Research Foci
- Psychology of Religion
- Sociology of Religion
- Social-scientific research on Islam
Further Affiliation at the University of Münster
Academic Education
- Habilitation, Venia Legendi for "Empirical Research on Religion" and "Interreligious Studies", University of Bern (Switzerland)
- European Diploma of Advanced Study in Psychology of Religion, University of Vienna, Austria
- PhD studies in Psychology at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg with the thesis: „Religiosity and Rituals: Empirical Studies among East-German Adolescents"
- Studies in Psychology (with Theology as minor subject), Martin Luther University, Halle-Wittenberg, Germany
- SNF-Forschungsstipendium – Schweizer Nationalfond (SNF)
- Ernst E. Boesch Prize (Young researcher award) – Gesellschaft für Kulturpsychologie
- PhD scholarship – FAZIT foundation
- PhD scholarship – Protestant Church of Central Germany
External Functions
- Royal Society (Associate Editor of Royal Society Open Science, Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience)
- Advisory Board Member for the Psychology of Religion at Journal of Islamic Research (Ankara University, Theological Faculty)
- International Society of Empirical Research in Theology (ISERT)
- General secretary and treasurer of the International Association for the Psychology of Religion (IAPR)
- cultura & psyché: Journal of Cultural Psychology - Associate Editor
- Journal of Empirical Theology - Associate Editor
- German Sociological Association
- Sektion Religionssoziologie in der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie
- Association for Cultural Psychology
- International Association for the Psycholgy of Religion (IAPR)
- Work group of quantitative research on religion
- Seminar: Intra- und inter-group processes (social psychology) [062631]
- Seminar: The psychology of religion [062632]
- Seminar: The psychology of religion [068637]
- Seminar: Intra- und inter-group processes (social psychology) [068636]
- IRU-IT-2022 – Religiosität, Werte und die Wahrnehmung antimuslimischer Diskriminierung unter Studierenden der Islamischen Theologie und - Religionslehre (since )
Own Resources Project - Resentment as the affective foundations of radicalization ( – )
Main BMBF-Joint Project: Federal Ministry of Education and Research | Project Number: 01UG2039 - Politischer Islam und autoritärer Nationalismus, 29.-30. November 2023, Münster ( – )
Scientific Event: Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community | Project Number: ÖS II 2-53005/2#6 - EXC 2060 B3-12 - Religious Fundamentalism ( – )
Subproject in DFG-Joint Project Hosted at the University of Münster: DFG - Cluster of Excellence | Project Number: EXC 2060/1 - Religiosity in East and West, 25.-27.06.2019 in Münster ( – )
Scientific Event: Participation / conference fees
- IRU-IT-2022 – Religiosität, Werte und die Wahrnehmung antimuslimischer Diskriminierung unter Studierenden der Islamischen Theologie und - Religionslehre (since )
- Demmrich, and Sarah. . “Studying Religiosity Beyond (Western) Christianity: an Empirical-Psychological Perspective and its Implications.” Journal of Empirical Theology, № Advance Article: 1–20. doi: 10.1163/15709256-20240011.
- Demmrich, Sarah, and Hanel, Paul H. P. . “The relative role of religiosity in radicalization: how orthodox and fundamentalist religiosity are linked to violence acceptance.” Frontiers in Social Psychology, № 2 doi: 10.3389/frsps.2024.1406688.
- Şenel, Abdulkerim, and Demmrich, Sarah. . “Prospective Islamic Theologians and Islamic religious teachers in Germany: between fundamentalism and reform orientation.” British Journal of Religious Education, № 46: 1–19. doi: 10.1080/01416200.2024.2330908.
- Senel, Abdulkerim, and Demmrich, Sarah. . “Prospective Islamic Theologians and Islamic religious teachers in Germany: between fundamentalism and reform orientation.” British Journal of Religious Education, № Latest Articles (-) doi: 10.1080/01416200.2024.2330908.
- Demmrich, Sarah, Aglikaya-Sahin, Zuhal, and Senel, Abdulkerim. . “Love Thy Neighbor: Exploring Religious and Social Openness among Prospective Theologians in Germany and Turkey.” Religions, № 15 (260): 1–18. doi: %2010.3390/rel15030260.
- Demmrich, Sarah, and Blaszcyk, Sabine. . “Erzieherinnen qualifizieren: Evaluation eines religionspädagogischen Angebotes in kommunalen und evangelischen Kindertagesstätten.” in Pespektivverschiebungen im religiösen Feld: Lernprozesse angesichts zunehmender Konfessionslosigkeit , Vol. 91 of Arbeiten zur Praktischen Theologie, edited by Michael Domsgen and Katharina Höhn-Norden. Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt.
- Demmrich, and Sarah. . “Religiosität und Rituale: Empirische Untersuchungen an ostdeutschen Jugendlichen.” in Pespektivverschiebungen im religiösen Feld: Lernprozesse angesichts zunehmender Konfessionslosigkeit , Vol. 91 of Arbeiten zur Praktischen Theologie, edited by Michael Domsgen and Katharina Höhn-Norden. Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt.
- Pollack, Detlef, Müller, Olaf, and Demmrich, Sarah. . “Religious Fundamentalism: A Conceptual and Empirical Study Among Muslims of Turkish Origin in Germany.” Sociology of Religion, № srae035 doi:
- Allolio-Näcke, Lars, and Demmrich, Sarah. . “Religion and religiosity.” in Cultural Psychology: An introduction, edited by Uwe Wolfradt, Lars Allolio-Näcke and Paul Sebastian Ruppel. Berlin: Springer Nature. doi:
- Williamson, W.Paul, and Demmrich, Sarah. . Brill Research Perspectives in Religion and Psychology, An International Review of Empirical Research on the Psychology of Fundamentalism, Leiden: Brill.
- Utsch, Michael, and Demmrich, Sarah. . Psychologie des Glaubens: Einführung in die Religionspsychologie. Stuttgart: UTB.
- Demmrich, Sarah, Kaplan, Hasan, and Senel, Abdulkerim. . “The Variety of Religiosities in Contemporary Turkey Established and New Categories of Religious Self-Assessment from a Representative Quota Sample.” European Journal of Turkish Studies, № Complete List (35): 1–23. doi: 10.4000/ejts.8168.
- Demmrich, and Sarah. . “Review of "Dimitris Xygalatas. Ritual: How Seemingly Senseless Acts Make Life Worth Living. New York: Profile Books, 2022. 320 pp. isbn 9780316462402 (hbk.)".” Numen, № 70 (5): 630–632. doi: 10.1163/15685276-20231709.
- Demmrich, Sarah, Koppold-Liebscher, Daniela, Klatte, Caroline, Steckhan, Nico, and Ring, Raphaela Maria. . “Effects of religious intermittent dry fasting on religious experience and mindfulness: A longitudinal study among Baha’is. Psychology of Religion and Spirituality.” Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, № 15 (4): 459–470. doi: 10.1037/rel0000423.
- Pollack, D, Demmrich, S, and Müller, O. . “Editorial - Religious fundamentalism: new theoretical and empirical challenges across religions and cultures.” Zeitschrift für Religion, Gesellschaft und Politik, № 7 (1): 1–11. doi: 10.1007/s41682-023-00159-y.
- Allolio-Näcke, Lars, and Demmrich, Sarah. . “Religion und Religiosität.” in Kulturpsychologie. Eine Einführung., edited by Uwe Wolfradt, Lars Allolio-Näcke and Paul Sebastian Ruppel. Düsseldorf: Springer VDI Verlag.
- Demmrich, Sarah, and Hanel, Paul H. P. . “When religious fundamentalists feel privileged: Findings from a representative study in contemporary Turkey.” Current Research in Ecological and Social Psychology, № 4 100115. doi: 10.1016/j.cresp.2023.100115.
- Koppold-Liebscher, Daniela, and Demmrich, Sarah. . “Alle Jahre wieder - Was bewirkt die Fastenzeit? Ergebnisse einer Forschungsarbeit an der Charité in Berlin über das Bahá'i-Fasten.” Baha'i Nachrichten, № 178 (4): 48–53.
- Ring, M., R., Eisenmann, C., Kandil, I., F., Steckhan, N., Demmrich, Klatte, S., C., Kessler, S., C., Jeitler, M., Boschmann, M., Michalsen, A., Blakeslee, B., S., Stöckigt, B., Stritter, W., Koppold-Liebscher, and A., D. . “Mental and Behavioural Responses to Bahá’í Fasting: Looking behind the Scenes of a Religiously Motivated Intermittent Fast Using a Mixed Methods Approach.” Nutrients, № 14 (5) doi: 10.3390/nu14051038.
- Lewis, C.A., Davis, S., Corry, D.A. S., and Demmrich, S. . “Translation of the extended addictive features section of the Ottawa Self-injury Inventory Version 3.1 in German.” International Journal of High Risk Behaviors and Addiction, № 11 (1) e118936. doi: 10.5812/ijhrba.118936.
- Demmrich, S., Pollack, D., and Müller, O. . “Religion und Integration bei türkeistämmigen Muslimen in Deutschland.” Soziale Welt, № Sonderband 25: 185–205.
- Demmrich, and Sarah. . “Religionspsychologie kulturpsychologisch verortet: Der Abschied vom homo religiosus.” psychosozial, № 45 (4): 105–107. doi: 10.30820/0171-3434-2022-4-105.
- Demmrich, Sarah, Ezli, Özkan, and Bokler-Völkel, Evelyn. . “Wissenschaftlicher Kommentar zur DİTİB Jugendstudie 2021.” MIgration und Soziale Arbeit, № 44 (4): 376–381.
- Demmrich, Sarah, Ezli, Özkan, and Bokler-Völkel, Evelyn. . “Wissenschaftlicher Kommentar zur DİTİB Jugendstudie 2021.” MIgration und Soziale Arbeit, № 44 (4): 376–381.
- Demmrich, Sarah, Ağılkaya-Şahin, Zuhâl, and Yapıcı, Asım. . “Introduction.” in Sociology of Religion in Turkey, edited by Zuhâl Ağılkaya-Şahin, Asım Yapıcı and Sarah Demmrich. Istanbul: Camlica.
- Zuhal, Ağılkaya Şahin, Asım, Yapıcı, and Sarah, Demmrich, eds. . Sociology of Religion in Turkey, Istanbul: Camlica.
- Koppold-Liebscher, Daniela, Klatte, Caroline, Demmrich, Sarah, Schwarz, Julia, Kandil, Farid I., Steckhan, Nico, Ring, Raphaela, Kessler, Christian S., Jeitler, Michael, Koller, Barbara, Ananthasubramaniam, Bharath, Eisenmann, Clemens, Mähler, Anja, Boschmann, Michael, Kramer, Achim, and Michalsen, Andreas. . “Effects of Bahá'í fasting on hydration, metabolism and circadian clock: a prospective exploratory cohort study.” Frontiers in Nutrition, № xx doi: 10.3389/fnut.2021.662310.
- Demmrich, Sarah, and Arakon, Maya. . “Kurdish, Turkish, German? Identificative integration of Kurds in Germany.” Ethnic and Racial Studies, № 44 (4): 659–678. doi: 10.1080/01419870.2020.1752391.
- Demmrich, Sarah, and Akçe, Havagül. . “Revisiting the Religious Openness Hypothesis in a Migration Context: The Case of Muslims with a Turkish Migration Background in Germany.” Journal of Empirical Theology, № 34 (2): 201–226. doi: 10.1163/15709256-12341425.
- Riegel, Ulrich, and Demmrich, Sarah. . “Religious Education and Pastoral Care at the Crossroads of Eastern and Western Perspectives on Religion: An Outlook.” in Western and Eastern Perspectives on Religion and Religiosity, Research on Religious and Spiritual Education, edited by Sarah Demmrich and Ulrich Riegel. Münster: Waxmann.
- Demmrich, Sarah, and Riegel, Ulrich. . “Preface.” in Western and Eastern Perspectives on Religion and Religiosity, Research on Religious and Spiritual Education, edited by Sarah Demmrich and Ulrich Riegel. Münster: Waxmann.
- Demmrich, Sarah, and Riegel, Ulrich, eds. . Research on Religious and Spiritual Education, Western and Eastern Perspectives on Religion and Religiosity. Münster: Waxmann.
- Demmrich, Sarah, and Huber, Stefan. . “What Do Seculars Understand as ‘Spiritual’? A Replication of Eisenmann et al.’s Semantics of Spirituality.” Journal of Religion in Europe, № 13: 67–95. doi: 10.1163/18748929-13010008.
- Demmrich, and Sarah. . “Eine religionspsychologische Perspektive auf Besessenheit: Die Studie von Traugott Konstantin Oesterreich (1921) und ihre heutige Relevanz.” cultura & psyché: Journal of Cultural Psychology, № 1 (1) doi: 10.1007/s43638-020-00004-6.
- Demmrich, Sarah, and Akgül, Semra. . “Bullying Experience among Adolescents with a Turkish Migration Background in Germany: Ethnic Class Composition, Integration, and Religiosity as Protective Factors?” International journal of environmental research and public health, № 17 (13): 1–16. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17134776.
- Demmrich, Sarah, and Riegel, Ulrich. . “Editorial to the Special Issue: The Cultural Bias of Religiosity: Concepts, Measurements, and Results from Non-Western Perspectives.” Journal of Empirical Theology, № 33 (1): 1–5. doi: 10.1163/15709256-12341407.
- Demmrich, and Sarah. . “Music as a trigger of religious experience: What role does culture play?” Psychology of Music, № 48 (1): 35–48. doi: 10.1177/0305735618779681.
- Demmrich, and Sarah. . “Eine verzerrte Religionspsychologie und ihre praktisch-theologischen Implikationen - Matthias Marks: Religionspsychologie.” Praktische Theologie, № 55 (2): 115–117.
- Demmrich, and Sarah. . “How to measure Baha’i religiosity: The CRSi-20 for Baha’is as a first reliable and valid measurement.” Religions, № 11 doi: 10.3390/rel11010029.
- Ringnes, Hege K., and Demmrich, Sarah. . “The case of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Norway and the emotional implications of eschatological expectations and membership: Non-individualized doctrinal beliefs within a highly individualized mainstream society.” in Religiosity in East and West: Conceptual and Methodological Challenges from Global and Local Perspectives, Veröffentlichungen der Sektion Religionssoziologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie, edited by Sarah Demmrich and Ulrich Riegel. Düsseldorf: Springer VDI Verlag.
- Demmrich, Sarah, and Riegel, Ulrich. . “Preface.” in Religiosity in East and West: Conceptual and Methodological Challenges from Global and Local Perspectives, Veröffentlichungen der Sektion Religionssoziologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie, edited by Sarah Demmrich and Ulrich Riegel. Düsseldorf: Springer VDI Verlag.
- Demmrich, Sarah, and Riegel, Ulrich, eds. . Veröffentlichungen der Sektion Religionssoziologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie, Religiosity in East and West: Conceptual and Methodological Challenges from Global and Local Perspectives, Düsseldorf: Springer VDI Verlag.
- Demmrich, Sarah, and Huber, Stefan. . “Multidimensionality of Spirituality: A Qualitative Study among Secular Individuals.” Religions, № 10 doi: 10.3390/rel10110613.
- Demmrich, Sarah. . “Kurden in Deutschland.” Pogrom: Magazin der Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker, № 2019: 53–55.
- Hanel, Paul H. P., Demmrich, Sarah, and Wolfradt, Uwe. . “Centrality of Religiosity, Schizotypy, and Human Values: The Impact of Religious Affiliation.” Religions, № 10 doi: 10.3390/rel10050297.
- Ringnes, Hege Kristin, Demmrich, Sarah, Hegstad, Harald, Stålsett, Gry, and Danbolt, Lars Johan. . “End time and Emotions: Emotion Regulation Functions of Eschatological Expectations among Jehovah's Witnesses in Norway.” Journal of Empirical Theology, № 32 (1): 105–137. doi: 10.1163/15709256-12341385.
- Demmrich, Sarah, and Wolfradt, Uwe. . “Die ‚Gottesidee‘ als Wesensmerkmal der Religion im Denken Karl Girgensohns.” Journal for the History of Modern Theology, № 26 (2): 86–103. doi: 10.1515/znth-2019-0017.
- Demmrich, Sarah, and Wolfradt, Uwe. . “William James (1842-1910): Die Vielfalt religiöser Erfahrung (1902).” in Schlüsselwerke der Religionssoziologie, edited by Gert Pickel and Christel Gärtner. Düsseldorf: Springer VDI Verlag.
- Demmrich, Sarah, and Blume, Michael. . “Nichtreligiosität und ‚religiöse Unentschlossenheit‘ bei türkeistämmigen MigrantInnen in Deutschland: Eine erste Beschreibung.” Conflict & communication online, № 17 (1-14)
- Demmrich, and Sarah. . “Religiöse Entwicklung.” in Handbuch Konfi-Arbeit, edited by Thomas Ebinger, Thomas Böhme, Matthias Hempel, Herbert Kolb and Achim Plagentz. Güterloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus.
- Demmrich, Sarah, and Wolfradt, Uwe. . “Personal Rituals in Adolescence: Their Role in Emotion Regulation and Identity Formation.” Journal of Empirical Theology, № 31 (2): 217–238. doi: 10.1163/15709256-12341373.
- Sarah, Demmrich. . “Musik, Religiosität und Dissoziation: Der Einfluss von Musik auf religiös-dissoziative Erfahrungen.” in Schlüsselthemen der Psychotherapie, Vol. 4 of Pierre Janets Beiträge zur modernen Psychiatrie und Psychologie, edited by U. Wolfradt, P. Fielder and G. Heim. Lengerich: Pabst Verlag.
- Sarah, Demmrich. . “Musik, Religiosität und Dissoziation: der Einfluss von Musik auf religiösdissoziative Erfahrungen [Music, religiosity, and dissociation: The influence of music on religious-dissociative experience].” Musik-, Tanz- & Kunsttherapie, № 27: 219–225.
- Demmrich, Sarah, Atmaca, Sümeyya, and Dinç, Cüneyt. . “Body Image and Religiosity among Veiled and Non-Veiled Turkish Women.” Journal of Empirical Theology, № 30 (2): 127–147.
- Wolfradt, Uwe, and Demmrich, Sarah. . “Willwoll, Alexander.” in Deutschsprachige Psychologinnen und Psychologen 1933-1945, edited by Uwe Wolfradt, Elfriede Billmann-Mahecha and Armin Stock. Düsseldorf: Springer VDI Verlag.
- Sarah, Demmrich. . “Scheerer, Martin.” in Deutschsprachige Psychologinnen und Psychologen 1933-1945, edited by Uwe Wolfradt, Elfriede Billmann-Mahecha and Armin Stock. Düsseldorf: Springer VDI Verlag.
- Sarah, Demmrich. . “Hippius, Maria.” in Deutschsprachige Psychologinnen und Psychologen 1933-1945, edited by Uwe Wolfradt, Elfriede Billmann-Mahecha and Armin Stock. Düsseldorf: Springer VDI Verlag. doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-15040-2.
- Sarah, Demmrich. . “Eliasberg, Wladimir.” in Deutschsprachige Psychologinnen und Psychologen 1933-1945, edited by Uwe Wolfradt, Elfriede Billmann-Mahecha and Armin Stock. Düsseldorf: Springer VDI Verlag. doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-15040-2.
- Sarah, Demmrich. . “Religionspsychologie in der Türkei: Perspektive einer deutschen (Religions-)Psychologin.” Wege zum Menschen. Zeitschrift für Seelsorge und Beratung, heilendes und soziales Handeln., № 69: 31–46. doi: 10.13109/weme.2017.69.1.5.
- Sarah, Demmrich. . “Das emotionsregulative Potential von Gebeten: Theoretische Ausführungen und erste empirische Befunde an ostdeutschen Jugendlichen.” in Theologie und Spiritualität des Betens: Handbuch Gebet, edited by Philipp Thull and Matthias Arnold. Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder Verlag.
- Sarah, Demmrich. . “Wieso Rituale? Eine theoretische und empirische Analyse ritueller Praxis ostdeutscher Jugendlicher.” in Lebensübergänge begleiten: Was sich von Religiösen Jugendfeiern lernen lässt, edited by Michael Domsgen and Emilia Handke. Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt.
- Wolfradt, Uwe, and Demmrich, Sarah. . “Traugott Konstantin Oesterreich: An Early Pioneer of the Psychology of Religion.” in A Hundred Years of the IAPR: A Celebratory Supplement to the Archive for the Psychology of Religion, edited by Jacob van Belzen. Leiden: Brill.
- Sarah, Demmrich. . „Arbeiten zur Praktischen Theologie“, Religiosität und Rituale: Empirische Untersuchungen an ostdeutschen Jugendlichen, Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt.
- Demmrich, Sarah, Wolfradt, Uwe, and Domsgen, Michael. . “Religiosität, globale Lebensziele und Persönlichkeit bei katholischen, protestantischen und konfessionslosen Studierenden.” Wege zum Menschen. Zeitschrift für Seelsorge und Beratung, heilendes und soziales Handeln., № 67: 209–227. doi: 10.13109/weme.2015.67.3.209.
- Sarah, Demmrich. . “An exploratory study of prayer in religiously-affiliated and non-religiously affiliated adolescents in East Germany.” International Journal of Practical Theology, № 19: 40–59. doi: 10.1515/ijpt-2014-1001.
- Sarah, Demmrich. . “Scheerer, Martin.” in Deutschsprachige Psychologinnen und Psychologen 1933-1945, edited by Uwe Wolfradt, Elfriede Billmann-Mahecha and Armin Stock. Düsseldorf: Springer VDI Verlag.
- Sarah, Demmrich. . “Hippius, Maria.” in Deutschsprachige Psychologinnen und Psychologen 1933-1945, edited by Uwe Wolfradt, Elfriede Billmann-Mahecha and Armin Stock. Düsseldorf: Springer VDI Verlag.
- Sarah, Demmrich. . “Eliasberg, Wladimir.” in Deutschsprachige Psychologinnen und Psychologen 1933-1945, edited by Uwe Wolfradt, Elfriede Billmann-Mahecha and Armin Stock. Düsseldorf: Springer VDI Verlag.
- Sarah, Demmrich. . “Religiosität und Rituale: Empirische Untersuchungen an ostdeutschen Jugendlichen.” Dissertation thesis, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg.
- Sarah, Demmrich. . “Religiöse Rituale und das Erleben der veränderten Bewusstseinszustände Dissoziation und Depersonalisation.” in Dissoziation und Kultur. Pierre Janets Beiträge zur modernen Psychiatrie und Psychologie (Vol. 3), edited by Uwe Wolfradt, Gerhard Heim and Peter Fiedler. Lengerich: Pabst Verlag.
- Demmrich, Sarah, Wolfradt, Uwe, and Domsgen, Michael. . “Dissociation in religion and spirituality: God images and religious rituals in the context of dissociative experiences among a sample of German adults.” Journal of Empirical Theology, № 26: 229–241. doi: 10.1163/15709256-12341276.
- Sarah, Demmrich. . Emotionsregulative Effekte des Gebets bei Jugendlichen: Eine explorative Studie an familial religiös und nicht-religiös Sozialisierten., München: Akademische Verlagsgemeinschaft München.
Scientific Talks
- Demmrich, Sarah : “The Phenomenon of Possession in an Interreligious Context: The Study by Traugott K. Oesterreich (1921) and its Contemporary Relevance”. Ancient and Modern Ideas of Possession, University of Innsbruck, Austria, .
- Demmrich, S., Pollack, D., & Müller, O. : “The role of religiosity and fundamentalism in acceptance of religious violence: A study among Muslims of Turkish origin in Germany”. Conference of the European Academy of Religion (EuARe), University of Münster, Germany, .
- Demmrich, Sarah : „The phenomenon of possession in an interreligious context: The study by Traugott K. Oesterreich (1921) and its contemporary relevance“. Hans Kilian Vorlesung, Universität Bochum, .
- Ringnes, Hege K., & Demmrich, Sarah : “Emotional Forecasting: Emotional Implications of Eschatological Expectations among Jehovah´s Witnesses”. Conference on Apocalypticism and Millenarianism (CenSAMM): Critical and Interdisciplinary Approaches , Online, .
- Pollack, Detlef, Demmrich, Sarah, & Müller, Olaf : “Religious Fundamentalism: The case of Muslims of Turkish origin in Germany”. “Religious Fundamentalism: New Challenges in Theory and Empirics across Cultures and Religions", University of Münster, .
- Demmrich, Sarah; Müller, Olaf; Pollack, Detlef : „Religion and integration among Muslims of Turkish origin in Germany“. Jahrestagung 2020 des Arbeitskreises quantitative Religionsforschung (AKqR)„Religion und Migration“, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität und Universität Leipzig (online), .
- Demmrich, Sarah : “Migration and Religion- New Frontiers in the Intersection between Sociology and Psychology - (Keynote)”. International Multidisciplinary Conference on the topic „Transformations and Challenges in the Global World", Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria, .
- Demmrich, Sarah; Huber, Stefan : „Multidimensionality of Spirituality“. 10. Interdisziplinäre Tagung des Zentralinstituts »Anthropologie der Religion(en)« vom 29.9. bis 1.10. 2020 an der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg »Spiritualität«, Erlangen, .
- Demmrich, Sarah : “Turkish-Muslim Religiosity in Europe: Discussion on Peculiarities and Generalizations”. Din Psikolojisi E-Seminerleri, Istanbul, .
- Demmrich, Sarah; Müller, Olaf; Pollack, Detlef : “Religious fundamentalism: the case of Muslims of Turkish origin in Germany”. Conference of the International Association for the Psychology of Religion (IAPR) 2019, Gdansk, Poland, .
- Skrzypińska, Katarzyna; Lazar, Aryeh; Ladd, Kevin; Demmrich, Sarah; Kaplan, Hasan; Chen, Zhuo Job : “The Threefold Nature of Spirituality (TNS) model: the Relationship between Rational, Emotional and Spiritual Intelligences - Cross-Cultural Approach”. Conference of the International Association for the Psychology of Religion (IAPR) 2019, Gdansk, Poland, .
- Ringnes, Hege Kristin; Demmrich, Sarah; Hegstad, Harald; Stalsett, Gry; Danbolt, Lars Johan : “Emotional forecasting: Future emotions having impact on present emotions in end time-oriented Jehovah's Witnesses”. Conference of the International Association for the Psychology of Religion (IAPR) 2019, Gdansk, Poland, .
- Hege K. Ringnes, Sarah Demmrich, Harald Hegstad, Gry Stålsett, Lars Johan Danbolt : “The Influence of Eschatological Doctrine on Individual’s Belief: Paradise Prospect of Jehova’s Witnesses and Their Emotional Implications”. Religiosity in East & West: Conceptual and Methodological Challenges, WWU, .
- Sümeyya Atmaca, Sarah Demmrich : “Body image and religiosity among Muslim women in Turkey: Challenges of generalization and Western measurements”. Religiosity in East & West: Conceptual and Methodological Challenges, WWU, .
- Sarah Demmrich : „Eine religionspsychologische Perspektive auf Besessenheit: Die Studie von Traugott Konstantin Oesterreich (1921) und ihre heutige Relevanz“. Kolloquium des IGPP, Freiburg i. Br., .
- Demmrich, Sarah; Domsgen, Michael : „Religiosity of adolescents in East Germany - New religious rituals and their functions in a highly secular context“. Hallesche Abendgespräche, Theologische Fakultät MLU Halle-Wittenberg, .
- Demmrich, Sarah : „Obsession from the perspective of the psychology of religion: The study by Traugott Konstantin Oesterreich (1921) and its contemporary today“. „Religion und Kultur: Fachhistorische Perspektiven“, MLU Halle-Wittenberg, .
- Demmrich, Sarah; Müller, Olaf; Pollack, Detlef : „Religiosity and Integration among the population of migrants of Turkish origin“. 39. DGS Kongress, Göttingen, .
- Demmrich, Sarah; Müller, Olaf; Pollack, Detlef : “Religiosity and integration among the population of Turkish immigrant background in Germany”. ESA RN 34 - Mid-term Conference "Religions and Identities in the European Migration Crisis", University of Turin, Turin, Italy, .
- Demmrich, Sarah : „Spirituality among adolescents in East Germany: New spiritual rituals and their psychological functions in a highly secular context“. Arbeitsgruppe Empirische Religionsforschung (AGER), Theologische Fakultät, Universität Bern (Schweiz), .
- Demmrich, Sarah : „Emotion regulation and religiosity: "Be not the slave of your moods, but their master"“. Gesellschaft für Baha'i Studien, Münster, .
- Demmrich, Sarah : „Rituals of East German adolescents - why? The construction of personal identity by personal rituals“. 8. Arbeitskreis quantitative Religionsforschung: „Religion und Identität(en) –Wirkungsweise, Interaktion, und Messbarkeit“, Düsseldorf, .
- Demmrich, Sarah : „Award Ceremony: Acknowledgement and Introduction to the project "Between Desire and Reality: Cultural and Social Integration in the Self-Image of Muslims in Germany"“. 13. Tagung der Kulturpsychologie: Emigration, Migration und Kultur, Hannover, .
- Atmaca, Sümeyya; Demmrich, Sarah : “Body Image & Religiosity among Veiled and Non-Veiled Turkish Women”. Conference of the International Association for the Psychology of Religion (IAPR), Hamar, Norway, .
- Demmrich, Sarah : „Religionspsychologie – Ein Fach voller Herausforderungen“. Theologische Fakultät, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Halle (Saale), Deutschland, .
- Demmrich, Sarah : “New religious rituals among East German adolescents: Religious experience during mourning and music rituals in a highly secular context”. Konferenz der International Association for the Psychology of Religion (IAPR), Marmara universität, Istanbul, Türkei, .
- Demmrich, Sarah : „Evaluationsbericht der Religionspädagogischen Qualifizierung für ErzieherInnen“. Regionalsynode der Evangelischen Kirche Mitteldeutschlands, EKM, Drübeck, Deutschland, .
- Demmrich, Sarah : “'And then I simply tried it' – Rituals and developmental tasks in the context of adolescent beliefs in East Germany”. Konferenz der International Association for the Psychology of Religion (IAPR), Universität Lausanne, Lausanne, Schweitz, .
- Demmrich, Sarah : „Religiosity and Dissociation“. Pierre Janet Gesellschaft, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Halle (Saale), Deutschland, .
- Demmrich, Sarah : „Religiosity and Emotionregulation - Theretical Apects of Emotion Regulation from the Perspective of the Psychology of Religion“. Bahai Studienseminar in Tambach im Mai 2012 & “Forum Langenhain“ in Langenhain im September 2012, Tambach, Deutschland; Langenhain, Deutschland, .
- Demmrich, Sarah : „Rituale und Entwicklungsaufgaben im Kontext jugendlicher Religiosität in Ostdeutschland“. "Lässt sich Geschmack bilden für Religion?" - Eröffnungstagung der Forschungsstelle Religiöse Kommunikations- und Lernprozesse, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Halle (Saale), Deutschland, .