Call for Papers: E-Journal "Soziologie und Nachhaltigkeit" is looking for articles on "Sustainability between Ideology and Utopia"
In its 4th Call for Papers of the series "Soziologie und Nachhaltigkeit – Beiträge zur Sozial-ökologischen Transformationsforschung", the online journal "Soziologie und Nachhaltigkeit" is looking for contributions (in German) on the topic "Sustainability between Ideology and Utopia". Against this background, articles are welcome that deal with the ideological and/or utopian functions of the discourse on sustainability from the following perspectives:
- To what extent do sustainability concepts transport social critiques and strategies aimed at a fundamental change in the capitalist-growth-based economy?
- Which positions and patterns of interpretation are inscribed in the sustainability discourse as a whole, which subject positions are generated by it and who has no voice in the discourse, is rather marginalized by it, while on the other hand distinction gains arise?
- Has sustainability become an empty formula that is occupied and functionalized by the dominant economy (e.g. in the course of greenwashing campaigns of multinational corporations) in a highly functional way for production and consumption and thus for concealing the maintenance of an imperial way of life?
- Which actors and movements make use of the different concepts of sustainability and what effects do their transformation efforts have on society as a whole in relation to the realization of sustainable life practices?
- Does the discourse on sustainable development reproduce, consolidate and/or expand existing development paths and the power and domination relationships associated with them, or must the discourse on a sustainable society be regarded more as an effective force for emancipatory changes in the light of socio-ecological crises?
- To what extent is it to be expected that a broad coalition will emerge in the face of a worsening social-ecological crisis that not only generates resistant practices and local real experiments, but also initiates social counter-power and new political regulation practices?
Interested authors from practice and academia are invited to submit an abstract of a maximum of 500 words (in German) by October 31th 2018. Both theoretical and empirical contributions are welcome.
The complete Call for Papers can be found here.