| study scholarships
study scholarships

Verspohl Foundation awards study scholarships

Scholarship holders: Merle Eckrodt (l) and Merry Elia (r) with Prof. Dr. E. Verspohl
© Verspohl-Stiftung

Study scholarships were awarded during the graduation ceremony for the 2nd part of the Pharmaceutical Examination. The Verspohl foundation was established 12 years ago on the occasion of Prof. Dr. E.J. Verspohl's retirement from active service (Pharmacology and Toxicology at University of Münster). During this time, 26 scholarship holders and doctoral students were supported from the proceeds, with a total volume of around € 80,000. The purpose of such scholarships is to broaden opportunities, recognize social commitment, implement projects and, in addition to financial support, provide coaching and help with career decisions and planning.

On the one hand, Ms. Merry Elia (on the right in the picture) received a scholarship of 3600 € from Prof. Dr. Verspohl. The decision was made by an independent board of trustees (all pharmacy subjects are represented here) and the student council under the proven leadership of Prof. Dr. Klaus Langer (Pharmaceutical Technology); the consideration of life circumstances, her socio-political commitment and also her flight were briefly addressed.

In addition, the Verspohl Foundation contributes financially to the Germany Scholarship (ProTalent), which was awarded to Ms. Merle Eckrodt (left) on the basis of her good performance during her studies.