On 24.10.2024, the graduates of the 2nd State Examination in Pharmacy were formally discharged at the PharmaCampus of the University of Münster. We congratulate all graduates on passing their state exams and wish them every success in their pharmacy internships and future careers!
At the DPhG Annual Meeting 2024 in Münster, eight scientists recieved awards for outstanding poster contributions. Ms. Anika Lins (research group of Prof. Langer, Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmacy) received one of the Wiley poster awards.
The 2024 Annual Meeting of the German Pharmaceutical Society (DPhG) will take place at the University of Münster: Around 400 guests from science and pharmaceutical practice will meet from 24 to 26 September in the lecture theatre building and the castle.
The evaluation prize "Goldener Spatel" was awarded again this year by the Fachschaft Pharmazie during the 21th PharMSchool Symposium. We congratulate Dr. Fabian Herrmann.
On 20 June, endowed professor Dr. Denise Steiner gave an insight into her research areas in her opening lecture at the PharmaCampus of the University of Münster.
On 29.05.2024 Dr. rer. nat. Fabian Christopher Herrmann habilitated at the IPBP. The Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy awarded him the venia legendi for Pharmaceutical Biology and Phytochemistry and with it the title “Privatdozent”.
For the second time this year, 12 pharmacy students and 12 human medicine students were able to train interprofessional collaboration at the PharmaCampus in Münster.
During the graduation ceremony for the 2nd part of the pharmaceutical examination, study scholarships were awarded to Merry Elia and Merle Eckrodt. Please read on...
Under the slogan "Medicine meets Pharmacy", a pilot project between General Medicine at the UKM and the two pharmaceutical disciplines of Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacology was launched on 19 February.
As every year, the medicinal plant garden at the "PharmaCampus" of Münster University invites you to public Sunday tours. They take place monthly from April to September. Due to the limited number of participants, online registration is required.