Research Design and Statistics - Versuchsplanung und Statistik

Module Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Bernd Strauss

A detailed description of the objectives and contents of the module can be found in the module manual.


Course Coursetype Examinationnumber SWS CP
Basic Introduction to Research methods and Statistics Lecture 14006 2 3
Basic Project in Applied Data Acquisition and Analysis Seminar 14002 1 2
SPSS Tutorial Seminar 14003 2 2
Interpretation Methods in Statistics Seminar 14004 2 2
Advanced Project in Applied Data Acquisition and Analysis Seminar 14005 1 2
Examination in Basic Introduction to Research Methods and Statistics (60 min) Component Module Examination 14010 - -
Written documentation of project (20 pages) Component Module Examination 14020 - -

Lecturers of this modul in the current semester

Lecturers in the current semester


The required coursework will be announced on the first day of the course. Please find all necessary information in the module manual.

Degree-Relevant Examinations/Final Module Examination

In module 4, component module examinations in the form of a written examination of 60 minutes and a written documentation (20 pages) are examined. Please find all necessary information in the module manual.

Registration and signing-off for the courses

You will find all information here