Welcome to the website of the
Welcome to the website of the

Research Alumni Strategy

  • Offers optimal working conditions and career opportunities to brilliant researchers from around the world
  • Promotes global visibility of excellent research associations and their corresponding focuses of research
  • Stimulates new impulses through collaboration with international experts
  • Expands and strengthens international partnerships and worldwide networks

These are the four main pillars of RE.AL, the Research Alumni Strategy of the University of Münster which is currently being professionalised and expanded in collaboration with the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.

RE.AL WWU Ambassadors 2018
© Uni MS / Thomas Mohn

On Saturday, 7 July 2018 Prof Daniela Bonnano from Italy und Prof Fernando Buarque de Lima Neto from Brazil were nominated as the first RE.AL Ambassadors at WWU (by Rector Prof. Johannes Wessels) during the Alumni-Day. The two internationally mobile academics from the University of Palermo and Pernambuco-Recife have been thoroughly engaged in research cooperation with WWU over the last years. In their new role they will promote the excellent research environment in Münster in their home countries and international networks, while further favouring the development of joint scientific projects and the international visibility of WWU.

Photos and further information on the Alumni-Day
Press release of the WWU
Article in the "Westfälische Nachrichten"

Audrey Busch, Prof. Dr. Daniele Bonnano, Prof. Dr. Fernando Buarque de Lima Neto, Prof. Dr. Johannes Wessels, Nina Nolte (v.l.t.r.)

RE.AL goes Brazil
© IO

If you have spent a short or long term research stay at the University of Münster conducting research, whether as doctoral candidate, post-doctoral researcher or professor, and currently live and work as a scientist in Brazil, please come and join us!
The WWU invites you to the Research Alumni Meeting "hEUrizon Brazil" in São Paulo, Brazil.

São Paulo, Brazil

Registration and further information:

© Uni MS / International Office

Welcome Centre

Our alumni activities begin with initial contact and continue for the duration of your reseach visit in Münster. If you have any questions, please contact us first!

The Welcome Centre of the International Office supports international researchers and their hosting faculties with a broad range of information and consultation services. Our staff would be happy to help you plan and carry out each phase of your research stay in Münster.

Geographically anchored

RE.AL is regionally orientated to the goals of the Internationalisation Strategy [de] of the University of Münster.

Brazil Centre [de]

The University of Münster supports more research collaborations with Brazil than any other German university. In 2010, the University established the Brazil Centre to oversee all of its Brazil-relevant research projects and programmes.

The staff of the Brazil Centre in Münster provides advice and assistance to all University facilities regarding research activities in Brazil, research transfer, teaching and studies. The University also operates an office in São Paolo which serves as the central contact point for all researchers on location.

© Uni MS - Centre for Europe

Centre for Europe

Europe is the place of origin and destination for most academically mobile researchers at the University of Münster. The German-Dutch border region represents a particularly important place of academic collaboration for the University.

The Centre for Europe aims to consolidate, support, justify and encourage all European-relevant activities at the University of Münster. The University also maintains its own liaison office in Brussels.