3rd event in the „ZIN-Brown Bag Lectures” series: “Biodiversity and Bio-Cultural Diversity”

On Thursday, 16.05. at 12:15 p.m. CET, landscape ecologist Prof. Tillmann Buttschardt and microbiologist Prof. Bodo Philipp will give short lectures on the topic of "Biodiversity and Bio-Cultural Diversity" as part of the "ZIN-Brown Bag Lectures". 

What are the individual lectures about? You can find out in these abstracts: 

  • ”Diversity und Resilience in landscape scale” (Prof. Tillmann Buttschardt): What makes landscapes less vulnerable to external change? What role do diversity and synergies play in this? Predictably, the changes that have already occurred in the climate system will bring about many challenges as well as extreme events. Our living environment must therefore be resilient or -where this is not the case -regenerated. The talk section sheds light on the background and emphasises the value of diversity. What does it mean to consider diversity not only at the organism or habitat level but also at the landscape scale?
  • ”Invisible and countless: the diversity of microorganisms and their function for ecosystems”(Prof. Bodo Philipp):When talking about biodiversity we usually think of animals and plants. However, the diversity of microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi is even greater, and for most of the species we do not exactly know what they are doing in the environment. Microorganisms are everywhere and their fascinating metabolic capabilities keep our ecosystems in equilibrium. This seminar aims at illustrating thisenormous diversity of microorganisms and their importance for our past, present and future lives.
The event will take place in lecture hall F4 (Fürstenberghaus) and online (click here for access data). No prior knowledge is required. You are welcome to bring a small lunch! Information on this and the other events of the "ZIN-Brown Bag Lectures" can also be found on the poster for the event series as well as on LinkedIn (@Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Nachhaltigkeitsforschung) and Facebook (@ZIN.unimuenster).