. Here we want to obtain analogues to results on one side for the other, but more importantly aim at a direct comparison that explains the similar behaviour directly.

    Prof Dr Eva Viehmann at the University of Münster

    ERC project information

  • 2018 | Prof Dr Gustav Holzegel "The Black Hole Stability Problem and the Analysis of asymptotically anti-de Sitter spacetimes (BHSandAADS)" (mathematics)

    Funding period



    The present proposal is concerned with the analysis of the Einstein equations of general relativity, a non-linear system of geometric partial differential equations describing phenomena from the bending of light to the dynamics of black holes. The theory has recently been confirmed in a spectacular fashion with the detection of gravitational waves. The main objective of the proposal is to consolidate my research group by developing novel mathematical techniques that will fundamentally advance our understanding of the Einstein equations. Here the proposal builds on mathematical progress in the last decade resulting from achievements in the fields of partial differential equations, differential geometry, microlocal analysis and theoretical physics.

    Prof Dr Gustav Holzegel at the University of Münster

    ERC project information

  • 2018 | Prof Dr Niels Petersen "Correcting inequality through law: How courts conceptualize equality in their constitutional jurisprudence (EQUALITY)" (law)

    Funding Period



    Equality can be defined as the condition of being equal and as the right of different groups of people to have a similar social position and receive the same treatment. While all major national and international human rights instruments include norms protecting equality, there is no agreement about what equality exactly means or entails. Within this legal context, the EU-funded EQUALITY project will study the extent to which legal equality guarantees tolerate inequality. Specifically, the project will analyse how courts conceptualise equality in constitutional and international human rights law. For instance, it will consider the factors that influence the courts when deciding cases involving inequality.

    Prof Dr Niels Petersen at the University of Münster

    ERC project information

  • 2018 | Prof Dr Ryan Gilmour "Reprogramming Conformation by Fluorination: Exploring New Areas of Chemical Space (Recon)" (chemistry)

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    Organofluorine compounds, organic molecules containing carbon-fluorine bonds, are widely used to make high-impact pharmaceuticals, imaging agents, agrochemicals and various materials. Numerous pharmaceuticals are fluorinated to impart enhanced metabolic and oxidative stability, lipophilicity and membrane permeability. However, we have likely only seen the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the potential of organofluorine compounds. The roadblock has been limitations in controlling fluorination sites and the resulting 2D and 3D molecular architecture. RECON is working to unlock the potential of complex fluorinated compounds with rational design of structure for highly specific and unique function. Even better, these methods rely on cost-effective and commercially available fluoride feedstock.

    Prof Dr Ryan Gilmour at the University of münster

    ERC project information

  • Completed projects

    Year Recipient Subject area
    2017 Prof Dr Olga Garcia Mancheño chemistry
    2016 Prof Dr Mario Schelhaas virology