Master of Science "Sports, Exercise and Human Performance"
The study programme
The Master of Science "Sports, Exercise and Human Performance" represents a specialized masters degree focusing strongly on research. In particular, the study programme is characterized by its alignment on scientific methods as well as its strong direction into internationally used standards and the imparting of field-typical ‚soft-skills‘ without implicating any sport specific practices.
The study programme aims to enable students to work in research-based occupational areas, to make scienfitically based decisions, to generate knowledge, as well as being able to do diagnostics, planning and evaluating independently.
The students should achieve profession-specific competences in leadership and communication skills to finally be placed in leading and decisive staff positions.
The masters degree is a graduate program including 120 ECTS-Credit-Points designed for undergraduate students who achieved skills in natural and behavioural sciences including medical aspects of sports and human movement. Elementary methodological knowledge is necessary as well as capabilities in experimental and field research.
Qualifications of this study programme
- Competencies in independent research (conception, planning and execution; conduct of research projects on international standards)
- Competencies in implementing scientific results in training and rehabilitation
- Competencies in executing evaluation studies in terms of sports, exercise and human performance
- Competencies in an effective preparation and processing of scientific results for decision-making
Excellent students will be offered a 'fast-track‘-version. This possibility will combine the graduate programme and the start of a PhD-graduation, aiming on a scientific occupation and the initiation of a further academic career.