| Dr. Fabian Herrmann
Dr. Fabian Herrmann

Evaluation Award "Goldener Spatel" awarded

Fachschaft Pharmazie

Also this year the evaluation award "Golden Spatula" has been awarded by the "Fachschaft Pharmazie" during the 21th PharMSchool Symposium (2024-06-28).

Award winner Dr. Fabian Herrmann
© Fachschaft Pharmazie

The laudation reads:

Dear lecturers, dear guests of today's PharMSchool Symposium, dear students.

For the fourth time now, we have the pleasure of awarding the "Golden Spatula" teaching prize for particularly outstanding teaching to a lecturer from one of our institutes. Today, we would like to highlight a person who has made a significant contribution to the quality of teaching at the PharmaCampus, not only through their proximity to students, but also through their consistently outstanding didactic and academic skills. On the one hand, this person manages to inspire the students for the subject and, on the other hand, to create a working atmosphere that is always stimulating and open to discussion, not least through his open-minded manner and his willingness to listen to concerns of any kind at any time. This is further intensified by interspersed examples from later pharmacy practice. We thank you for your ongoing commitment to the students and your excellent teaching. We would now like to invite Dr. Fabian Hermann to the stage to congratulate him on his habilitation, a well-deserved "Golden Spatula" this year.

We are grateful to count you among the lecturers at the PharmaCampus and hope for many more years of collaboration and active exchange. You are an asset to the PharmaCampus! As a token of our gratitude and recognition of your work, we would like to present you with the Golden Spatula and a corresponding certificate!

© Fachschaft Pharmazie
© Fachschaft Pharmazie