© Nomos

New Book: Sufficiency – an Emerging Discourse? At the Crossroads of Mainstreaming and Transformation

The concept sufficiency is becoming increasingly important in societal discourse — for political actors, researchers and civil society actors alike. However, Dr. Pia Mamut shows that sufficiency has become mainstream in a way that weakens its transformative potential in her new book "Sufficiency - an Emerging Discourse? At the Crossroads of Mainstreaming and Transformation". Starting from this diagnosis she develops proposals to unleash its untapped transformative potential. I Read more 


ZIN-Brown Bag Lectures, Summer term 2024: „Digging for Diversity”

5 lectures with inputs from various disciplinary perspectives

During the summer term 2024, the Center for Interdisciplinary Sustainability Research organises its annual public interdisciplinary lecture series. This year, it is dedicated to the overarching theme "Digging for Diversity", asking various scientific disciplines for their perspective on the role of diversity within socio-ecological transformations. The lecture series, formerly known as "ZIN-Brotzeitkolloquium", will be held in English this year as the "ZIN Brown Bag Lectures". As an "open class", it will also be possible for students from partner universities of the Ulysseus European University Alliance to attend virtually. | Continue

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Doris Fuchs featured as a guest on the podcast “Wissenschaft und Politik im Gespräch”

ZIN member Prof. Doris Fuchs, Director at the Research Institute for Sustainability - Helmholtz Zentrum Potsdam and Professor of Sustainable Development at the University of Münster, was a guest in the first episode of the RIFS podcast #WuPiG (Wissenschaft und Politik im Gespräch) together with Andreas Jung (climate and energy policy spokesperson for the CDU/CSU parliamentary group in the Bundestag and deputy chairman of the CDU). | Read more

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ZIN is looking for student assistants

The Centre of Interdisciplinary Sustainability Research (ZIN) is looking for two student assistants as soon as possible. Students of all subjects at the University of Münster can apply for both positions.

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Lecture by ZIN spokesperson Tillmann Buttschardt at the "Farbe der Forschung" conference

Registration for the conference is still open

The "Farbe der Forschung 2024" conference will take place in Berlin from 15-16 March 2024. ZIN spokesperson and landscape ecologist Prof Tillmann Buttschardt will give a lecture on the topic of "Diversity - Synergy - Resilience: What are the advantages of new approaches such as syntropic agriculture and agroforestry systems?". | Read more

ZIN-scholars offer a wide range of sustainability-related courses in the summer term 2024

In the summer term 2024, ZIN members and staff will once again be offering a variety of exciting sustainability-related courses in various disciplines. These include, for example, the excursion "Von Tieren lernen; Münster anders erfahren", seminars on topics such as "Energiekommunikation" or "Soziologien der Nachhaltigkeit" and also lectures, for example on "Umweltmikrobiologie" or "Klimarecht".  | Read more