“Converts are looking for truth”

Cluster of Excellence analyses conversions from Antiquity until the present day – lecture series “Conversion. Reversals in faith and life”, starting on 20 October in Münster

Press release of the Cluster of Excellence, 12 October 2015

© Joachim Schäfer - Ökumenisches Heiligenlexikon

According to scholars, Jews, Christians and Muslims stand in a centuries-old history of conversions when they change their religion today. “Ever since Antiquity, people have repeatedly changed their faiths or their world views fundamentally, and thus also their lives”, explain German Studies scholars Martina Wagner-Egelhaaf, Bruno Quast and historian Wolfram Drews from the University of Münster’s cluster “Religion and Politics”. The motif of such reversals in faith and life is often the pressing quest for truth, as is revealed by historical sources. “A dimension of this kind will probably still today apply to quite a few converts, while others might also decide to change their faith for family or job-related reasons”, according to Prof. Drews. The researchers announced the cluster’s upcoming public lecture series, “Conversion. Reversals of faith and life”, starting on 20 October.

The topics of the 14 lectures range from the conversion to Christianity in ancient Rome and dreams of conversion in the Middle Ages to early modern reformers to the baptism of European Jews in the 19th century. Conversions within Islam in Indonesia, the conversion of US-American musician Bob Dylan to Evangelical Christianity and the change from spiritual healing to psychiatry in contemporary India will also be canvassed. The lecture series investigates religious and also political and ideological conversions from Late Antiquity until the present day. “The focus will be on the historical, cultural and social conditions of conversions, the media and rhetorical strategies of their presentation and justification, and the structural similarities between religious and non-religious reversals”, explains Prof. Drews. Cultures outside Europe will also be taken into consideration.

Radicalisation of one’s own faith

Over the course of history, Prof. Wagner-Egelhaaf explains, people had very different notions of conversion. In Antiquity, it was understood as conversion if the attention of the philosopher’s soul was turned towards the deity. The ‘courtly love’ of the Middle Ages deified the beloved woman. In the modern age, the reversal from spiritual healing to psychiatry in part resulted in the uncritical adoption of scientific cures. And when lawyers no longer believe in the legislator, their worldview and self-perception also change in a very fundamental way.

The literal meaning of conversion is “turnaround”, the term describes a decisive change in life, according to Prof. Wagner-Egelhaaf. This can be the conversion from one denomination or religion to another, but also the radicalisation of one’s own faith or the change from non-belief to belief. Entering a cloister is a conversion as well, insofar as this is a radical change of life. Becoming a vegetarian, for example, or an avid reader of Thomas Mann, if one had formerly not been convinced by his works, could be taken as non-religious conversions. What is decisive is that such a conversion fundamentally changes the view of the world and of one’s own self as well as of the value system. Thus, conversions of this kind are often ideological, establishing new general principles for one’s own life.

In the course of history, very different kinds of people converted. Prof. Wagner-Egelhaaf points out that “generalisations are impossible here”. What is rather to be investigated in every individual case are the personal motives as well as the historical and cultural conditions. In addition, not every conversion is based on choice or inner conviction. “Those who convert from inner conviction, however, demonstrate a critical awareness towards predetermined ways of life and faith.”

“Today, attention is focussed on Muslim converts”

The public reaction to conversions has also always depended on the conditions of the respective era, as Prof. Drews adds. Today, for example, public debates focus on Muslim converts in particular. Other conversions also taking place, such as those from one Christian denomination to another, are “less conflict prone”, thus attracting less attention. This was quite different in the early modern period, when, for example, the Protestant queen Christina of Sweden, daughter of Gustav Adolf, who allegedly saved Protestants, converted to Catholicism. “Contemporaries also found it disconcerting when Bodo, palace deacon to Carolingian emperor Louis the Pious, converted to Judaism.”

According to Prof. Drews, the new parishes always reacted differently to the changes in faith. “People can count themselves lucky if they feel accepted by and included in their new religion.” Converts often face the accusation that their decision is not genuine and that it was made for job-related reasons alone. In the Middle Ages, a conversion might also have serious effects on one’s family: a Jew who became a Christian broke with his family. “This could lead to existential isolation.”

“No conversion without a tale or song”

Posterity often hears about conversions in reports that the converts themselves composed, according to Prof. Quast. “Many reappraised their conversion in literature or music. No conversion without a tale, report or song.” This was meant to cast a plausible, consistent and authentic light on the act of conversion, both for the public at large and for the author himself, and strengthened the newly gained identity both inwardly and outwardly. Thus, the most important source of conversion research are autobiographical reports, even if they were reshaped afterwards. An example are the dialogues of Christian convert Petrus Alfonsi in which he stages a soliloquy between Moses, named after his Jewish name, and Petrus, his new Christian name. Rhetorically, many conversion tales draw on primal scenes such as the conversion of church fathers Augustine and Jerome in the 4th century. There were also compilations of conversion reports in the pietist movement. Other conversions were literalised in a novel-like fashion, as Christian author Ruth Nahida Lazarus did in her novel “Ich suchte Dich!” (I was looking for you!) in 1898, in which she gives an account of her conversion to Judaism.

Representatives of various disciplines will speak in the cluster’s lecture series: of history and law, ethnology, theology, Arabic and German studies, Indonesian philology, Jewish studies and medieval Latin philology. The lectures will be held on Tuesdays from 6.15 to 7.45 pm in lecture theatre F2 of the Fürstenberghaus at Domplatz 20-22 in Münster. (ska/vvm)


20.10.2015 Johannes Hahn, Münster Bekehrung und Öffentlichkeit: Die Vielfalt der Konversion(en) in der Antike
27.10.2015 Gert Melville, Dresden Conversio und die Legitimation des Individuums. Beobachtungen zu den religiösen Gemeinschaften des Mittelalters
03.11.2015 Charlotte Köckert, Erlangen Konversion und Konversionserzählungen christlicher Asketen in der Spätantike: Augustinus, Paulinus von Nola und ihre Kreise
10.11.2015 Jan-Dirk Müller, München Konversion zur hohen Minne
17.11.2015 Christel Meier-Staubach, Münster Krise und Conversio. Grenzerfahrungen in der biographischen Literatur des Mittelalters
24.11.2015 Jean-Claude Schmitt, Paris Konversionsträume im Mittelalter
01.12.2015 Thomas Kaufmann, Göttingen Reformatoren als Konvertiten
08.12.2015 Susanne Enderwitz, Heidelberg Mit dem Schleier in die Öffentlichkeit: Ein Phänomen der (Re-)Konversion in Ägypten
15.12.2015 Regina Grundmann, Münster Die Taufe als „Entre Billet zur Europäischen Kultur“? Übertritte vom Judentum zum Christentum im Deutschland des 19. Jahrhunderts
12.01.2016 Marianne Heimbach-Steins, Münster „Zeitlebens eine Neubekehrte…“: Konversion als Biographiemuster. Spurensuche im Werk von Madeleine Delbrêl (1904–1964)
19.01.2016 Helene Basu, Münster Kann man zur Psychiatrie konvertieren? Antworten aus der mental-health-Bewegung in Indien
26.01.2016 Monika Arnez, Hamburg Innere Mission – Konversionsnarrative in Indonesien und Malaysia
02.02.2016 Heinrich Detering, Göttingen „Serve Somebody“: Dylans Konversionen
09.02.2016 Hans-Peter Haferkamp, Köln Juristenkonversionen

Winter semester 2015/2016
Tuesdays, 6.15 bis 7.45 p.m.
Lecture hall F2 at the Fürstenberghaus
Domplatz 20-22
48143 Münster