Linden trees, cherry trees and winter barley come into blossom earlier – climate change manifests in Münster
In 1976 linden trees came into blossom at the end of June – this year, however, it is the end of May but cherry trees and winter barley are already further developed than in the last years. These observations clearly indicate that the seasons have changed, a development caused by climate change. The TV magazine “Lokalzeit Münsterland” focused on them in their show on June 7th.
Prof. Tillmann Buttschardt, landscape ecologist at the University of Münster and member of the ZIN, explained aforementioned developments as studio guest. With regard to agriculture, the shift in seasons is rather unproblematic, since farmers sow and harvest more flexibly and based on precise observations of nature, he said. However, he added, global warming is accompanied by bioclimatic stress and an accumulation of steam in the atmosphere, causing unpredictable and heavy precipitation. Tillmann Buttschardt answered the final question on his assessment of political actions against greenhouse gases critically and called for a clearer support for the climate goals of Paris. At the same time, he requested not only politicians but every individual to contribute to the combat against climate change in everyday life e.g. by reducing the consumption of meat or using the car less.